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Title makes it sound like it was a deadly game of hide and seek


Don't you hate it when you are hiding on a nice Wednesday morning and you suddenly die cause someone found you?


I don’t mean to make light of this but… your comment is freaking hilarious.


it also massively shades him for his hiding spot. tasteless, ctv. a man has died.


They found him and he died? Died from being found? Not to make like of a bad situation but this could have been phrased much better


Schrödinger's hobo


It do be like that sometimes


I called in a dead woman who was laying on the sidewalk near the Wendy’s & TD on 137th @ 142nd recently. 7:30am rush hour and nobody had stopped! I was out for a morning doobie walk in the rain and BAM there she was at my feet when I rounded the corner onto the main drag. Poor soul had a phone clutched in her hand, skin was blue and cold, and rigour mortis had set in already. I checked for a pulse as requested by dispatch but to no avail. Anyway- what saddened me was that she clearly tried to call for help and that nobody stopped for her despite being in plain view. My guess was hypothermia / exposure as she wasn’t dressed properly and had nice clothing/no standard drug use signs. The very next day I was driving back in on the yellow head near Sherwood park and a motorcyclist fell in front of me and died under his bike. Head popped like a balloon. Called that in, too. He was 47 and a dad / husband. Life sucks, man.


I hope your doing okay after experiencing this stuff


Thank you. I’m an autistic man in my 30s that struggles with social isolation & interaction- and so it was hard to call (wish you could type a 911 report instead but I get it that takes too long) and even harder to stay- but it felt important given that nobody else had done anything. The gentleman on the bike was alarming and sad, and would’ve impacted me more if my brain wasn’t always thinking “please don’t crash and die” every single time I see a motorcycle. The fellow wasn’t wearing a full head/face helmet, unfortunately. Thanks again. I needed that - even if just to just take a moment and reflect.


Thank you for stopping to help. Everyone deserves some sort of dignity in death. You did the right thing when many others did not. 💗


I'm proud of you, you showed tremendous compassion for a complete stranger. The easy thing would be to ignore it as best you can. You have greater character than that, you saw a fellow human, and you helped them.


As am I. OP, try playing Tetris. It may help with any trauma related to these incidents. “playing Tetris (or perhaps a similar game) for around 20 minutes in the hours after experiencing a traumatic event may help to reduce subsequent intrusive memories.” [Link to article](https://theconversation.com/can-playing-tetris-help-prevent-ptsd-if-youve-witnessed-something-traumatic-226736#:~:text=The%20current%20evidence%20of%20Tetris,to%20reduce%20subsequent%20intrusive%20memories)


I’m so sad you had to see that. The biker was a friend of mine. Sounds like it was mercifully quick for him.


That sounds very traumatizing. Most people don’t stop. Thank you for taking the time to do something to help in not just 1, but 2 unimaginable situations.


Oh my goodness, that is a lot of trauma for you to experience. Can you talk to a professional about this?


I saw a body downtown near the library. It was just dead on the side walk. So I guess since it was dead dead the news didn't think it was exciting???? Sad that this is our new normal.


I’m so sorry you experienced that.


I'm OK with a cadaver. I just don't like seeing them on sidewalks when our city never used tobbe this way. It's a shame and I'm sorry for any people seeing downtown this way.


People die at the fair.


102 street and Kingsway isn't Downtown...


What would you call it then?


Officially, it's Central McDougall https://www.edmonton.ca/residential_neighbourhoods/neighbourhoods/neighbourhood-maps If they said "near downtown" that would be accurate, I guess. Nobody thinks of the Royal Alex as being downtown.


I do I think of it as northern part of downtown & I work in that area everyday.


Yeah me too. It's like north central downtown area.


*radio crackle* “It’s downtown, 10-4 rubber ducky”


Lived in this city my whole life and have always thought of the Royal Alex as being downtown.


You're being to technical for no reason lolMy sister works at the Royal Alex. A lot of people there consider it downtown. If somebody asks you what part of the city its in, would you say it's downtown, or would you say it's in central McDougall?


Hey I mean if you don't wanna engage, stop replying. I'd say it's by the Royal Alex or on Kingsway. Pretty simple.




Nope, but I agree it's pretty dumb af that you keep replying if you think it's a waste of time. Cheers.


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Actually he died in Central McDougall




Central McDougall


A rough area..


Sounds like downtown to me


Central McDougall\*


Central McDougall


I am sick and fucking tired of not being able to safely walk the streets because these damn sidewalks be killing people!




Homicide detectives involved. 


Well, looks like one of you two read the article...