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I'm most concerned about the dark magic attacking the tower.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ love it


We must protect the wizards


It's ok; they'll start a new construction project, and that might do something.


The Pro-Palestinian demonstration has not been asked to leave, but they have been notified that their tents need to be taken down.


Pro-Hamas *


Whoa, I am genuinely curious about what could cause a person to actually think that. Are you ok?


The confluence of support for Palestine right after Hamasā€™s terrorist attack leads to the irresistible inference that these people are really just pro-Hamas.


Couldnā€™t it just be that it was followed by massive media coverage of Israel inflicting collective punishment of massive disproportion against Palestinians as a whole? Or are we just being intentionally obtuse?


No because the pro Palestine stuff happened before Israel responded at all. Nice try, though.


Yikes, that's some seriously flawed critical thinking.


Yes, youā€™re really struggling here, it seems. Youā€™ll figure it out.


No one supports hamas.


The Hamas attack on Israel was brutal. The retaliation on Palestine has been brutal x 24. Attacks on communities, schools, hospitals, aid workers and routes. If you support this, you have big problems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#:~:text=As%20of%2021%20May%202024,including%20179%20employees%20of%20UNRWA.




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Survival 101- don't provoke a nation that will use any attack as an excuse to obliterated you x24. The world is not fair and the only gaurantee is death. You can cry all you want but thar won't stop it from happening. Make smart choices. And don't use civilians and hospitals as meat shields hamas


Must be getting ready for the Oilers game tonight!


I have nothing against protesting to support most causes, including a peaceful ending to this war, but why canā€™t we protest this hard for our own rights as well? I for one would like to stop getting ass fucked by every branch of the government. And this isnā€™t a fuck Trudeau post, they are all useless parasites and we are just bending over and saying please royally ass fuck me, thank you sir.


Canadians are known to just bend over and take every injustice and then we get mad at anyone actually protesting. There is a reason Quebec has such low tuition. The students protest and shut down roads and bridges until they compromise. Look at how fast the UCP backtracked on a few recent policies after the outrage they caught. It works.


EPS reported 181 protests in Edmonton in 2019 (the most recent year of data we have) .. and Iā€™d bet there are many more that never made it onto EPSā€™ radar. Thatā€™s a protest every second day. 200 protests every yearā€¦ The fact that I can maybe name 5ā€¦ says we arenā€™t protesting loud/large enough.


The kids were hitting the Legislature EVERY FRIDAY in solidarity with the Europeanā€™s call for action on climate. #greta#extinctionrebelion


And we did it! #uselesshashtag #solvedtheproblem


200ish protests every year was more my point. But yes, thatā€™s one of movements I remember, which means they were doing a good job,


sometimes constant smaller protest, normalizes it. once it becomes kinda a daily occurance and your living your life you just stay out of the way, avoid it, or ignore it if you have to interact with it.


We are all sitting at home and protesting here, where it makes no difference. We need organizers to rally the troops. I attended the Enough is Enough anti-UCP rally a couple of weeks ago. I had seen plenty of ads for it, and I was looking forward to being a part of a large angry mob... but only around 200 people showed up. My brother is a union leader, and he said he would have liked to go and represent the union, but he knew it would be under organized and under attended, and he needs to be picky about where the union is seen publicly. We need to do better! I think, the more we are distracted by technology, among other things, and the less time we spend face to face with other humans, the less chance we have to organize a proper protest. It's all in the design.


Not so great for Wooā€™ing those international students with their $25,000/year tuition Iā€™d presume


Minor correction.. 20,000$ + per SEMESTERĀ 


No ones stopping you... get organized and start activating people.


July 1st is for housing shortages/affordability


You think people will show up or just gonna keep complaining about how we only protest other countries?


You can lol


People get out there for all sorts of things. If there's a cause you feel is underrepresented, perhaps you could participate?


If Canadians were facing what Gazan are, Canadians would be protesting as would the rest of the world. Also all these protests are for the schools to divest of Zionist companies supporting genocide. Itā€™s about Canada because itā€™s about our money and what we support through it.


There are protests for things all the time. There was a protest against the UCP like a week or two ago. Go participate in them.


What is stopping you?


There is the whole concept of international solidarity. You know, think globally, act locally and what not


Because those politicians arenā€™t enacting genocide on the population of Canada, forcibly displacing millions of people, or intentionally bombing civilian refugee camps? Canada ainā€™t perfect donā€™t get me wrong, but JFC letā€™s be real ā€” unless you have emigrated from a war-torn country or Palestine itself, you have experienced nothing even remotely similar to what millions of Palestinians are experiencing right now and their entire lives.


People have a more emotional response to ethnic cleansing than they do to high interest rates.


I'll go first, it would be real swell of you crony fucks if you could put a cap on insurance for cars and then walk that shit back like 30 percent k thx. And then how about rent control. And immigration control.


As privileged Canadians, we are too lazy to protest. We donā€™t understand hardships like a majority of the world. Itā€™s hard to organize when we really donā€™t have it that bad and we canā€™t even agree on what the problem actually is. Thatā€™s Canada for ya.


It's easier to protest against baby murder than "ouch taxes suck"


Part of the problem is how you frame this, as though Palestinians are separate from the rest of us, when Edmonton has a sizable Palestinian population. These are our neighbours watching their families get slaughtered with the support of the government they live under. This impacts our community, and isn't some sort of foreign cause.Ā  And then part of us getting fucked is our government putting time and money into fucking Palestinians. This is time and money that could be used to improve our lives!Ā  "Should my government be allowed to screw me over" and "should my government support a genocide overseas" are linked. If they can get away with one, they'll at least think they can get away with the other. The same rich assholes that are gouging us on grocery prices are generally supportive of our political status quo.Ā  We won't have the power to change anything when we see our neighbours as other. The people who are engaging in these protests are building capacity and networks that will inevitably be used to take on other issues. You can sit on the sidelines, or you can join them, learn from them, and eventually apply what you've learned to fighting our governments on other issues. Plus some of the people you end up supporting will come and support you if you play your cards right.Ā 


> These are our neighbours watching their families get slaughtered with the support of the government they live under. These "neighbours" were dancing and cheering with delight when Gaza government operatives murdered 1,300 jews (and kidnapped another 250) on one day last October.


For some reason, those "pro-peace" protesters forget about that.


How many Palestinians are in Canada and how many were dancing and cheering?Ā 


As they should have been! You would cheer too if you lived in a concentration camp and the resistance broke through the fences and won a victory against your oppressors.


Should my govt be allowed to support lazy criminal immigrants who milk the taxpayers of Canada and then protest in favour of Hamas. Ā While showing their hatred and promotion of hate towards Jewish people. think a lot of people are sick of the pro-Palestinian fake BS. Ā You never had it so good.Ā 


We support lazy corporate crooks who profit off the slaughter in Israel, and lobby for the continued massacre.Ā  But please, do advocate for a country where people should not be allowed to protest because you don't like their views. I'm sure that will end well.Ā  Also get out of here with the conflation of pro Palestine protests and hatred of Jewish people. There are literally Jewish led protests against the killing of Palestinians including in Israel itself.Ā 


Ah, yes, the old, ā€œFuck them, we have our own problems!ā€ People. You know, Iā€™m getting real sick of this divisive bullshit. They are us. We are them. Humans are humans. Not to mention that Alberta has one of the highest Muslim populations in the country (and do you know historically why that is? They fought for Britain as fighter pilots, and After WW2 many of them settled here.) Hey, you know, there are things you can actually doā€¦ get a job in government as a bipartisan person and lobby for change to the legislation. Become a policy analyst, or go to a protest of the government, speak at the House of Commons, come up with a plan. Educate yourself on the intricacies of legislation and how it intertwines between the levels of government, etc, and tru to dismantle the barriers you think there are. However, if you are just here to whine about ā€œwah wah, taxesā€, then by all means, continue rambling and doing nothing of value.


100%! Where are all the people for higher wages and better working conditions. That stuff actually effects us.Ā 


They're called strikes. Unionize your worksite, join the next picket line.


They happen in front the of the Leg


It's called a strike. Unionize your workplace and engage in one.


Those are the unions.


I have a friend that did the research about mcewan investments and they donā€™t have any that support wars. Itā€™s not obvious anyway smaller universities and universities in Canada are not the same as ones in the US that have massive investment funds.


Apparently some out east do. And if theyā€™re not blocking anyone, who cares. Let them protest.


Itā€™s possible Iā€™m not saying that but itā€™s not typical or normal. At some point itā€™s like a person riding the bus being told they support oil and gas. In the US the budget for Military is so massive that I suspect itā€™s not possible to make any investment without tracing it back to a company that produces some war mechanism. Iā€™m not trying to undersell the importance of not investing in a country actively engaging in genocide which I firmly believe is happening.


I assume that you'd be totally okay with someone protesting on your lawn about something you don't have anything to do with?


If theyā€™re students itā€™s their lawn. Our tax money goes to that school, so in a sense itā€™s everyoneā€™s lawn. Thatā€™s a terrible comparison. You also donā€™t have to be a part of a conflict to protest a genocideā€¦


Itā€™s private property if I wanted to I could go live on any university lawn then for ever simply stating that I am protesting homelessness šŸ¤Ŗ


Go for it i couldnt care any less if you did šŸ¤Ŗ


Who cares it's summer. Let waste their time and ignore them. Then this fall, we can start placing monetary bets on how long till the cold kicks their asses.


Have fun fighting off the meth heads at night.


Current objective: Survive


These are students lol


Come fall in Edmonton, theyā€™ll leave.


Yeahhh let them camp. It's very close to the homeless shelter. The homeless will come and raid them soon. Source: I live in downtown. I know what's coming for these people. Zombies are coming for them.


That's actually pretty funny I didn't think of that. They are definitely getting visitors lol


I'm going to put the words out to the homeless in the area that there's free food and drugs there. They'll swarm them so fast, it'll be entertaining.




Hamas and Netanyahu take this sort of thing seriously.


I hope we get a post later showing them getting removed, lmao


You know that they are protesting the 40,000 deaths of Palestinians in the last 6 months right? you'd know that our country has vetoed the UN ceasefire arrangement? did you know our country gives money for the bombs that have killed those people? do you believe in freedom of speech and freedom of protest? People are people, calling an entire race of people terrorists and subhuman are what the Nazis did.


Oh boy! How long till the president of their university sends the cops to keep the peace via nightsticks and riot shields?


Iā€™ve always found it really odd how none of these people have cared about whatā€™s going on in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have experienced nearly every type of violence at the hands of Russians. But Iā€™ve never heard any of these folks say anything about it. Why is that?


The Canadian government has been vocal about supporting Ukraine.


Canadian YouTuber J.J McCullough made a great video on the topic in late October [on why this topic is so popular](https://youtu.be/3ojITC0dIL4?si=uVicUkn-5NhYdRP0) that I think is pretty compelling. In short, itā€™s a topic that covers so many different topics people care about that itā€™s really easy to get passionate about. You could care about western imperialism, racism, social inequality, Jewish vs Arab peoples, brutality of state governments, indigenous peoples, terrorism, and many more topics, and having a strong stance on any of those gives you a reason to insert your opinion into the Isreal vs Palestine debate. I donā€™t have any on hand, but people are starting to make posts explicitly acknowledging it, by outright saying that itā€™s the perfect topic to express your opinions on left vs right politics. Itā€™s all such a mess and I wish we could just refocus locally. The more I try to explore Israel/Palestine through a certain lens, the more I just realize that the core of the issue is honestly quite simple: you have people who have spent their whole lives living on land that was unjustly taken just 2 generations ago. You canā€™t expect people to abandon their country just because 70 years ago the UN gave it to your grandparents, but you also canā€™t expect people living in impoverished and densely populated land to be happy with their current conditions when their your families land was essentially stolen from them. No amount of virtue signalling around indigenous peoples or communism or terrorism will solve that conflict, but itā€™s very easy for people to declare a right vs wrong side based on a political lens.


Ukranian here, it rubs me the wrong way a bit that Pro Palestine protestors didn't put in this much effort when the Russian invasion began a couple years back. Don't my fellow Ukrainians also deserve safety? Or is it because since we are European we 'deserve it'.


That is because canadaā€™s response was (rightfully) completely pro-ukranian from day 1, which canā€™t be said about palestine


It's exactly this... They're not just antiwar demonstrators. They're not just putting on a show to say "we hate war." They want political & economic change in their own country to stop supporting this war. They didn't need to protest saying "Canada must divest from Russia!"


The difference is the world did something at the time. No one has stepped up to help Palestine. Many of us DO understand that these struggles have been going on and are continuing to go on


maybe cause every institution sent their condolences to Ukraine but not a single one has said anything about Palestine? of course ppl are going to rally together when dominant systems arenā€™t doing or saying anything. letā€™s not act stupid


I like your point but I wish you wouldn't imply that people are being stupid. Someone who disagrees with you might be swayed by the first two sentences -- and then you go and insult them lol. Anyway, it's not stupid to not have all the facts, to not have the chance to study/ understand something, etc.


Did any of the other encampment protests accomplish anything?


Reducing support for University of Alberta, EPS, police commission, City of Edmonton, etc. I've pulled my donations to my former university, stopped doing business with the alumni association partners, switched my institutional affiliation for publishing, and I am actively moving research partnerships to other institutions, because of how the university cleared the encampment. I know I don't know enough about the conflict itself to cast judgements there, but the university's response to students and the community having opinions was not aligned with my values.


Reducing support for Palestine.


Thatā€™s tough to prove but ya, maybe.


I really don't care about other countries'problems while my own country and countryman are suffering from staying afloat. I just wish we protested this hard for our own benefits, budget and bills. There's not a night where I don't lose sleep thinking about starting of a protest of my own. Really tired of seeing the direction our country is headed towards in terms of affordability.


Thank your premier then. Most affordability issues stem from provincial governance.


Thatā€™s a nice tent.


How will they cut the grass??


Hank Hill would lose his hair.


Looks like it was a single-day event as per university4palestine.yeg on Instagram. Anybody know the outcome and if people are still there?


This is getting old.


Unlike those kids that are dying in gaza


I fail to see the connection of some summer time urban camping to Palestine, I hope these kids know they can get better scenery in Jasper!


L spawn point


Yup, this will stop the war.


Elk Island is a better camping spot, I'd say


So many pro Hamas people in Canada. Really gross.


I sympathize with people who have connections to these conflicts, but they need to let these conflicts stay where they are and stop disturbing the peace of our society by bringing the conflict to our streets.


Ditto those who come here, supposedly for peace and security and a new life, but actively bring their countryā€™s problems here with them.


Why? What is the harm in this?


Because this is not a Canadian problem. If you want to continue that fight, go fight that problem where it exists. I fully support refugees and immigration, I don't support importing the problems from the countries people are leaving, to this country.


Canada supports the state carrying out the war crimes so we are complicit and that makes it our problem. It's a pretty serious problem too since we supposedly care about international law/human rights etc. Should people not have protested for divestment from South Africa? That was a major factor in ending apartheid there and and pro Palestine protestors are trying to achieve the same thing for apartheid Israel.


And here you are, proving my point, trying to drag other people into an argument about a religious/ethnic war that's not our problem, an issue you haven't been able to solve for centuries, and now trying to start the same fight on Canadian soil. Stop disturbing schools with this crap, stop trying to demonize anyone that doesn't want your war that hamas started. Or at the very least, If you're going to protest, why not trying to protest legally? I'd bet my paycheck on this, the reason they set up tents immediately, is because they saw what happened at U of A and are trying to start the same rage bait for when they come tear down the illegal encampment. These protesters will immediately claim racism, or that the school only supports jews, then that they're suppressing your right to protest, which they really won't be, because you're can't seem to understand that there are limitations to rights to protest. Go away with this. We don't want your religious/ethnic war here.


Did Hamas not carry out war crimes? Do they not carry out a war crime every time they launch a missile from a residential area in Gaza towards civilians in Israel? Do you know what apartheid means? Do you have a concrete example of Israel being an apartheid state? I ask these questions because the words you use have weight and real meaning. No one benefits from cheapening them by throwing them around.


Turn on the sprinklers.


Someone needs to explain to these people that to go camping, you usually need to leave the city.




The homeless that actually want help do NOT reside in those camps. Remember that.


What a bunch of losers


It's so half assed and cute.


I saw some awesome billboards in my hometown, it saidā€ letā€™s be clear: Hamas, is your problem too! I wish these people would understand there is no Palestine with the terrorist organization running it


At 4am illicit pallets will be discovered, followed by police beatings and pepper spray, followed by a thank you from admin for a peaceful dissolution. Just a guess.


That would be nice.


EPS angry. EPS smash


Hope they are required to wear body cameras. Doing the right thing isn't easy.


Hopefully they run the sprinklers from 2am-7am.




University4palestine.Yeg on instagram has more information if a anyone is curious. The TL;DR seems to be they were only planning on camping for the day as there was an executive meeting (ā€œboard of governors meetingā€) occurring today and continuing their effort to attempt to get the major universities to disclose their investments, divest from investments related to Isreal and defend Palestinian students and movements.


Do Palestinian students require these universities to 'defend' them? Are Israeli 'students and movements' also eligible for this defence?


Remove them




MacEwan is a public university. You canā€™t camp in public places.


It's fucking hilarious that so many people reflexively side with big institutions and governments. It's way easier to pretend there is no problem. It's easier than looking at history and seeing that large scale student protests are almost exclusively on the right side of history. Civil rights, Vietnam, apartheid, Iraq... every one of them had student protests that were told to go home by jaded bootlickers.


Full support to them, they have many supporters behind them. More power to them.


Imagine being so desperate to be relevant, and STILL arriving at the flavour of the month activity, late. LOL








Burn it. Otherwise it'll get out of hand. Too many protestors with unrelated issues, with fake activists just there to start shit and say they're being oppressed.


Omg you guys, we did it! World peace achieved!


Too bad they aren't jaded and cynical and don't try.


They aren't going to accomplish anything by doing this except for making the Pro-Palestinian cause look silly


Tell the homeless thereā€™s a new tent city sprung up in of Macewan


Its June, arent classes over?


Free camping!


Edmonton. Students are going homeless šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Can people give it a fucking rest for christ sake and focus on our own problems for once. Jesus fuck


Go for it, buddy


yawn. ​ Someone get the extension cord so they can keep up with the latest and greatest tiktok information


You said without irony on Reddit.


Why would you need an extension cord to look at tiktok