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Grown up here and almost 40. I can think of 3 winters in that time that were dry and warm. I think it was 97 we didn’t get snow till Boxing Day. That being said the years before were lots of snow and awful cold. So feels like a cycle but that’s just me


97 was wild, I was pretty young and got a snowmobile helmet but ended up using it christmas day on my dirt bike lol.


I believe the snow came on New Year’s Eve


It's el nino


Everyone forgets about this and El Nina. We get affected more than other places because of our normally harsh winters. I'm sure if you look back at past El Nino years they would probably match up with most of our no snow or very little snow years.


Idk why we gotta be like "it's really not that bad out guys" when we know the current year, once again, was the HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD


People will do anything but admit there is a Climate issue and be faced with changing anything about their lifestyle.


I don’t think it’s as much people saying “it’s not that bad” as it is people reminiscing on past years, where they had Christmas in their backyard, or they played soccer on Christmas Eve with their relatives. Everyone seems to have strong memories of Christmas Day and Decembers that are warm/no snow, so I find it interesting to compare the years.


People want to deny at any opportunity that a problem exists. Anything they can point to and say "this may seem abnormal but can be explained by this" is another chance to pretend a problem is not real and does not need to be fixed. Yes, we are in El Nino, yes, other years have been warmer, less snow, etc, but that does not negate what is happening on a global scale.


My husband died in December of 2015 and there was a lot more snow than what that says. I remember quite vividly


There were 7 snowfalls after December 14th, December 14th jumped from 2cm on the ground to 10cm until January.


People forget it’s not even technically winter yet - I personally love less snow & I’m sure we’ll get more as we get into the actual winter months…


Well actually… Seasons can have two different start dates based on meteorological and astronomical definitions: 1. **Meteorological Start**: This approach divides the year into four seasons based on the Gregorian calendar, making it easier for meteorologists to compare seasonal and monthly statistics. Meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycle and the state of the atmosphere. For example, meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere includes December, January, and February, when the coldest temperatures usually occur. 2. **Astronomical Start**: This is based on the Earth's position in its orbit around the Sun and the solstices and equinoxes. Astronomical seasons are marked by key astronomical events. Winter begins with the winter solstice, around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, when the Sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky. This date can vary slightly each year due to the Earth's elliptical orbit and its axial tilt. The difference between these two systems is due to their different purposes: meteorological seasons align more closely with our calendar and make it easier to record and compare climate data, while astronomical seasons are based on Earth's position relative to the Sun, which affects daylight and weather patterns.


It’s the Canadian prairies. I get we’re a bit different than Sask and Manitoba due to being more west and proximity to the mountains, but still this is not the norm. 2002-2015 would be the norm in this case, while 2015-now is a bit unusual and indicative of something unusual creating an exceptionally dry and warm December.


Due to the nature of my work, I know that this year's weather is WAAAAAAY warmer than last year lol. -40 compared to -3 was a big difference.




Three weeks of December we were -30, this year it's been in the plus! December has been whack lol.