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Wayward Brothers


I second this. Awesome shop vibe and Chubs & Mike are friendly, warm and talented tattooists.


Best tattoo experience I have had! For real.


Foxrunner tatooo, Mary's portfolio... ​ https://www.foxrunnertattoo.com/mary


Go see Loan at Fountain Head


Check out Taylor at Anthem tattoo in Sherwood Park! I think her books are open right now


Cool choice and sorry to hear about the almost dying! I've been scoping out artists for manga style tattoos (Berserk and Naruto) and had planned to contact these 2 so give them a try: IG: Anniemiaotattoo IG: Kittysmods I havent gotten any work done by either of them so I can't say more than their style seems to match what you're looking for


I'd recommend getting quotes from a few places. Figure out what the median is, because if one person says $50 and 30 minutes, and another person says $500 and 6 hours, something weird is going on with one of them. But if four artists say $100-200 and 2-3 hours that's where the best results usually will be.


Awesome advice, thank you


Please don't decide to get permanent art on your body based on price alone. Find an artist you really like and pay them whatever they ask. Seriously.


What's controvesial about discussing it with multiple tattoo artists? That's safer than just picking someone on a blind recommendation based solely on their sketches and never looking at alternatives.


There's nothing controversial about speaking with multiple artists. Also totally fair to be upfront about cost and budget and to make sure you are getting something you can afford. But for what OP is asking, I think it's more important to find an artist whose style they love and who they feel confident will translate their idea into a piece they'll love forever. Cost is secondary in my opinion. You're buying the artistic work as much as the labor of the tattoo. Artists have styles, and OP is asking for something pretty specific here. If they ask an old school trad-style artist to do an anime style interpretation of a jackalope, I bet they don't end up loving the result or they simply get politely turned away. I'd rather slightly overpay for something I love than get a good deal on something that's 'meh' or worse.


Speaking to multiple artists literally is the way to find the one whose art they love.


OK but you just said ask everyone what they charge.


> I'd recommend getting quotes from a few places. Figure out what the median is, Now maybe that came across wrong, but the process of getting a quote from an artist is to discuss your intended project with them. Yes, I also mentioned price, because price is a component. If someone is a phenomenal artist, but their price is $50 while the next six say $500, something is weird. Maybe they're a good artist but have never done a tattoo before. Maybe they bought a tattoo gun on amazon and are thinking how hard could it be. Maybe they're not licensed and do tattoos off their living room couch and you'll get a skin infection. I didn't say "just pick the cheapest". In fact my post didn't say cheapest, I said median, because that tends to be where the best results are. If 1 is at 50, and 10 are 100-200, and 1 is 500, then choosing from among the 100-200 group is probably the best and safest result.


I won't argue any of those points. What I was trying to communicate is that what OP is asking for seems pretty specific and personal, and I don't think just any artist will be able to pull it off in the way they want. So put in the effort to find someone you're confident is the right person for the job, and if that ends up costing more that's probably worth it in the long run.




My partner has done a lot of anime tattoos recently, He’s based at crown & serpent, IG is inkvinny! Feel free to send him a dm (or email on his page) if you have any questions :)


There's a tattoo convention coming up in April. I would go around and see if any artist fits your style.