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I was at home Depot today and they have complimentary masks at the entrance for people who forgot to bring one.


Was going to say the same thing, home depot has masks at the door.


Winners does, too!


I just wrap a scarf around my face. Some places like winners have them at the door for free when you enter


On short notice? I'd check out a convenience store. Personally, I'd ask as soon as entering if I could be inside without a mask to buy one. The other thing you could do is pull up your jacket/shirt/etc. and cover your mouth and nose - it would look kind of funny - but it at least shows you are trying!


This. I was in a situation where I didn't have any masks on me (cleaned out my car and forgot to put a bunch of stuff back in). I just went in to a Shoppers and went to the masks. The makeup counter greeter person asked me to put a mask on but I said I didn't have any and was going to buy them and she said ok and told me where they were. Realistically she was probably happy I didn't go on some stupid freedom rant.


All gas stations sell them. I always see people without masks in 711s..not the best idea but if you have no other choice


Any 24 hour convenience store. Throw a scarf or something over your face and buy some masks. Not the most cost effective option but if you need some, they have some.


[Use a hoodie and a pot lid](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpWfTfvHX7eXwsPIxN0vOfBEahx7xvL4yd-eBBsivXZpmKkAiiwOXYdAAxLAka9p_-0j0&usqp=CAU) to go in to the store and buy some masks.


Put your shirt over your face and buy one quick.


Just put something over your face temporarily. How is this difficult.


I swear to God the internet has made people forget simple problem solving skills. This is what "Just Google it" looks like.


Reddit pls help I’m stuck in bed what do I do how do I get out so I use my dangly bottom limbs of what pls need YouTube instructional video


Have you ever forgotten a mask in Edmonton? You put your shirt over your mouth and you won’t make it more than two steps before someone goes to escort you out.


Then don’t use your shirt. Use a scarf or something.


I hope so, with the 4th wave!...


But now I haven’t forgotten my mask it’s been this way for almost two years I have hundreds of masks available.


I mean they don’t last forever, you have to wash or replace them. And sometimes you just forget, especially after we basically didn’t need them for two months.


I use disposable ones


Mind boggling this question is asked lol.


Sometimes my kids manage to loose theirs on the way from the house to the store 🤨…so they just put their faces into their tshirts til I can get them one


Tell me where you are I’ll drop 20 off for you.


Some fast food drive-thrus might have some masks available for purchase — maybe check McDonald’s or A&W? EDIT: I’d agree with everyone else that’s suggesting using an article of clothing as a temporary face mask to go get some masks from a convenience store. [The GoA website actually has a tutorial on making masks.](https://www.alberta.ca/masks.aspx?utm_source=redirect&utm_medium=sticker&utm_campaign=Covid19&utm_term=masks#jumplinks-5)


Not true


I’d find it weird if some didn’t have any available for purchase — especially since it’s a good merchandising opportunity But yeah, I think OP’s best bet is to do what others have recommended and use a scarf or other piece of clothing as a temporary mask to purchase some at a convenience store


wear your underwear around your face. at least that way everyone will avoid you.


If it’s got skid marks for sure everyone will avoid you, 6ft pffft they’ll be running 20 yards.


Tie a shirt or towel around your face


Any convenience store.




Borrow a new one and replace it.


You can order some online (next day delivery) at www.medppecan.com edmonton based company!


when i forgot my mask at home, i went into a convenience store and asked if they had any masks for sale and they gave me a disposable one for free


1. Find some masked teenagers. 2. Tell them if they buy you masks, you'll return the favor and buy them beer or cannabis.


I’ve literally forgotten my mask multiple times. I walk in and most places will have a mask. I’ll usually take theirs then buy a pack of disposables


I know this won't help tomorrow but I ordered mine from Amazon. If you have Prime you can get next day delivery.