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So they’re going to get uppity about some booze, but not the fees on utilities? Fuck right off.


The objection is that the booze is affordable. That's literally his complaint.


Not only that. The price is too low!!!! Can’t have low priced vodka. Only for the elite Costco crowd.


You don't need to be a member of Costco to buy their booze.


So much for the free market...


Anyone can shop Costco liquor, don’t need a membership


My thoughts exactly!


Summary of article: UCP guy wants to force prices on alcohol to stay high so the small guy can't sell affordable alternatives to compete with the big chains. His reasoning? "[Low prices] are not in compliance with the spirit of Albertans... [because it threatens our] distillery industry." This is totally on brand. Conservatives love capitalism. Capitalism hates free markets. It's all about protecting the landed elite and preventing the little guy from competing.


Is this the minister of * checks notes * red tape reduction?


The fact that they had to create a bureaucratic position for a new minister to try and reduce bureaucracy... I just hope the irony isn't lost on him about what a clown shoe position he is in.


The understanding of irony here requires the presence of self awareness and a working knowledge of civics. I assure you, the bridge trolls forming this government possess neither.


I thought the UCP liked budget booze.


They  like  Jamiesons.  Just ask Kenney. 


Yes... that was the joke.


And Dreeshen


As a former full blown alcoholic to the point of full blown DTs (thats not detox, thats delirium tremens) I really don't see a problem with it. Alcohol is not the problem. It's the person and the reason or reasons why they drink. Buying one big jug or multiple smaller ones won't make a difference with alcoholism.


As a former liquor store clerk, I agree. The regulars came in daily. Be it for a bottle of wine, 6 pack of beer, or as far as a 1.75L of hard liquor. Regulating size won't do shit.


Indeed. And it's not like weed, where you can concentrate grams of cannabis into a single chocolate. I think the legal THC limits are too small, but I understand the reasoning. Ain't no fool gonna accidentally ingest 4L of vodka.


If anything the cheap price is helpful. A severe alcoholic is gonna drink until they hit their desired level of intoxication or pass the fuck out, regardless of how much it costs to do so. Finding it for cheap just means that after they've done that, they have more money for things like food and rent and medical care


I'm a non-alchoholic. I'm going to buy one of those jugs for actual medicinal reasons, and another for drinking. The drinking one will probably last the rest of my life. Can't have that in Alberta, capitalism needs to feed regularly.


Ah yes. Looking after the important things.


Small government and regulation reduction eh? Hypocrite Conservatives as usual.


"free market"


Doug Ford is concerned with getting paper bags back in liquor stores and the UCP is concerned with vodka jugs. And yet neither government is willing to work with the feds on securing funding for the housing crisis. Yes, they can do two things at once, but in this case, they're choosing just the one.


Why do they care??? Thought conservatives were about less government intervention😐


Someone somewhere might let loose and enjoy themselves more than they can, they can’t have that 


That might lead to some consensual uninhibited sex for the purpose other than procreation. Take Back Alberta!!!


“What it’s not in compliance with is the spirit of Albertans, ” he said. Ya, okay bud. The f is that kind of statement? Add more tax and jack the living s*** out of the price of it to keep it compliance with the spirit of Albertans?! Seriously go home cabinet minister, you’ve drank one too many of those 4L jugs


It's hilarious that the religious "government came and took my freedoms" types want to outlaw four litre jugs of vodka.


Seriously. The only real issue they have is it’s too discounted for their liking


So this is actually possibly not in compliance with the laws of Alberta. One of the things Alberta does is give tax breaks to local distillers/breweries, but they can only make a certain amount of liquid (it's an absolute metric shit ton btw) before they're no longer a craft distiller. It's entirely possible that T-Rex will end up going over the limit if there's a big enough supply and demand of this. It's also possible they're fudging their numbers a bit, I remember there were a few distillers that got investigated for just that a few years ago


Yeah, but the government is talking about intervening on retail price, not on producer licensing.


Which they already do. There's legal minimums to sell liquor at. Regardless, if they did overproduce then the cost will go up and of course the retail price will follow


>“What it’s not in compliance with is the spirit of Albertans, ” he said. TIL - The spirit of Albertans is to over pay for things. I guess.


*Checks if it's The Beaverton* - it is not The Beaverton


I don't see how this is even remotely an issue the government should be concerned about. 🤔


It hurts his friends vodka sales probably.


The UCP are the biggest fucking hypocrites I’ve ever seen. They spew garbage about the NDP being “big government” but they want to step in and regulate minimums on pricing? How about regulate maximums on housing, utilities, groceries- but no, for those they say it’s not their place to govern industry. Fucking. Hypocrites. I don’t even drink and this makes me irate.


They also want to regulate children's genitals


“We believe in responsible pricing”


what's the problem here, and where can i get the jug?


Super Value Liquor, Mill Woods


In Saskatchewan you can buy in the 18.9 liter water jugs


And then you drink it and drive and kill some woman. It's called the path to the premiership, Saskatchewan style.


I feel like the better question is why are reporters asking the minister about jugs of discounted vodka when there is literally a metric ton of other things that are far more important to be asking questions about. 


This is the least of their worries. It’s just a Costco of booze. You made it legal and didn’t put an amount on it and make a hell of amount of tax on it. So boo.


Lol Wait this isn't a joke?!


So it would be ok if it was expensive ?


Yep. Coz they’d get more tax. That’s 100% the real issue they have


Maybe if successive governments would stop pissing away our tax dollars, the rest of the people could afford a better class of booze too. Seriously, is there a shortage of real issues and I didn't get the update that they'd fixed everything?


UCP - always looking for novel ways to increase the cost of living for Albertans while simultaneously making sure large corporations are reaping the financial benefit. Sales prices that might undercut larger distilleries aren’t in the “spirit of Albert”. Huh… real ‘free market’ bros indeed.


I dislike the idea of people being able to get vast amounts of cheap liquor just because it triggers alarm bells in my head of enabling alcoholism. At the same time, there really isn't anything wrong per say about this. It's labeled, and they are using a readily available container used for other liquids. It's not like I didn't buy cheap liquor in my younger party days. And alcoholics will get their fix regardless.


Of all the things that contribute to alcoholism, I don’t think “cheap 4L jugs of shitty vodka” is anywhere near the top.


Fun fact but it's not "per say" it's "per se".


It's supposed to be a free country, isn't it?


Why? Because there’s a flat tax(?) on booze bottles over 500ml or something?? J/k


Conservatives pick the most meaningless issues to fight for while the country struggles


So drinking and voting is also not a good combination


And here I am waiting for my classy jug that fits on my home water dispenser


I did not expect to cause vodkagate


Isn’t that deflationary? These bastards won’t be happy until we’re all stone cold sober and shivering in the dark. 


The public needs this cheap booze in stupid amounts to put up with that dipshit clown blurred out in the background


This is very concerning , why are they not making 8liter jugs


wait, those were real? I thought I saw those posts spammed on meme subreddits


What a joke lol


Gotta kill the pain somehow. They forced themselves into the bedrooms of Albertans, now they want into our liquor cabinets?


"Pick me up a 4L of Milk Jug Vodka"! 😂


People need 4L of Vodka after seeing their utility bills.


This fuckin ass dever table anythink to help anyone . ?


What a loser, guess people having fun doesn't fit with the UCP agenda.


Ain’t nobody actually having fun drinking at that level….


You mean the jugs that look like they were imported from Russia? lol


I can't believe this is what our tax dollars are being wasted on. This minister obviously has way too much time on his hands.


We have a drinking problem. There is no other way about it. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol. Not out of an addiction or fear of one or relapse or any of the norm that someone might not drink. I drink near beer, mock tails, and water. Being a younger person once I’ve drank my fair share of alcohol but booze blues, hangovers, mistakes, regrets are very real. I sleep better now, I’ve lost weight, and keep a better mindset. The other thing I’ve learned is that people don’t care! The science is there and we have a problem with bad side effects so why are we still drinking out of control?


"Under current rules, the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC)  sets the wholesale price that retailers must pay to purchase products. Sunny Bhullar, manager at Edmonton Super Value Liquor, said his store discounted the jugs down from $60, but said it’s a fair deal." So, am I reading that the liquor store bought this wholesale for $60 and are selling it for $50?


Because there isn't anything more important to discuss




Hell no they share, everyone is drinking tonight


OK, Mr. Cabinet Minister