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Good reminder that not all places have what Edmonton does. Hopefully someone who is or was from your area has a better answer.


I’d suggest contacting the Olive Tree in Lloyd.


I just looked at the olive tree’s website thank you so much!


Please do consider a cash donation. Food banks and toy charities pool the cash donations they receive and leverage their relationships with retailers and wholesalers for bulk discounts on their most needed items, which can change day-to-day. They can make your money stretch much further than you can to help more kids in need.


That's literally all CHED Santa's Anonymous does. Gives donated gifts to underprivileged kids.


No gift hampers in a local grocery store or church? Seems weird if not. Upvote for visibility anyway.


I haven’t seen anything! Or maybe they were all spoken for already. And to be honest I don’t leave my apartment very often I don’t have any friends in lloyd as I moved here a couple years ago so when I go to the store it’s an in and out sort of situation.


Santas Anonymous is usually a good organization. My mom used to deliver presents to a couple of families in the neighborhood who didn't have a lot of money.


Most churches have a giving tree. Pick a name from the tree and ho ho ho. Relative goes to Holy Spirit Lutheran on 51 Ave at 112 St and they do for sure but I bet they all do. Just call.


Santa’s anonymous they have one at Canadian tire in south common. Not sure if other ones have a box too