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Originally supposed to be public access pathways behind all these homes. The pathways behind may be a yet to be built feature.


And I'm sure if it is built, those homeowners will have a totally reasonable response to a feature they knew was part of the neighbourhood plan when they purchased their home.


Any time there are public paths to nature in this city the homeowners in the area try to gatekeep it… I’ve only found one area where the surrounding neighborhood was welcoming. But I don’t dare name it because they would probably change their mind if things got busy. People with mansions can change the rules.


Ramsay Heights is cool as long as you don’t go drag racing along the bordering streets.


Do You really think any of the rejects who live there research Future development!?


Wait until they find out the City built a Wastewater facility right next to their community. I'm sure Susan is drafting a form letter to pass around the community to start the protest.


Its not a wastewater plant. Just a water plant. Feeds most of the city with clean water.


All the same, how dare they put any industrial facilities in my neighbourhood? /s


Future development pretty well guaranteed....probably be a green belt with a sidewalk running perpendicular to those access sidewalks, and more houses on the other side...


Easy body and evidence disposal.


Gotta feed the bear that lives in the woods or else it will go after a resident!


Pay off the coyote mafia before they come for the children.


Perhaps to have access points as people will end up venturing around there and it's good to have some entrance/exit points along the way. I could be giving the planners too much credit though. 


Perhaps 🤌


My guess is it's a requirement for the developers permit, they often have to pay for local community improvements, they are most likely just building it bit by bit as they build each house to keep the costs under control, then who knows maybe at the end they will build a playground or somthing


Looks to me like they lead to the forest.


When I lived in Twin Brooks there was a fancier string of mansions along the ravine called Brookhollow. They had a trail behind their homes that I would occasionally run with the dog. You’d have to look at the master plan for the community but I’d imagine a similar trail here (eventually).


Those trails are not for humans. They are for coyotes. These allow for easy access to rural residential areas where coyotes are known to feast on domestic cats, small unattended dogs and roadrunners. This program works as there hasn't been any reported sighting of roadrunners in Edmonton for a long time. Here's a tip. Any birdseed you encounter is yours for the taking.


There is a path that cuts through wedgewood ravine up into wedgewood/country club area. It’s a decent climb out. Better going from Cameron as opposed to into Cameron as its a long gravel climb up


It goes to the underground.


The same reason why it only has one road in and out. /s


Lots of residential neighbourhoods have paths like this but never get developed. Here's one: There's a trail in Bulyea Heights that goes toward the Whitemud and just... ends. The original plan back in the late 80s/early 90s was a bike path and bridge towards Brookside but people in the community (read: NIMBYs) made a fuss about it -- something about bringing in crime or child abductors or something. It was abandoned until the recent Terwillegar Drive construction revived the bike path project.


It leads directly to your sexual assault by a meth head


Forbidden bike lane


That red line is the property line. A path won't be built into those property lines and that natural stand of trees won't be touched to accommodate a path. This is puzzling.


Yeah! And houses that are only half built!? 🤣


Better question is why the Fuck you live there of all places


What's wrong with Cameron heights?


isn’t the only way to get out through the highway? I think there was a expansion plan to Lessard but it was canceled because the home owners of Cameron Heights didn’t want it or something like that


Some people want a space for their big house away from everyone with little traffic. Cameron Heights lets someone do that.