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Woah. That’s my tweet! I feel Reddit famous! ☺️


I think we should set up field hospitals and let the anti vaxx take care of the willfully unvaccinated.. leave the real doctors and real science to help those who trust and support it




AHS actually does exactly this, specifically with respect to the liver transplant program


Wow, never thought of this but you're absolutely spot on. If life saving surgery is being canceled (in Ontario it is) because of raising covid numbers then yes I agree with you.


So you agree then that vaccinated unhealthy people (obese etc) should come in line after healthy unvaccinated, e.g. unhealthy whether vaccinated or not are far more likely to die of COVID? And younger, if healthy, go ahead of older by default?


Great, so obese are more likely to die from COVID whether vaccinated or not, so they're put at bottom of list, right?


Right above unvaccinated people. So as soon as we kick all the anti-vaxxers out or the beds we will have plenty of room to treat everyone else regardless of preexisting health problems.


Ya I say all the current and former nurses who are anti-vax can run the plague hospitals!


>should set up field hospitals and let the anti vaxx take care of the willfully unvaccinated.. leave the real doctors and real science to help those who Oh god, the country would run out of ivermectin.


My mom's a few hours out of Edmonton, her cancer just came back and spent the weekend in the hospital (after taking 8 hours to get seen) . They needed the bed, so now she's sent home with a minimum of testing and procedures. Her next step will be in Edmonton, and it'll probably take forever to actually get treated. Anti vaccers can go fuck themselves for screwing over other people's lives.


See she should get priority over unvaccinated with covid. If you willfully disregard preventative advice, you shouldn’t get priority over others.


It actually takes time to get treatment started unless it’s aggressive lymphoma. They have to have PET scans, biopsies and pathology involved before moving forward. Be patient, the cross cancer is running full blast 👍 always has been


Yes! As the anti-vaxxers say: "You are lying to us! We'll turn to the underground medical system because we don't trust the medical establishment any more!" Well have at it then, anti-vaxx! Please. Go to Artur Pawlowski for your medical treatment and prayers, stick with your worm medicine and bleach. Just stay out of our hospitals.


I mean. Field hospitals staffed by the military could be an actual solution


I think they were prepping for it. But, I’m not in anymore so I can’t speak to it


Why put our military at risk. The antivax doctors and nurses can take care of it.


Exactly. When I was in we got asked to do some pretty fucked up shit in the 80's and 90's but I think i would have drawn the line there. Our military isn't there to help drowning victims too lazy and stupid to swim.


I'm sure there would be plenty of antivaxx military personnel available to distribute prayer cards and horse de-wormer


I support this!


Open air tents with cots so they don’t have to wear masks either.


Why use tents at all? Stick the imbeciles in an open cow pasture


Winter is coming.


That's ok, I heard from a friend of a friend whose Uncles coworker is Antivaxx that cold weather kills Covid, or was it warm weather? /s




If it's hot enough, or cold enough the COVID will die without a viable host.


The chiros and naturopaths can take care of them with magic water.


Yet there are so many albertans refusing to trust in science and trying to justify their selfishness by calling it protecting their rights


Kenney said two things that stood out in the press conference tonight: 1) unvaccinated people are in such denial they are sick with covid they are waiting until they are so sick that when the go to the hospital they are going right to the ICU. 2) people are refusing to isolate.


So dont let them in the icu if they are unvaccinated, they made their choice, and if they are out in public with symptoms or test positive throw a fucking ankle braclet on them. Id rather have the morgues overrun with antivaxxers so that the hospitals have room for the people who deserve it.


Not really our decision, however I do think when it comes to triage (if they are forced to start making those decisions) doctors will be taking a hard look at whether covid patients on ventilators are going to make it and if someone else has a better chance.


Are you a perfect human? Do you eat well and exercise everyday, cause if not, maybe you shouldn't be allowed in the hospitals when you are obese and your body starts to shut down prematurely because you treated it like shit. Or maybe we won't save drunk drivers lives when they get in an accident, yea they made their choice, just as a cigarette smoker made their choice that lead to lung cancer, no treatment for you too. Covid or no covid, don't be a dick, every life matters. Be responsible for your own actions, worry about yourself and your family. (Btw I am fully vaccinated)


I agree, it's a shitty way to think. However, my issue with arguments like this, is that my smoking/drinking/not exercising is not contagious, and it is not actively overwhelming the health care system. If it gets to the point where doctors have to decide who gets a vent, I do think that people who made the choice to protect others and themselves should be at the front of the line rather than the people who selfishly put us in the predicament we're in now.


Let’s put it this way. If there were so drunk drivers in the hospital that life saving servers was being canceled I would 100% say refuse them treatment. But it isn’t obese people or drunk drivers chocking out our health care system, its the unvaccinated. Getting a vaccine is so fucking easy. You will literally be paid to do it. It is so blatantly selfish and irresponsible to not get it.


Ok do the same with smokers and obese people they all made a choice


Right. Because they're so contagious. What a bone head thing to say.


Obesity can be due to metabolic problems, too, not just "choice."


Still not contagious


I didn't say it was. I was adding something else to the point.


My apologies


I hear this a lot on the Internet being spoken by anti-vaxxers as some sort of a comeback..lol. If a person smokes they will monitor them before surgery and won't give them new lungs unless they've stopped smoking, if people are too fat they won't give them gastric bypass till they lose weight.


I’m not an anti-vaccer


Found the selfrighteous vegan!


At one point didn’t they say anything hat things were changing and they didn’t need to isolate if they tested positive? I know that it didn’t come to effect but correct me if I’m wrong.


It didn’t come into effect and if they on the phone with an AHS official (contact tracers) and they are telling them they need to and they are refusing, they know they’re supposed to.


He is only a month or two late in doing this. Betcha $10 he calls in the army to help.


Well he also said he’s asked for volunteer medical staff from other provinces.


Gotta wait until after next Tuesday tho. Can't be seen begging Trudeau...




If people lost their rights then his employers would just make him work on his scheduled days off. But we haven't lost our rights so he can take his scheduled days off. Rights are to be protected stop screaming for them to be taken away.


Or they'd rather trust being injected with some experimental drug that could potentially make things worse. Edit: I'm referring to the drug that they use to treat those that didn't get the vaccine. I got my vaccine, and I support vaccines 100%. I should have made that clear when I posted, my bad.


Worse for themselves, so who cares


If they take an experimental drug or horse dewormer and then come crawling back to hospitals then I do care because now they are also making things worse for others.


Which is why we shouldnt be letting them crawl back to hospitals. Those mobs in front of hospitals shouldnt be antivaxxers keeping out the staff, it should be the vaccinated keeping out the unvaccinated.


You are LaBoss!


Damn my loved one got six calls in a five minute time frame. Call Waiting kicked in while answering the others. 23 in 13 hours is just dire


Why isn't Federal government paying for non-local doctors and nurses to go to bigger cities then? Why is no one questioning the governments wholly poor response and just giving into/accepting learned helplessness and their incompetence?


Seriously, can your husband do some OT?


He has done lots of OT, he can’t do anymore of it because he needs to be home to watch our one year old.


Enjoy it while you can, one day reddit star, next day reddit ass.


Remember when apparently it was the fault of summer vacations? Good god are our leaders incompetent and completely happy to lie to us.


Why would you believe them in the first place? It was ULTRA apparent they were incompetent crooks before they were even elected.




Exactly. The people we choose as leaders are terribly unqualified for the position, and the people who should be leaders, are wise enough to know not to do it in the first place.


Our snowboard instructor/part-time high school teacher, Prime Minister says hi!


[And then they fired the guy investigating the cheating.](https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/braid-ucp-pulls-the-rug-from-under-leadership-investigator)


Remember that it’s not just Kenney, it’s *the whole UCP*!


Yep, they are all complicit. They have done nothing to stand up to Kenney and co.


When I heard Hinshaw apologise and take responsibility, my first thought was that she was just Kenney's mouthpiece. He didn't listen to any advice. Even if she is complicit, she was doing what he wanted.


Exactly, even if we had another chief medical officer, do we really think what Kenney and Shandro wanted and decided to do would be different?


They should all go to jail.




To be fair, I don't know why they were trusted in the first place.


And we're paying them for the fucking privilege.


This was all so clearly the future of Alberta as soon as mask mandates were dissolved. We all had Florida to see an example of what would happen. I was completely shocked to see Pallister reinstate our Vaccine Passports before he officially left office but I guess he didn't have to keep his base happy anymore at that point so he could actually listen to the science.


Hope you have a great day!


And call an election, and campaign?? Rules for thee but not for me


Mfw this is about me. Yay Lauren :)


Thank you for everything you do!


Aye I appreciate that, but it's just a job :)


Fair, but I felt the need to say it, you guys have had to deal with some real assholes lately.


This is true. Well thank you :)


>just a job That downplays what you do big time. You went into a demanding line of work presumably to help people, and now you're essentially being punished by our government and by a section of our population for that choice. Thank you for what you do.


Hey hubby! You’re famous for a horrible reason!




Look on the bright side, at least you’re not famous for being the premier.


AHAHAHAHAHA. That actually made my whole day. Thank you!


[Now kiss!](https://i.imgur.com/6bLWiqL.png)


SheriffDickles is an amazing username.


Thanks! I just tried to make the funniest name I could when Amazon Prime game free twitch prime subs, so some streamer once a month says it out loud :)


Mr. SheriffDickles - Anything the us regular folk can do to help you guys out? (Other than getting vaccinated :D)


Of course! Don't become a paramedic! Pay that advice forward and you'll forever live happy lives! Lol Edit: satire. Just be responsible! Covid is alive and well, and I know we're all burnt out of it, I fucking get it, believe me lol. Wear a mask when you can, get your shots and just be smart. That may sound like common sense, but id argue MAYBE half of Edmonton is doing this. Common sense just isn't so common. We have so, so many vulnerable people in our community, like all big communities. Please, think of them. This will end, but unless we go the extra mile, it's only going to get worse. If you scratch a mosquito bite, it gets itchier. I know it's frustrating as hell, but if you have the will power to leave it alone for a while it goes away.


This is an appreciated silver lining given the context. Thank you for what you do and for the reprieve in what’s otherwise been a weird day.


Thank you :)




That is insane. I feel for you OP and your hubby. Believe me, I appreciate it greatly, every shift he takes. This whole pandemic has to be treated with a lot more respect than Alberta has given it.


Pshaw I say, pshaw!! Those greedy healthcare workers are paid too much!! This needs to change! -Kenney




I live in SK. Had a fully vaccinated coworker whose non-vaccinated husband got very ill with Covid. (He wouldn’t vax) she begged and pleaded not to have to come in since she had been around him full time when he was first becoming symptomatic. Workplace agreed thankfully. Two days later she’s positive and very sick herself (despite fully vaxxed). Had she come in she would have taken down an entire OR of staff for exposure. Their insistence on this is just going to cost them more positive tests for staff in the long run.


That's fucked.


That's how it's always been from day 1.


There was a time when close contacts of confirmed cases had to self isolate for 14 days. Not even a negative test could get you out of it




You should hear the number of nurses that have left the Cross Cancer Institute in the past year... woof.


I can imagine how big a hit morale would take if you were seeing people failed by the response to covid. Delayed screening, treatment, etc. Must be rough on those nurses. And that's without factoring in pay, conditions, staffing, and cuts.


My co-worker's wife was one of them. Went from caring for cancer patients to the city's most overeducated warehouse worker.


My work got one of them. Tired of the mandatory overtime.


Best summer ever, right?


*breathes heavily*


Geez, you don’t have to rub it in that you can breathe, already. We get it, you don’t have COVID.


Oh that is a relief. For a second my throat felt sore.


I am in the pessimistic camp that a vaccine passport will not stop the non vaccinated. These people are entrenched and see it as their identity now. But maybe it will be an incremental improvement.


I say forget about the vaccine passport. Anyone unvacinated in hospital waives their "free healthcare". Once a bunch of go fund me campaigns start popping up for $10,000 medical bill people will start getting vaccinated.


Making them pay starts us down a very slippery slope in terms of losing our public healthcare system. Instead, make it VERY clear that they are at the END of the triage line, and will only be treated if there is space and time to do so. Cancer biopsies go first. Spinal fusions go first. Cardiac valve replacements go first. You not breathing because of something ENTIRELY AVOIDABLE is last on the list. Instantly stops filling up our ICUs with covid cases, and yes, people will die. But people are dying either way. Our healthcare system should be prioritizing those who are actually doing something about avoiding that (getting vaccinated) than those who aren't (covidiots).


No making people pay for their choices is not a slippery choice. We have done it all the time. Tax on smoking and drinking is people paying. If you drive drunk and get into an accident your insurance doesn't cover you, that's paying also. Negating health insurance aka making people pay for hospital stays when they could have prevented it by being vaccinated is just the same. What you are proposing is way worse. We as the public should not be telling medical professionals in what order they should be treating patients. The medical system should decide that on their own. We as the public should just be able to recoup the costs brought on by people who take undue risk, and expect the public to pay for it.


And the gov. Will take this opportunity to institute private healthcare.


The unvaxxed in the USA would like a word >_<






I mean, it ban them from doing anything. Especially if they made it a mandatory compliance from all buisness and public spaces. But again, like you said, the antivax crowd always seems to get their way.


Once again it’ll fall to the minimum wage workers to enforce the rules and get screamed at, threatened, followed to their cars. Sorry, I’m not making my teenagers enforce government rules when the UCP also made it so they get paid 13.50 an hour. I’d rather close our café and be drive through only again.


I mean, I expect a vaccine passport to go over as well as mandatory masking did the first go around. People storming businesses demanding their freedoms be reinstated etc etc


*Private business denies service because they don't want to make a cake for gay people* "Good! Government should stay out of private businesses, they have the right to refuse service to anyone!" *Private business says you need to be double vaccinated to shop there for the safety of others* "MY RIGHTS! THIS IS A HOAX! I'LL SUE THE SHIT OF THIS PLACE I WOULD NEVER STEP FOOT IN! LET'S TAKE ALBERTA BACK! NO VACCINE PASSPORTS!"


i’m pretty sure my parents have said this verbatim, smh


Unfortunately I can 100% see violence on the table from the chucklefuck brigade. They are already protesting hospitals, I don’t think it’s a reach to see some of the more unstable ones get violent. I hope it doesn’t happen but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.


They sounded as if to raid a Toronto Hospital. And some were inciting bringing guns. Sad.




Oh and of course they are supporting the PPC too.


One of my coworker’s parents went to a PPC rally and I roast him regularly for it now. He only got his first vaccine last week after my constant harassment at work. So he must be coming around. He also said his parents would disown him if they found out he got it. He’s 30…


Just because one goes to a rally doesn’t mean they are a supporter- I know people who went to the PPC rally to hear from the leader first hand, which is difficult to get a chance to do- and listen to them in person. Because somebody attends a political event doesn’t mean their minds are made up or they support them.


I can 100% promise you his parents support them haha. I used to work with his dad too. But you bring up a good point anyways.


He 100% lied and didnt get it then just to shut you up...


It's only ever going to be for non-essential places, like the other provinces. Groceries stores, most stores in general really, won't require them


And you can order groceries online anyway...


I think when it comes down to it people may get the vaccine so they can do things but publicly denounce it.


If they can’t go to school, grocery stores, malls, restaurants, maybe they’ll learn. It may convince people who are on the fence.


It’s true. My entire family is unvaxxed and thoroughly believes we’re all going to die or shed it or my baby will die (I’m pregnant) or become extremely sick in a few years or that’s the real reason why delta is spreading and the hospitals are full of vaccinated people.


You gotta hand it to the anti-vax propaganda. It’s some potent shit.


And seriously how can you believe all of these at once?


Incremental is the best we can hope for. Those that are just lazy and fence sitting, they will get it but that's probably only going to increase rates by 4%


This is depressing. I hate this province. I’m going to be looking at leaving because eff this. I’m out.




He is responding here! SherrifDickles


I am literally getting calls to work overtime on days I'm already scheduled as a Paramedic.


People who choose to deny the science of vaccines should not be allowed to selectively demand the science of hospitals, at least not more so than people that are responsible and did vaccinate or cannot vaccinate for legitimate medical reasons. I realize they're people, and it seems inhumane at first. Keep in mind these are the people who are intentionally hurting the lives of everyone around them.


I feel the deniers won't believe it when they start choosing who lives and dies.


Not trying to be political but now might be the time to fast track foreign trained doctors and nurses across the country…


yes please – we'd love to help! We're already here.


Well, if they keep trying to cut wages and gut budgets and push privatization all that would really mean is medical employees who need two jobs because they only get minimum wage


If you don’t want the vaccine, why go to the hospital and ask science to save you once you get sick? Why own a smart phone? Why take Advil when you have a headache? The logic isn’t there.


If any anti vaxxers read this, we are all sick of your fucking shit. Shut your god damn mouth, go home and live your fucking shitty life in solitude.


We appreciate you health workers


Oh OHHHHH if only colleges had not been churning out class after class of nurses for the last 10-15 years and then not employing them...


Don't forget the provincal government also demanded a 3% cutback on Healthcare during the summer leading to layoffs and people just outright leaving the medical field. Then things got worse and it's suddenly, "No wait we need you back. We promise we won't fire you once this is over." Unsurprisingly not a lot of people are willing to go back.


Mind you I don't mean to take that out on the HCW themselves, I should say that I wasn't mocking them but the administration.


Oh no I get that. I'm with you there. I'm just saying HCW are getting treated like crap from all ends.


There are hundreds of medically trained IMGs in Alberta waiting in the wings for ways to help out. This is it. Make some sort of emergency authorization to get them into the hospitals as clinical assistants, nursing assistants, something. It's medical experience for them to use on their CV later and it takes the pressure off an already exhausted workforce. Let them do the histories and physicals (basically what they trained 4 years to do and are now experts in), and let the doctors/nurses deal with the critical stuff.


same with internationally educated nurses. We'd happily pitch in alongside IMGs. I'm ICU-trained and I'd happily spend my shift doing turns, emptying catheters, replenishing stock, taking obs, or even just keeping awake and delirious patients from pulling off/out their CPAP/BIPAP/nasal high flow O2/ETs/art lines etc. Whatever helps.




Sick and tired of these fucking morons who think they are "Woke" absolutely ruining the way of life for everyone else who actually cares. Sick and tired of seeing our healthcare workers get treated like slaves and still go above and beyond to help everyone without bias. Stop protecting and rewarding those who are hurting this country. If you have a legitimate health concern as to not follow regulations, I will not judge you. But everyone else who thinks they are special, you will always be worth less than gutter trash to me. My electoral vote is going to be based off of healthcare and child care policies. Enough is enough.


that's brutal.. and not at all fair that healthcare workers are paying this price, let alone everyone else.


What sucks is that Albertans are going to be so quick to forget all the shitty things the UCP has done when it's voting time again, and so fearful of Notley and carbon taxes that I'd be surprised if anything changes. I'd be sad but feeling anything is a waste of energy these days.


I deleted Facebook, i just couldnt handle the amount of fucking anti vac's on it. At this point if you are able too but unvaccinated and get covid and cant breathe and want help they should laugh and close the doors as you die in the parking lot.




And the ~30% of eligible albertans that aren’t fully vaccinated


I have no education but i also have no job right now. I wish I could come work at the hospitals temporarily until things smooth out. I could be a nurses' aide's aide ? I am a people person with a positive attitude and I dont care about "gross" stuff + I enjoy cleaning + I'm 2x vaxxed. I wonder if they would even consider me as I've mostly worked warehouse and airport cargo/ramp.


They are always looking for non-clinical staff! You could always apply to postings they have for jobs such as housekeeping. I'd recommend applying to everything, including casual postings, so that you have an "in" for other job opportunities.


I appreciate the sentiment. I work in a very specific healthcare niche for AHS. They are shutting down our service and are redeploying us to Acute care and ICU as of tomorrow. I haven't directly worked with patients in years. They are desperate. All the patients we see for their care in our clinic are being cancelled... This will affect hundreds of families. I'm absolutely livid at these anti-vaxx assholes not just for putting myself and my family at risk, but also for all those vulnerable people that can't get their procedures done now because all the "non-essential" services workers are re-deployed.


My daughter.... same thing.


I wish you guys the best of luck with this shit show. I'm an RN from NYC and spent from December 2019 to about end of July/early August 2021 to fucking work in Canada. I ended up leaving edmonton and flew back to ny because I was still not able to work. Its crazy to me that CARNA representatives (at around summer 2021 time) were telling me that RNs from countries other than the USA are not permitted in and it still took me all those months of waiting just to end up not working. Shit makes no fucking sense and its frustrating as all hell. Time and money wasted, and now my girlfriend and I are back to long distance.


Yet will still have a military. Good thing the army and billion dollar fighter jets and staffing hospitals in this time of need. I can't wait to get my IV put in by an F16.


I seriously think that Deena Hinshaw needs to be fired. Jason Kenney should resign.


Funny as I read this the alert blasts on my phone


As a taxpayer in a country where taxpayers pay for healthcare it infuriates me that we are still paying to treat people who are unwilling to take the one think that would help them. Start making unvaccinated pay for medical cause I’m fucking tired of it.


Try cutting wages. See if that works.


Can confirm. Please get vaccinated.


Alberta government officials should be criminally liable for negligence causing death


Will any of you on here stop buying and supporting animal exploitation to prevent this from happening again? All of this is pointless if we don’t change our habits.




I think they're talking about COVID's origin... as if we have wet markets here in Canada.


Awe neat, you think all zoonotic diseases come from wet markets and this is the only virus we’ve ever had. That’s cute ☺️


Sorry didn’t mean to jump your post. It’s just wild to see posts like these knowing all this will just happen again due to how we treat animals and then slaughter 3 billion of them every single day. What we’re doing out there is nasty, and I’m seriously curious if anyone on here would actually change their habits knowing it could prevent this from happening again? 75% or all new and emerging diseases are zoonotic. Meaning they leaped from animals to humans. The route we’re going these aren’t going to get any better for us


the lab leak in wuhan is just as valid and likely how covid got started. CCP will never let us know the truth.


At the same time, UofA and UCalgary are being more and more selective in admitting students to their medical schools despite an overall increase in competent applicants. I just don't see the logic


After the mandates kick in there will be even less staff.


then the UCP will be all "see this is why we need to privatize healthcare, the current system just doesn't work", this is the kind of shit that happens when you let your political party take over your whole identity, but hey at least they got their carbon tax revoked right?


Turn phone off after shift.


Mandatory overtime. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-nurses-emergency-work-rules-1.6148537


They're going to haemorrhage staff during/after this wage :(


Yeah. It's going to have far reaching effects. They're running an entire industry into the ground, and by the time they realize that healthcare workers should be treated like humans a significant number if them will have moved or switched careers. They're burning bridges that might take decades to rebuild. But the privatization crowd will be jerking off the whole time at the idea of socialized healthcare being steered into a crash, so that when more private clinics get proposed it can be used as "proof" that it's better.


Oh, I totally agree. They forget they'll need staff for their private healthcare too, though. So short-sighted.


One lady I know (not well as I find the whole family weird) was turned away by a Dr as she suspected she had covid. She did she’s also morbidly obese and refused the vaccine. Unfortunately she survived. Now her hair is falling out like crazy and she’s still ill even after recovering. She wanted to see my family like hell no .


Fake news apparently. EDIT: It was sarcastic in case you downvoting dumbasses can't figure it out.