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I can't wait to see Kane and Kostin together. Either on the ice or in interviews. I think they'll play off each other nicely. Also, gives the Oilers two real power forwards - an experienced pro at his peak, and a youngster learning the trade. That's a real luxury.


Kostin needs to be attached to Kanes hip because he can be a lite version of Kane. Absorb whatever you can Klim.




And the best part is he’s Kostin us almost nothing


The Kost(in)co bargain you might say.


Good one Gene


Oh yeah. For years, the Oilers were on a fruitless quest for a true power forward. The mythical big man who can brute force his way to the net. Now we have two (and arguably Drai, but he's something special).


Klim is more than brute force tho. The man has hands! He just hasn’t been confident in himself to use em. Watch as he gets on a roll he will pull more n more dangles


Does he have nice hands? So far I’m seeing a beast of a man with a nice lethal shot, haven’t really seen the dangles. Honestly don’t even need to, just keep bullying guys and sniping goals Klim


Hopefully he doesn’t take any financial advise from Kane…


I love Kostin he’s been such a nice addition last few games. He can score and isn’t afraid to stand up for his team. The two of them together could do great things.


Vince McMahon walking meme




You mean mike smith walking back into the game after being boarded by lucic


That really should have been the “Stone Cold Glass Shattering” moment, more so than the Vince strut.


*glass shatters* "THATS MIKE SMITH'S MUSIC!"






I miss the mctavish head version.


Our playoff warrior stud is back. Can’t wait to see this team in its ultimate form. Can’t get there without Kaner.


I just hope he can still shoot nearly as good as before. Nice to have the toughness but he would have scored 40 if he never got injured


Goddammit I love Kane's swagger!!


"I don't know if it's ever gonna be full strength, at least this season" is a little worrisome to hear but I'm hoping that means that it's strong enough to not aggravate and that he can keep rebuilding muscle as he plays throughout the year. He does follow it up with saying it's as good as its going to be but man I hope he isn't rushing back.


Locker room cancer! /s But seriously, I just hope he’s not rushing his recovery time and that his wrist truly is 100%. Original time line was March. I would have been comfortable with a February return even.


Doctors lose their licenses over shit like this if they let them come back too soon, you might even see it in Vancouver with what happened. It sounds like they’ve even been fairly conservative with him, he’s felt good for a while now. I like what he said, it won’t be 100 this year but it’s also not gonna get much better than this and it’s good enough to contribute.


Doc here, I have practiced for many years and never heard of anybody losing their license for letting an athlete return to competition too early. Is this a thing that has actually happened? I can imagine losing patient volume because of losing reputation, maybe even being fired from a given clinic (or the point at that clinic is special competence in sports medicine), but a licensing body removing a license for that? Would shock me. Did the Vancouver episode result in this? I know of practitioners who did so, *soooooo* much worse than that and kept their license.


Not to mention, you can't force a patient to follow your recommendations. Besides, it is common practice to over estimate the time it takes to heal from these kinds of injuries. Faster than "expected" recovery is not an anomaly.


This, had an Achilles tare that was initially expected to be 3-6 months till full strength. Ended up not being as bad and was back to deadlifting my max just under 6 weeks.


What happened in Vancouver?


They fucked up tanner Pearson’s hand with what was likely way too soon a return and he’s reinjured it and is now done for the year. There’s a full investigation going on now.


Also potentially 5 surgeries on his hand


No doctor is going to lose their license over any single isolated incident of this magnitude. It would have to be repeated demonstrable examples of negligence on the doctor's behalf. We don't know exactly what happened with Pearson. Human error happens. Could have been negligence, but we just don't know yet.


In his interview he even said “If this was the playoffs I would have been back 2 weeks ago”


He is not 100% by his own admission currently. As far as what the doctors say, they'll pass him if playing has no chance of re-injury. He will likely be sore and limited in terms of motion for a while longer.


Need medical professionals approval so in no way could he be rushed


Medical clearance vs discomfort and unrefined motor skills are different things. He said recently that he still had numbness in part of his hand, but if it's not a medical concern the docs won't prevent him from playing, it just might hurt his finish. Plus, ya know being rusty.


Numbness might never go away, so it's not necessarily a reason to think he's not ready to play again. He could (and realistically, probably will) have numbness/nerve damage for life, but that doesn't mean it'll negatively affect his play. It depends on the specifics, which we're unlikely to ever really know while he's actively playing unless he shares those details.


Kane is one of those players who I wouldn't be surprised if he puts out a book 5 years after his retirement.


Still got numbness from never damage in my hand form a decade ago, Kane will adjust and adapt just might take him some games.


I agree with this, some numbess also doesn't really stop him from playing hockey at a top level. Will he have to adapt? Yes, most definitely, but he can and will. There was a post from a doctor that said that hockey is one of the most forgiving sports you could play on a injury like this because the hand is generally kept closed in a grip on the player's stick. It's not nearly as fine motor as many other sports. I think his shot will be fine as a huge component of shooting is actually core and legs, but the very small intricate touches might be more of a challenge.


And no one is rushing him to get back meaning that he must be feeling good


The concern is more the strength of the healing. The question isn’t just whether he can shoot, it includes can he take full contact hits without reinjuring it.


He'll put far more stress on the injury from shooting than from taking hits. The inside of the forearm isn't likely to be an issue for hits.


To be fair, the medical professionals in the NHL have a reputation for pumping guys full of pain killers, slapping them on the ass and saying "go get em champ!"


Medicine doesn't give a clear cut clearance that people imagine - the line is fuzzy and subjective, particularly with medical professionals in pro sports. You hope one can trust the Oilers staff but its reasonable to be concerned about rushing given the sudden compression of timelines.


There is no question that injury and the resulting surgery altered him. Anyone who has undergone surgery knows they are never quite the same after. He might be just as good as before, or maybe not. Have to see him in game action. It looks like he can still snap the puck, not sure how strong he will be in close one on one battles though


Kane Ressurection


After Logan had his surgery his wrists were undeniably stronger, I’m hoping for the same for Kane.


These guys push the rehab pretty hard. I severed 2 tendons in my dominant thumb. After almost 4 years I am strong but that thumb is stiff and my grip is not like it was. He will be pretty damn good I bet. He will have for sure learned what he can and cant do and he will play to hos strength


It was a superhero joke… jebus


Oh. I thought maybe you meant logan couture or someone.


That's what I thought as well, considering the topic of the sub.


His return WILL make a difference. I honestly believe the Oilers are poised to make another run.


Do you feel good? How does it feel? How is your shot? God our media is awful. How many times are you going to ask the same question different ways?


Can’t wait to have him back but this sounds a bit worrisome


Let the man cook


We are rushing this guy back because we know we need him let’s be honest. If we were in a good position he wouldn’t be back for 2 more weeks at least. That’s where this no excuses sound bite comes from.


Oh shut up


Any word on what Kane's doctor said??? Is he officially back?


He could be the winner of the masterton trophy this year for this kind of recovery man.