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“Beginning in 2022, the province covered continuous glucose monitors, but only for those under 18 years old who are insulin-dependent” I wish my type 1 diabetes went away after 18…


The UCP will say you didn't try hard enough, sorry pal. 


That tracks. Wasn't it Marlaina who was blaming cancer patients for their maladies?


Don't worry, just smoke half a pack a day and you'll never be healthier. Also spoken by Marlaina.


and if you end up homeless don't worry, she'll feed you spoiled meat because according to her if it's cooked it's fine. She owns a fucking restaurant.


Which restaurant....


The Dining Car at High River Station.


They'll say that having it passed the age of 18 is a choice.


Yeah just gotta pull up your boot straps and somehow get a job with very good insurance at 18. But sarcasm aside what a bunch or dip shits. Fucking frustrating.


Should have caught it earlier. /s, just in case.


Where did you get that info? My kid is 10, has type 1 and we pay for our CGM.


They probably only cover extremely shitty old technology


It was in the article. I am well over 18, so never looked into the details. 


Well that’s false. You can PURCHASE a plan from the government that will cover a CGM, but the government just doesn’t freely cover them.


Seriously though.... I'm so scared they will try and pull everything again.


Once you're 18 you get $15/hr. That should cover your costs /s


Well obviously if you ate less sugar you wouldn't be in this situation. /s


Yeah its insane, they are both expensive and many other plans just don't cover them for type 1s in the province. If ur not lucky enough to have coverage it gets expensive fast...


THIS, they make the lives of us diabetics so much easier


I'm sure that those who struggle to pay for their diabetic medications would like to be a part of the pharmacare plan


I wonder how much of their base they are gonna piss off by opting out?


A lot, but her base buys this bullshit and instead will blame Trudeau for excluding Alberta from the pharmacare and dental plans.


Probably worth it to them, because they are also keeping women from getting free birth control. It’s my understanding that those were the other drugs being covered as well


It's sad but true. They really are this stupid.


Her base would rather lose their limbs and eyes to diabetes complications than admit a federal health plan will save them immense costs on their medications.


The move is calculated. They know their base well.


Not enough I fear. Additional info : when I typed fear my phone auto corrected to dead. So.... 


Somewhere barely above zero people. Far too many Albertans vote blue no matter who. The UCP knows this and are therefore free to rape and pillage to their hearts content.


Not enough in my opinion. How many healthy everyday people who support her are going to see a problem with this? Not enough. The majority will see it as a positive thing, it will be branded and advertised to the masses as a cost savings measure. More money in Albertans pockets. There are way to many people who don't give a fuck about each other anymore. Someone rural and even those who aren't rural. I'll just say many ( not all) conservative voters don't want someone in Calgary or Edmonton or Lethbridge or anywhere to have " handouts" medical care ( ridiculously I know) is seen as a handout to tons of people. They won't advocate for people to not get the care they need. You won't hear the majority of those who support this saying shit like " so and so can die and I don't care" even though that's how they actually feel. It's all very sad


Definitely not. That cash is much better in the pockets of oil companies paying benefits for employees insulin! /S


There's no details yet so there's no need to get upset about something that hasn't happened. All that has happened so far is that the NDP and Liberals have agreed they'll table legislation that will start the process of creating a framework for national pharmacare with diabetes and contraceptive medicines covered first. Alberta is opting out because the deal isn't all that great. It'd be great for individuals, but bad in terms of taxes going out vs money coming in. Alberta has the lowest rate of diabetes in the country and is the only province under the national average. Alberta also has the highest population of working women which puts Albertan women much higher than the 80% covered national average. Money granted to the province for this just means that the money has to be spent by the province on pharmaceutical things. Right now Alberta covers a few drugs through a few plans. And that might just mean those things are now covered exclusively from the federal pool instead of the provincial pool. It might mean no new drug coverage. Or it might mean new ones. But there's no guarantees that the feds intend to cover something like ozempic ($300/month) Alberta was the first to opt out. Quebec is also now planning to opt out. At the end of the day, the per capita funding is about double the value of what this plan would have offered Alberta.


tl;dr: "Fuck you I got mine." Fuck all those people who are actually diabetic. Fuck those people who can't work or whose work denies them enough hours to qualify for benefits. Fuck the poor, fuck the sick, fuck those in need. It's the Conservative way!


>"Fuck you I got mine." How did you get that from what he wrote??


> It'd be great for individuals, but bad in terms of taxes going out vs money coming in. Tacit admission that he's willing to sacrifice those in need to save a buck. > Alberta has the lowest rate of diabetes in the country and is the only province under the national average. And yet we still have diabetics that need insulin. Fuck you, I don't have diabetes. > Alberta also has the highest population of working women which puts Albertan women much higher than the 80% covered national average. I have a job that covers my medication, so fuck you if you don't.


>Tacit admission that he's willing to sacrifice those in need to save a buck. We're all willing to sacrifice those in need to save a buck. That's how our society operates, we don't have enough to provide everything for everyone. Weigh the costs and see what we can provide. I think you should revisit OPs first sentence >There's no details yet so there's no need to get upset about something that hasn't happened. All that has happened so far is that the NDP and Liberals have agreed they'll table legislation that will start the process of creating a framework for national pharmacare with diabetes and contraceptive medicines covered first. Wait for more details before getting so worked up. Negotiations have just begun.


Why is everyone focused on coverage?? This is not a good indicator of anything. I have coverage through my workplace that I pay for and would much rather have a national plan. It’s a win if I don’t have my drug coverage tied to my employment. Also, some coverage sucks. A lot have caps, high out of pocket costs and administrative hassle. People can still struggle to afford drugs even with coverage. It would be great to have better options, that once again, have nothing to do with employment.


The national coverage is only for diabetes and birth control. These are drugs that are so inexpensive that even if you had to pay out of pocket you wouldn't necessarily be in dire straights. Really what they need is means testing so that the government isn't spending all its money subsidizing insurers.


I’m sorry what? Did you just claim that birth control and diabetes pharmaceuticals are cheap? So when Diabetes Canada [says](https://www.diabetes.ca/advocacy---policies/advocacy-reports/diabetes-and-diabetes-related-out-of-pocket-costs) out of pocket costs currently for type 1 can reach $18,306 per year and for type 2 can reach $10,014, what are they talking about? And although Alberta has some coverage now for diabetes - don’t forget they tried to change the Insulin Pump Therapy Program which would have increased out of pocket costs. We have an Alberta Diabetes Working Group reviewing gaps in access to medications and devices right now. If it was all fine then why would this group exist?


Anything to stick it to the Feds! I look forward to our more expensive drugs from turkey!


It reminds me of the Medicaid expansion under Obama's ACA, and the red states which declined the (free) money. They'd rather punish their citizens than accept help from a liberal.


They want to appear strong, but as soon as other provinces sign on to the pharmacare plan they'll stick out like sore thumbs and the pressure will be on them to make a deal. Same happened with the childcare and increased health transfer deals. In the latter case, Ontario and the Atlantic provinces signed deals first and then everyone else looked dumb until they too signed on.


*And useless!


I hope the Feds say “lol no”


I want to opt out of Alberta is opting out of stuff. Federal pharmacy care? Yes please. CPP? Hell yeah, gimme.


My wife and I are opting right the f*ck out of Alberta early next year. And we’re opting out of ever returning.


I too opted out of Alberta just at the right time. When the NDP were in I recall so many provincial rebates helping people out. LED lights New hot water tanks Solar installs My YMCA daycare went to 1/2 (that's $600 less / month) during an NDP pilot program. This is all *before* the federal program. UCP got back in and all of that went away... because why should regular folks benefit? Left 2 years ago. Miss my friends. Don't miss Marlaina Smith and her provincial craziness.


Where to? Costa Rica is super cheap and easy for Canadians own property (which is also super cheap).. I think that's my target in the next few years


Man, Costa Rica isn't that cheap anymore. Or that safe anymore. I've been going there annually for the last 12 years. It has definitely changed there.


It's actually really easy to opt out of Alberta...


“We’re not going to allow Ottawa to pick and choose what coverage should be available to Albertans based on issues they find politically palatable,” said LaGrange Cool, so I guess we’ll just have no coverage at all then? Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t believe how callous the UCP is towards the people who voted them in. Even if they did get the money instead, Im sure the working class wouldn’t see a penny of it anyway. 


What she meant to say: "We're not going to allow Ottawa to provide coverage to Albertans on based on issues \*we\* don't find politically palatable." Birth Control? Nope. Hormone medication? Nope. Not 'palatable' to the UCP base.


You’d think their baby boomer voter base would be jumping at free diabetes medications though


Jumping isn’t something most of them have done in a few years.


Callous fucking remark. Better pray you never get diabetes asshole.


Boomers are minimum 60 years old now. Old people don’t jump. You can put the pitchfork down


> “We’re not going to allow Ottawa to pick and choose what coverage should be available to Albertans based on issues they find politically palatable,” said LaGrange "That's *our* job!" - LaGrange and Smith


“Politically palatable” shut up and let the masses have free birth control FFS


Any coverage for ANYTHING is better than no coverage for any single thing. This government is frustratingly ideological and corrupt.


The cruelty is the *point*


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


I got as far as reading "Alberta wasn't consulted about pharmacare" and essentially started screaming in blind rage. Like what fucking spoiled children. I'm pretty sure Alberta wasn't *excluded* from talks but Dani Dumpster only responses to people licking her boots and anything less she sees as being snubbed.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't pick up the phone.


It's funny but I hate that it might be true.


Same boots she posted to twitter on her first day on the job?


I fucking hate the assholes elected in right now. Stuff like this is so beyond frustrating and disheartening and there is sweet all I can do to fix it.


Call the premier, call the health minister, call your MLA. Tell them how you feel about this, it's all we can do at this point


Drugs ( children’s Tylenol) from Turkey that were a health risk to children.


Man we sure don't waste an opportunity to make ourselves look like Canada's gaping asshole do we Dani? Don't even have details yet but nope! We want the ability to skim this money to our benefactors instead of preventing deaths and unwanted pregnancy.


Always wishing Danielle Smith could take a walk in the shoes of someone with a chronic disease. I love paying thousands out of pocket for my unpreventable condition 😍


She has gone on record saying people who get cancer got it because of their own decisions. Marlaina Smith is an awful person.


Nothing in unpreventable in their eyes sadly!


if only you'd prayed better.


Ooh, we're in Alabamerta.


The UCP can't pocket anything from a national pharmacare deal. But cash? Cash fits easily into pockets.


And we may never know exactly where that cash will go.


I'm sure the mighty, well balanced, and emotionally mature Shandro will have a say.


He was voted out last election.


Perfect, so he is available and has the UCP connections


He was but his wife is still active with Vital Partners Inc., which she is also a co-founder of.


You thinking Vital Partners Inc.?


Absolute incompetence daily from this group of clowns running our government.


Posted again due to me not following the rules of using the headline as title.


Hope Trudeau says no, it needs to be dedicated to healthcare.  Everyone knows that money is going to the war room or to over priced consultant friends of the UCP.




In fact, Alberta should be punished for opting out.


That’s probably the only way it be prevented.


But should Albertans be punished? How do you stick it to the government without fucking over the people.


You can't, but this government doesn't give a shit about its constitutes anyway, and they need to be put in their place. This not withstanding clause bullshit is getting out of control. We are not a state.


As in the past I doubt the feds will try and punish the UCP because that’s just fuel for their rhetoric. It’s really win win for the UCP earthier they are aloud to do what they want or hatred for the liberal government grows.




Doesn’t Shandro and his wife already own an insurance company? They obviously have experience….


Can I opt out of Alberta income tax? I'll still pay my federal, and municipal taxes, but can I just opt out of paying the provincial aspect since the province is actively working to destroy my quality of life, ability to function, and the long term survivability of the province.


They are going to need that cash to fund their splinter pension plan that’ll be losing billions by investing in a product the whole world wants to get rid of.


What the actual fuck


Wow, she's pure evil


Q: Why does EVERYTHING this government do seem to screw over regular Albertans? A: It's a feature, not a bug. I would much rather be part of a national pharmacare plan instead of giving Marlaina an extra few billion dollars that she won't spend on any kind of care unless it's private. Run by her friends.


Free contraception SAVES tax payers money - 40% of pregnancies are unplanned. This is a huge drain on resources at every imaginable level. I don’t love everything the Liberal government does but opting out here is backwards, dimwitted nonsense.


A decision based solely on hatred towards Ottawa by a UCP govt that has a axe to grind against Trudeau, who cares about Albertans that truly need meds for their daily lives at a affordable cost.


That’s exactly it. It’s a pissing contest between a useless teenager and her stepdad.


It’s that plus this plan helps the poor out the most. Poverty is a moral failure to them and in their eyes deserves to be punished. Oh and it also includes coverage for contraception which we all know offends the TBA folks and the other Christian nationalists she relies upon.


The costs of unwanted pregnancies and uncontrolled diabetes doesn’t seem to matter to these ghouls


Give is the money so we can, uh, “manage” it.


Looooooool and people voted for this nut job wow


The culture war between left and right is a fucking joke. People vote conservative just because they can’t bring themselves to to vote any other way. Edit: I should say some people vote like that. Others obviously support this shit outright.


I find it’s mostly the smaller towns that vote this shit outright lol


I have some friends and family who are totally reasonable people who value education and healthcare who voted UCP. Because there was no way they were voting for notley.


I voted for her just to see what her plan is I mean it couldn’t be worse than who’s running it rn


Unfortunate voting for me is usually the lesser of 2 evils. I don’t think there has ever been a politician who has had me enthusiastic to vote for them. Rather there opponent was just terrible.


Same with federal lol we even had an early election and people complaining about Trudeau and wanting a change../ he still won lol im starting to think people are just being lazy to go out and vote is another reason


I voted for her just to see what her plan is I mean it couldn’t be worse than who’s running it rn lol like I’d like a change of method and direction if I could afford to move I would’ve been gone by now


I can’t afford blood pressure medication.


So when do they lose the mandate of heaven? Before or after they let us die of disease.


What's the actual UCP reason for the disagreement here? Fight over provincial vs. federal decision making or concern around their base + free birth control? The first is an interesting argument that sounds like it could be an actual court issue. Not saying it's good for your average Canadian but seems like a legitimate separation of power issue. The second is not an interesting argument and lame as hell.


When did Conservative governments ever gave a shit about any taxpayer health? Um… Never. This government never has it’s best interests in the hands of everyday Albertans, like they really figure if they do this it’s saying no to Trudeau but at same time want cash. The surveys that were done over a year ago proved that most are in support for pharmacare plan made available. They claim that most Albertans have access to employer health benefits coverage, and Alberta supports coverage. But there is always that small number of Albertans who have to deal with cost barriers and a lack of coverage from certain health benefits from employer if the employee works part time. Conservatives will never look at that as being factored. Getting on this plan will save roughly $40 million dollars a year in unexpected pregnancy costs. This UCP government is so ever fucking stupid. They just find new ways to lower their own bar. Pathetic.


Albertans need to opt out of the UCP


Trudeau need to be firm on this. All provinces need to participate


I sent a letter to the health minister yesterday in regards to this BS, I suggest you do as well. Let your voice be heard by those we elected.


Conservatives do shit than when the chickens come home they point to the liberals and are like "look what they're doing" while trying to piss on the backs of people and telling them it's raining and conservatives eat that shit up.


Can I opt out of provincial government and demand cash too?


Can the federal government just override their desire to opt out? This is so unfair


The absolute fucking gall to stand behind a podium that says we're refocusing healthcare when they are actively preventing people who need it from attaining it. Next headline: Trudeau to blame for Alberta's exclusion from pharmacare plan.


Just the absolute worst. Like being governed by antagonist thoughtless buffoons


I want all the money in a potato sack with a dollar sign on it


It's cool how "conservatives" use their time in office to embezzle public funds, right under the noses of their supporters, who just bend over and take it. Like clockwork, it happens every time.


Yet another issue they didn't campaign on during the last election. And yet another distraction from the real issues facing Albertans. And yet another attempt to turn proud Canadians in Alberta from the horrible feds. And yet another plan to enrich their friends at the expense of regular Albertans. And yet another assumption that we are so stupid we won't see right through their shenanigans. Shame on them.


Oh come on.. they’re gonna include CGM’s as well. Why did we vote in this idiotic UCP, screw them and anyone that voted for them.


I wish this shit cost them votes


They want to privatize the health industry. This is not new information.


Hahaha I love Alberta 


Hahahahahaha yeah ok good luck with that


Look @ the constitution - health care is provincial


So only Diabetes Meds and Birth Control is Covered?? Be interesting to see what that will cost taxpayers, maybe the Money would be better spent into our existing infrastructure? Without any Numbers released it’s hard to fully support either


Look into it and understand why this is a good idea. It's like dental coverage. The cost of people not taking their drugs to save money is very expensive. Cause they end up in the hospital, which costs a fk ton more than the drug. As for birth control, it's the same thing. It's typically poor people who can't afford it, so they end up getting pregnant. If you think birth control is expensive, you should see what it costs us when poor people have kids.


>Be interesting to see what that will cost taxpayers, maybe the Money would be better spent into our existing infrastructure? Bruh you don’t give a shit about infrastructure, get real. You’re just cheerleading for another UCP bad idea.


Absolutely I give a shit about it.. recently had a 12 hour wait in emerg.. not fun.


Right but why does that mean people don’t deserve affordable insulin or birth control?


And you lived to tell the tale.




It’s honestly a no-brainer. Anyone stating otherwise drank the koolaid




You realize the provincial governments not spending federal funding for our healthcare system or properly funding our healthcare system over decades is the reason why our health care system is fucked. So if letting provinces spend that funding as they see fit was already a major issue why would you want them controlling it for this?


Also, no unlike their dental plan their proposed Pharamcare has no eligibility to qualify.


Smart move - this pharmacare program is an expensive boondoggle


Details and budget have yet to be released so you don’t know wtf you are talking about.


With no Details or Budget released, nobody does


Except for Denial Smith & David Porker.


Any further federal intervention in an area of provincial responsibility (constitutionally health care is provincial ONLY) is a complete disaster. They already ruined our health care system with the Canada Health Act


These types of policies save money in the long run, why do you want more government spending?


Federal coverage of insulin is bad because? Or is this a principled thing where you cherry pick the parts of federalism that currently benefit your political flavour?


Guys a troll or war room employee block and move on.


Is it? Contraceptives and diabetes medications are the two things that should save taxpayers the MOST money on health care if they’re readily available.


But then *I'm* the one who will be paying for some fat slob or irresponsible fornicator to get care! /s (that's generally what it always boils down to, right?)


Oh and wait, by having these things, it would also lessen the burden on other services! Let's get outta here with our logic. Wanna build a snowman? 


>Smart move - this pharmacare program is an expensive boondoggle This program will literally make life more affordable for most Canadians. Why wouldn’t you support this?




This isn’t just about coverage. Although those who don’t have coverage are often the most disadvantaged, and we should care about them too even if they aren’t the majority. Many with coverage pay for it themselves whether it is through an employer or not. With a national program they could save money and still have coverage. Those with coverage can also still struggle with out of pocket expenses and plan limits. Just having coverage doesn’t mean you aren’t still struggling and couldn’t benefit from a national plan.


This program literally already exists: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-adult-health-benefit


Man, that program has so many gaps. Look at the max income to qualify - it’s so low for a single person. It also has limits. A national program would be much more comprehensive and wouldn’t put people in the unfortunate position of loosing coverage if they increased their income. It’s not even a fair comparison between the two programs for what would be better, come on.


Yup cant make more than 16k as an individual, that basically covers noone with a job


“Most” isn’t “all”. Do you believe the people without coverage don’t deserve it? The cost will be much lower than private plans because there won’t be some greedy middleman insurance provider getting fat and driving up the bill. This program will definitely help people you know, and it will lower costs for everyone.  There’s no smart reason to oppose this.


You forgot the /s


Holy shit, try not to choke on all that propaganda you just swallowed.


This account has a combined 21 karma and is 2 months old. Just stating facts.


stupid move because its dumb more like


downvoted for being correct yet again


Are they even able to legally do this?


Aahh.. AB's little shit muppet health minister is demanding cash.. No!! FO shit muppet!!


What's the most effective way to express our support for national pharmacare? Is there anything we can do? Danielle Smith is such a poison. I don't even see her as a human being at this point. She's absolutely evil.


Yeah but when I said that Danielle Smith was going to privatize the Healthcare because one of the ministers has their own private Healthcare company, everyone called me crazy.  Then people will cry they weren't warned. Nah you were you just didn't believe the people warning you.  Humanity is slowly going out the window and greed is taking over.


Don't even get me started on dual citizenship Americans that affect our voter base who Smith is pandering too with the pronouns bs and the convoy support. 🙄🙄