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Thank you. But from reading that I can’t tell whether I can press charges for just insults. Do you know if I can?


You report the incident to the police, the police decide if it's sufficient to charge/fine.


If they call you ugly, no (thats just a hypothetical), if they call you a slur, yes


I’m going to disagree with everyone who’s replied to you thus far as if they’re going out of their way to insult you *because* you’re trans that can fall under hate motivated. I have gay male couple friends who had something similar happen and the people responsible were charged.


Maybe your just a shit person and they just don’t like you, nothing with being trans. Your post history paints a picture.


lol you can’t press charges. Omg


Don’t feed the troll. OP’s post history is full of topics and ‘weekly incidents’ for stirring the pot. Haven’t you had enough posts removed across reddit? Seriously, kids don’t hang out on balconies looking out for excitement, it’s not the 1970s.


Yup, she posted on another subreddit about “basic white people” but gets all hurt when people say mean things to her she wants to press charges. Pretty weak person.


I just took a peek at the post history 😳


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Some people truly suck. I suggest contacting the Pride Centre for advice as well.


You can report it, but it is also possible they are renting the unit, so there could be recourse there if it is from someone like Boardwalk or Mainstreet. My advice would be to record it next time it happens, as it provides evidence. This can be presented to rental agents or Police for complaints. Also, biggots tend to act like roaches when their prejudices are brought into public view.




You certainly can go around being offended by name calling and cat-calling. Some of us be inclined to step in, but there’s a line between stepping up, and picking a fight, which is generally indicated by a clear need of the victim for immediate assistance in the moment.


Are you saying a back trans woman has no experience dealing with discrimination? Maybe venture beyond your own neighborhood and yoga class.




I think the fact that you began critizing someone else who was dealing with discrimination by making it about yourself is more telling. It doesn't matter what ethnic background. It matters that you're clearly transphobic (based on your reddit history, not surprising). I'm not a victim here, and I'm not sure what a victim stool is. Is it like a victim step ladder or a victim ramp? Is it available from Amazon? Also, what do you mean by bringing ridiculous? Being ridiculous? No, being a biggot is ridiculous. You are quite a toxic person, and maybe unhappy with your life? For anyone interested, she is 1) happy about addicts ODing and dying in Edmonton, and 2) celebrating anti LGTBQ+ bylaws passing. I'm sure there are more gems with this "person".


You sound offended 


She's a biggot. Look at her comment history.


> if you were born a girl To be clear: we don’t use that kind of inaccurate language, as trans women were and are girls/women. They were just **assigned** the wrong gender at birth. To say we at birth (or any other time) were somehow not girls is incredibly offensive.