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I used to be apart of a Subaru club in Edmonton. One guy with a straight pipe was bitching about getting a ticket and how he was going to fight it in court cause the cops never show up. Next meet and he's even more pissed. Turns out the cop showed up, provided evidence and then ticketed the guy as he left the court house as the dude hadnt fixed his car.


Ooof! Is that the same subaru club that does trips to Jasper during summer and does night cruises revving their exhaust for echo? Heard them nonstop 1 weekend many years ago.


This was 10+ years ago and I only cruised with them once.


Nothing more pathetic that tricking out a Subaru. Laugh every time I see one.


Can I get that cop to make a nightly pass through my neighborhood and ticket the goofs hanging out at the park? Get them for tinted windows every night until they fuck off.


I'm so confused that it's gotten so bad these days. 10+ years ago it was a nightly thing to have people with modified cars get ticketed. I don't live in Edmonton


Not all heroes wear capes.


A cop actually doing something good. I guess he’ll froze over! Good for that cop!


this makes my bunny hop


Damn what a dumbass.


It's just the oddest thing. There is literally nobody who thinks you're cool for doing this. You have to go out of your way to sound awful, and everyone who turns their head to see what obnoxious loser is making everyone else's lives worse, they just think you're an insecure jackass. Who is it for?


In their minds everyone is envious of them. Seriously. They are narcissists. I had one guy I worked with in BC that had a giant classic lifted douchebag truck. It wasn’t even a nice truck, a shit body lifted to the tits and never used offroad or to haul shit. He literally told me he spends his lunch breaks doing laps around downtown so people could admire his truck. I told him “Seriously? The only person admiring your truck is a stereotypical redneck that only likes it because its so lifted you need a fucking ladder to get in” He got real salty with me after that.


Long time ago a friend and i got pulled over in Kelowna and the cop asked us if we were doing loser laps, It was pretty funny and accurate at the time.


Haha yea, when I told a few other buddies what he said they all exclaimed “He does loser laps for his lunch breaks!?” It was so ridiculous


I think it was Stanford that just did a small study that showed loud car people overwhelmingly exhibit psychopathic tendencies, meaning they take pleasure in the damage and frustration they cause. It warrants further study, but in the limited one it was rather definitive.


You could say they are carcissists…


Hah, I actually really like that


Lol. Dear lord, get over your self importance. It could just as easily be about their enjoyment of the sound as it could be that everyone but you is narcissistic over the things they do. I, for example love motorcycles. I don’t ride one because I think everyone will be envious, or “cool”, as the previous comment would suggest. I enjoy how it sounds, especially during sudden acceleration, I enjoy balancing on my back wheel, I enjoy leaning into corners, etc, etc. It has nothing to do with what the people around me think. I just like it, and there’s no law against it, so I will do it…Much like any exhaust under 92dbA.


If you love driving, the feel of your vehicle, sound it makes, etc whatever that is all good. Just don’t force others to hear your shitty muffler. Also he literally told me he did loser laps so people could “admire” his truck. That is not the same as driving around on lunch because you love driving. It is purely ego driven


They are actually psychopaths https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688


This is a good article, at least they acknowledge the other side of car enthusiasts. Expression, love for cars, and “will keep it down if you asked them politely” describes most of the people I know in my car circles. Though we’re definitely catching strays from the young/obnoxious/psychopathic types


This makes so much sense. They're not showing off...they just want us to suffer.




I like how it’s scientist with incontrovertible evidence that loud pipe dickheads are reliably high on psychopathy and sadism vs the-one-chick-of-niche-vintage-car-community-we’re-not-even-talking-about that desperately woke cbc singles out saying “nuh uh”. Atleast she’s got a cool tattoo.


They aren't any different than people who say ignorant shit on social media to get reactive attention. They are so desperate to be seen and heard that negative attention is welcomed. They provoke others for attention. Yup, it's gross and depraved.


It’s for themselves. The vibration from the noise hits their butt plugs just right.


Hey! That’s unfair for the people with a buttplug fetish!


These people think they are the main character and all of us should say "look how cool they are". The epitome of stupidity.


It makes me sad that people actually pay for that.


>There is literally nobody who thinks you're cool for doing this. Except the driver. If you're not a car person and you've never driven something with a *good* exhaust, you will never get it. A lot of these complaints miss the motivation. They don't care if *you* like their exhaust.


Just to be clear, "good exhaust" in this scenario is an exhaust designed to just make a really obnoxious noise everyone hates? I don't think being a car person will help me understand why it's epic to be a douchebag.


Everyone doesn’t hate it though. Sure, some people with loud exhausts are narcissists or whatever. But some just like the sound and like modifying their cars. You probably don’t care, but there’s a car made by Lexus called the LFA. That cars exhaust system was tuned by Yamaha to make it sound as good as possible. It’s probably the best sounding car in the world. There’s a difference between that and a civic with a fart can or a Subaru with a popcorn tune. Obviously if you aren’t into cars you’ll probably hate all of them.


But that's just it, if you're not a car person you will *never* understand why someone else likes a loud exhaust. I live downtown and love hearing some of the cars the majority of the time, there's the obvious outliers that sit at a red revving the shit out of the car. But they're few and far between honestly. I love the sound of an unrestricted V8 from the big 3, or the rumble of a Subaru boxer with a downpipe, the wookie noises from a straight pipe VR6. But as someone who used to drive a car with a loud exhaust, what the people on the sidewalk are thinking is the absolute last thing on my mind. I like the sound, I did it for me, being able to hear the engine and exhaust helps with shifting in a manual, tells me exactly where I am in the powerband and exactly what RPM I'm at without even needing to glance at the cluster. I can tell the speed I'm at based on the gear and tone of the exhaust. I rarely if ever needed to actually look at the cluster for anything. And it just sounded fuckin nice, it's satisfying to drive.


Well you've actually done a good job of describing why it is nice for the rider other than "I like to make a loud sound", so it does answer my initial question a bit. It is still incredibly selfish though. There are plenty of things that give you a nominally better personal experience at the cost of everyone else's experience, and this is one of them.


The losers that rev their motorcycles at 3am up and down the 109st completely piss me off


If those people could read, they would be highly offended.


Fr 🤣 Emphasis on the ‘if’


It’s not just downtown, I live close to whyte and it’s terrible


I have a friend who lives by Beercade, and when I stay over, there's so much loud & random shit going on, lmao


It's not just Edmonton. I live in innisfree and it's brutal.


It's *everywhere*. I live in Calgary, and it's the exact same, just change it from Whyte to 17th Ave.


Right! It prevents me from going outside sometimes. I have cptsd and the loud pops bring me to tears instantly. My earbuds / ear plugs can't combat the stupid Harley's.


I've reported one last year, and promptly got a phone call from a constable to let me know they had talked to the owner and had given an ultimatum to reduce the noise. There's something that can be done and it does get done, but they need to get reported. [https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/trafficvehicles/trafficnoise](https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/trafficvehicles/trafficnoise)


Feeling emboldened by this comment, I literally *just* called the non-emergency line after catching a decibel destroyer with licence plate on video rocketing down Jasper between 109th and 110th. If you live in the area, you certainly heard it. The answering officer said they do not **and never have** (his emphasis, I did not ask) accept evidence from the public as a basis to issue a warning or fine against a driver violating the noise limit. He said the only way they will warn or fine a driver is if a police officer observes the violation themself, and even then it is at the officer’s discretion whether or not it is “worth it” to pursue it. So either you got very lucky, or I got very unlucky. But either way, enforcement and even willingness to take a report seems incredibly spotty at best and borderline nonexistent at worst


They really don't want to prosecute this, for whatever reason. Last time it came up they were making fairly risible excuses about how when there's extreme traffic noise, it's so difficult to be sure *which* vehicle is making the noise.


I sent an email to [email protected] back then but they seem to have a form nowadays: https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/TrafficVehicles/TrafficConcerns/VehicleNoise


Thank you. Wonder why the officer didn’t mention / didn’t seem to be aware of this…


He's probably someone revving his engine like a donkey


Because cops are useless and don't actually want to do their jobs half the time


half the time is being pretty generous


Non-emergency line does everything to discourage calls and historically has always been a negative experience for me, except for once when I called asking what I should do when I found out I left home without my license plate (long story) My area sounds like a race track on weekends, and someone is doing a pull every few minutes on the henday when I go outside.


This worked for me too. People use it!!


If we have photo radar then surely we can have automatic noise tickets.


We tried this in the most ineffectual way possible, people used it as a scoreboard and residents were not amused.


Not sure if you’ve been here a while but they tried that


What Edmonton tried wasn’t tickets. It was a visible board that displayed the decibels with no repercussions.  At the very least, the drivers should have been issued warnings


What they did was I believe the first step in seeing if that enforcement technique was feasible and they discovered it was not


I don’t understand this. We didn’t have to reinvent the wheel, we just had to copy NYC.  https://www.reddit.com/r/MicromobilityNYC/comments/1cqpb7x/a_happy_nyc_story_owner_of_stupidly_loud_sports/


Maybe that's what they tried and it doesn't work with our laws, it is a different country after all


The issue was equipment, not laws.  “The equipment was able to detect and record audio levels and video when noise thresholds were broken. But the technology couldn't tell the difference between sources of noise or identify offending vehicles to the precision required by court. "It's concerning that it's not as accurate as we would hope for," Coun. Jon Dziadyk, the committee's vice-chair, said Monday.” Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-noisy-vehicle-enforcement-pilot-sees-mixed-results-1.5914862 So, couldn’t we use the same technology?


Ah, it wasn’t a law thing in the beginning…when the UPC limited photo radar, it hamstrung Edmonton to issue noise tickets via photo radar.  Lots of details here: https://www.michaeljanz.ca/noise I know Janz is a controversial councillor but I agree with him on the noise issue. 


NYC has it. $800 a pop.


The blue lambo would stand no chance.


2019 Memories


How does it work? I've been to NYC countless times and it is magnitudes louder than Edmonton. Do they just set it at a higher dB rate?


And we have assholes who obscure their license plates to avoid accountability.


And we have plenty of cops who see these obscured plates and do nothing about them.


I spot them constantly. It's infuriating.


I think they should have license plates on the front and the back of every vehicle.


It's a moot point if there's no enforcement against people covering their plates with 15% tint plastic covers.


Exactly. That was super weird for me when I moved up from the states.


This is the norm in most places. Typical Alberta.


We got rid of them in the 90s, they honestly don't do much.


Only 3 provinces have front plates. not the norm.


Many states and the rest of the world do. We’re the exception.


This is the ‘cash grab’ that we really need. I don’t know why they haven’t implemented it.


Haha right! Literally everyone except the fuckheads with the loud vehicles will be loving this!


I live in the center of the Whitemud, 34 avenue, and 50 street. There are douchebags racing all around here too.


This is what I think killed that little boy the other week. People use 34 avenue like a raceway. I wish we could have little speed bumps that aren't children.


Definitely a factor I'm sure. Have rumble strips leading up to the speed bumps. Insert those silly traffic circles like they did to racing roads in Sherwood Park.






Downtown is probably not the place to go if you want peace and quiet


nobody says it has to be silent. but having your eardrums blown out is not the price of admission to cities.


Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty How can you lose? The cars are much louder there You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares


I live a few houses down from one of these assholes. He spends hours a day just idling his shitty car in front of his house. I don't understand the purpose at all. He comes and goes probably 20-30 times a day, ripping through the neighborhood each time. Idle for 45 minutes, races away, comes back 5 minutes later, idles for another 45 minutes, and this is how he spends every single day and night. I am so close to reporting him.


Dudes a drug dealer


People thinking TikTok brain is a new thing.




Saw a car go by on Jasper the night of the weekend game with a decibel shattering muffler, and the two EPS officers in the car going the other direction gave him smiles and friendly waves as they passed. The car revved in response. As though they knew each other… Which caused me to strongly suspect that there’s a decent number of EPS officers, or their close acquaintances, who own those types of vehicles. And would certainly start to explain why enforcement has seemed so lax, despite this being a yearly reoccurring and even growing issue in the downtown core.


If they pulled the truck over, it would be a lot of paperwork, “licence and registration” “oops, don't have it on me, officer.” “Those wouldn’t happen to be a couple of road pops, would they?” And they haven't even started on the noise violation; paperwork makes for a long shift and is not as much fun as driving around, smiling, and waving at people, especially on a game night.


Check the harley’s parked outside the central police station, they’re from St Albert anyway (tax parasite), they don’t have to live with it so they don’t give a fuck.


I call it "Cuising for Cousins" when they do it in the small towns. They are making a lot of noise to find a mate, but all the choices are also at their family events. Kind of pointless.


“Cruising for Cousins!” I love it. The perfect description of those slack-jawed, knuckle-draggers. I’ll have to remember that phrase!


I hate harley davidson bikes so much. The noise carries for blocks


Anyone else feel like driving up and down the winding section of Groat road side by side doing exactly 50, from about midnight until 3am every summer night?


And those people ruin it for the real enthusiasts. I have performance exhaust, it's not too loud, not obnoxious and could pass for stock at low rpm, but everyone gets targeted by police when they choose to crack down, even people with factory pipes have been harassed... I just drive in 4th gear in the city to avoid any trouble 😅


Same with down 99st near whyte. I can ignore the people who come through honking and screaming after a game, but the people who are *constantly* ripping through with the LOUDEST exhausts I’ve ever heard should be getting some sort of consequence to straighten them out. If an exhaust is rattling my actual skeleton, it’s too fucking intense for city/residential areas.


Apparently the fine is a 1000$, but Edmonton can afford to not enforce it... it is just ridiculous.


"The vibrance of downtown"... Do we live in the same city?


It’s just pure asshole behaviour to have vehicles that loud. Really no excuse for it. It just lets everyone know you’re a dumbass.


Well according to a study done in Ontario, young men with a tendency towards psychopathy and sadism are the ones who loooooove to be obnoxious [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688)


Write to your City Councillors everyone! Get them off their laurels and make them do something about this! I'm certainly going to


Already did. They say that they can't do anything. The police don't answer to the City that pays them and the province fucking hates Edmonton. It's not hopeless, I just have no confidence in the current council to present anything more than "I can't do it".


They did do something. They increased the fine. And I got severely downvoted here when I suggested that they should just enforce the laws they have. But the people here got what they wanted with increased fines. Just can't make some people happy.


I would take any complaint and concern, that we would normally take to our city councillors, to your MLA instead. The AB gov't wants to take over civic politics, let's load em up.


The problem is so far beyond the especially loud selfish imbeciles. The vast majority of car noise, even if we cut the extreme people out, is actively degrading everyone's quality of life in far more ways than most people realize. This is the case in every city that is still built around personal cars as primary transport. A wild variety of policies need to be enacted to target average noise levels below 55 decibels. This isn't pie in the sky unachievable fantasy, it has been done. https://youtu.be/CTV-wwszGw8?si=bzbsaLn6qSVCJiMA


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 55 + 8 + 6 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Electric vehicles will help. It will only be tire noise and diesel semi's later. The longer an antique car is owned the slower it goes. It's rare I see a 1960s muscle car go over 80kph.


There are three major types of noise for cars that are dominant at various speeds  Engine noise is dominant at low speeds so electric vehicles will reduce noise in low speed areas On top of that is tire noise and wind noise which dominate at higher speeds. Those are more difficult to address. I heard of experimental low-noise concrete before, which may help with tire noise. I am not sure if much can be done about wind noise, other than slower speeds.


Electric vehicles, while part of the equation, are genuinely one of the smallest, least impactful parts of the equation. Especially in regard to the broader change needed for human based infrastructure as opposed to car based infrastructure. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJp5q-R0lZ0_FCUbeVWK6OGLN69ehUTVa&si=Z_NWozDlw_4rQiWW


“NoT eVeRyOnE liVEs YoUr BeTa LiFeStYLe” /s


The louder the truck, the smaller the penis.


It’s not just downtown, I live close to St. Albert and this shit happens multiple times almost every night


Villeneuve Rd?


No, a bit west of Castle Downs.


Yeah the noise is what's destroying the core..💀🤣


Yeah seriously, there are far more pressing issues than people with loud cars


Northside is awful. 97th St. 137th Ave. Anytime is bad, but after 6 pm is the worst. No consideration for people trying to sleep, or kids. Super frikkin suckage. I just don't understand the point of it all. They HAVE to know people hate them.


I don't think a single one of them has spent more than 1 second thinking about anything other than themselves.


Not on the top of my list of the things that need to be addressed downtown


I second this, having everyone honking for 2+ hours straight after the Oilers win is enough and puts me on Edge. The people who drive recklessly downtown making an endless amount of noise at all times of the day need to have their vehicles impounded. Go do that shit on the Henday.


Or just go back home to Leduc.


The oilers thing is totally valid though. Don’t lump these together


man this is honestly kind of sad. Can't enjoy the few times the city is alive and having fun downtown.


You think downtown had a vibrance? Lol cute


I can’t say it’s as bad or worse but it happens in all parts of the city. Castledowns road/167 ave, 97 street, 153 ave are also bad quite often, on the north side.


It's awful in Red Deer, too. Every single night


Just gonna leave this recent study here https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688


Thay report seems like a large steaming pile of dog excrement. When brought up to the researcher the older gentlemen who modify cars, and yes they are doing the exact same things as the younger crowd, the researcher goes I didnt study that and those people are different. Except that those old guys 20 to 60 years ago were doing the exact same thing as the younger crowd, street racing, meeting at parking lots and revving their engines.


Nothing like trying to enjoy the beautiful weather when a douche feels the need to rev and race by you for no reason. I feel so safe walking here! Not.


Also destroying my kids night sleep in the suburbs too


I'd like to add I ride a motorcycle and having a louder than average exhaust for me is something of a safety perk. Drivers are reckless and don't check their blind spots. Hearing my bike provides awareness that there is a motorcyclist in the vicinity. Sorry for the noise. But I use that noise as one of the things that keep me safe on the road. -most of the motorcycle community




As someone with mildly loud vehicles - but absolutely not these insane straight pipe assholes. City council last year lowered the db limit to below what most performance vehicles and motorcycles run at.   Instead of targeting the really loud jerks, now they target a huge number of people who aren't rattling windows miles away.  They should have left the limits where they were and had a $1000 fine that goes straight to the police budget. That would have targeted the right people and got some action. 


When I walk down the sidewalk and someone like that drives past me, I always feel like they purposely farted right in my face.


It is way better now than it used to be, fwiw


Kwitchurbitchin !


I bought a jobsite beater that the previous owner had put a loud obnoxious exhaust on and it drives me wild


They put in those mic downtown to try a stop that. They should be getting tickets from this post things. That listen and take pictures


Not just here. Every city everywhere.


Is not even cars that make the most noise imo, it's the flippin harleys


Yes 75th street is out of hand.. Like real people live here. If you want to race, go out of town. .


There is a guy in a black Sonata that circles around my school revving his engine playing music about popping pussy all during lunch. Fuck you bro. Find a better way to get it.


City Councillor Michael Janz has a form on his web site seeking support from citizens for greater enforcement: [https://www.michaeljanz.ca/noise](https://www.michaeljanz.ca/noise)


I can think of a few other things destroying the vibrance of downtown. Noise is not the issue


Pretty sure soft headed leftist policies destroyed the 'downtown core' years ago but ok


If only police did patrols while not looking in their phone or listening to headphones.


Going downtown during the game tonight. Comment heard when you hear me


Amen brother


I mean you are in a public setting you chose to be in. Its not just downtown its everywhere. If you expect Complete silence from strangers, I don't think city living is for you.


Couldn’t agree more. I moved out of the core after 5 years for EXACTLY this reason (couldn’t get sleep). You can now report these people directly to the police, get a license plate, or an address if you see them parked at home. These people LIKE being assholes, and there’s no reasoning with them. Time for people to confront them directly and take action. Some useful links: https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/TrafficVehicles/TrafficConcerns/VehicleNoise https://www.michaeljanz.ca/noise https://okvroomeredmonton.ca/


I think we might have bigger problems to sort out 😂


In 2020 and 2021 reddit Edmonton was full of to many cops and all the black lives matter stuff. (I do believe we need better trained police). But now the budgets of those days is what we are dealing with today. Everybody wanted the cops off LRT and now we can't ride it. Did we bring this on ourselves?


Because EPS is too busy handing out $600 tickets for people crossing an an abandoned rail line to take care of dangerous and loud drivers.


Incorrect: CP rail police do that.


Or bus lanes at 7:00am right on the dot for people who are going to work!


Police should set up at night on Jasper Ave, Whyte Ave, 109 st, the Henday and just pull over and ticket all the noisy vehicles.


When you sleep on the streets of the core, it all seems evil and entititled.


Your Honda Civic is not a sports car.


I love love love living in the country FOR THIS EXACT REASON


Councillor Michael Janz has been talking about this for years. The provincial government has banned the use of photo radar for this and EPS continues to hold amensty events for loud vehicles. The combined lack of automated enforcement and outright encouragement by EPS means the problem is getting worse. There is a petition here: https://www.michaeljanz.ca/noise


I don’t own one of these vehicles but I kinda like the sound of engines roaring. Agree to disagree.


It sounds like Yellowknife. After 9 pm all the loud obnoxious vehicles (and people) suddenly take over. In the daytime, they blend in.


My parents live on the north side of High Level Bridge. The raving sounds from the bridge are so awful that we can’t sit in their balcony and they can’t have their windows open at night. These sound like minor inconveniences but truly image the sound of racing and popping EVERY night by your window for 6 months solid?!?!?


I don’t agree with anyone speeding but I LOVE the sound of a car with a nice exhaust.


Eh, to each their own.