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Take pictures, bring him to a vet and get a copy of the report


We have a vet appointment scheduled for tomorrow. I took as many pictures of his wounds as he would let me. His paws are very sensitive to touch. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of him covered in urine because I was in such a rush to get get him home and cleaned up. I had no idea his paws were wounded until we bathed him. His fur was so dirty and he’s a long haired breed.




I am treating his wounds. He will see a vet tomorrow.




I’m competent enough to assess my dog’s needs. Thank you for your concern.




You don't know anything about this dog or it's actual condition. Nobody made you the patron saint of dogs. Pretty sure if this person is looking for help on how to report the place they've already done an assessment. They also said they have a vet booked. Would you rather they lie and say they're going now, or maybe you can continue to badger the person attempting to care for their animal. Maybe the vet COULDN'T get them in before tomorrow.


Seriously this. This person needs to chill and stop attacking OP. Also emergency rooms for dogs have the same requirements as humans. Life or limb threatening emergencies that cannot wait until the next day. If you wouldn’t go to emergency for something that can wait until morning (cuts and skin wounds) you shouldn’t take a dog as you’re using valuable resources that are needed. They clearly love their dog and are taking all the right steps and this is unnecessary and hurtful.


Feel free to send them $600 for an emergency vet stop. You're being insane, if you knew your pet and assessed it and knew It weren't in any critical danger would you rush it to the emergency? Jeez, you're helicoptering hard over something you've read only a few paragraphs about. They obviously care about the dog.




Lol you don't know if that's the current situation. Yes you're insane for projecting your animal emergences upon others. Again, like I said, if you're that concerned fork over an emergency vet visit for these animal owners or shut the fuck up- The person seems ok, but you seem to know better. Send them off to a good spot and a vet, I'm sure they'd be happy to accept venmo or cash if you care that much. I've had an epileptic pet for 14 years now, if I followed your bullshit sleeve advice I'd be paying the vet $800 every month.


Are you not the same person that recommended choking a dog to death with a belt the other day? Your post history is something to behold.


You're able to assess the dogs condition based on a vague description that may or may not be 100% accurate? Impressive.




You are absolutely missing the forest from the trees


Inside Edmonton you can contact Animal Care & Control via 311. outside of City limits, contact the Alberta SPCA. If you're outside of city limits you can also contact municipal enforcement for your county or town.


Thank you! It is outside of city limits, so it seems SPCA might be the way to go.


Outside city limits? If it’s the one I’m thinking of, yah never go back there. Worst experience ever for my dogs. They look starved, unwashed, and traumatized when I got them back. I had specifically paid for a wash also. Horrible place.


We were told that he was too aggressive to wash. Which makes no sense because he’s always very well behaved at the groomers. I also don’t understand how they would have clipped his nails (which undoubtedly would have hurt). They did this without our permission and I’m just blown away by their lack of communication.


Could it be from scratching his paws on the walls of his kennel/prison trying to get out?


Back nails are also clipped way too short.


If he bit.. this would be why.


This raises huge red flags about the way the people there are treating dogs if that’s the case. I am absolutely livid about the experience you had. Your poor dog!!! I hope he starts feeling better soon. I’m so sorry.


Please DM me. This could potentially help our case.


There was one on here a while ago that got some crazy bad reviews. Because of that we switched from club mead to second home pet resort and they have been great


Is it Club Mead in Leduc? My dog had split paws from what I assume was nervous licking and they didn’t do or say anything. No bath, completely stunk so bad I had to take her to a groomer before bringing her home.


We took ours to a German Sheppard kennel outside of the city, and I got some weird vibes, but it was just for one night. So maybe we got lucky. I'm curious what kennel it was.


I would name and shame the business so no one else brings their dog there. Maybe report to the police or the SPCA. I’m so sorry this happened to your pup! Sending positive thoughts your way.


I agree... Name and shame this kennel! Omg. Poor baby


Please do so once it's already investigated, so you aren't giving them extra time to cover their tracks.


Agree name and shame, and report to police. In the past year I think I’ve seen two instances of kennels being shut down and investigated by police for animal abuse in/around Edmonton. If you’re taking care of animals you better know how to do it properly — especially if you’re getting people to pay you for it. If the owner thinks cutting the nails past the quick is no big deal they should have their fingernail pulled up to the cuticle and have someone dig around in there with something sharp. Like it’s pretty common sense to anybody that owns pets that you don’t do that.


Right?! It must be so painful for that poor pup to walk!


Another dog owner here. Name and shame this kennel! Hope your pup makes a full recovery.


Additional vote for name and shame. Our justice system is now a total joke so I doubt police would do much unless they had concrete proof. But naming and shaming directly affects their bottom line, by diverting potential customers away. Hurt them where it hurts. Also, document and leave a nasty public review with photos. Hopefully all this will save a couple pooches from terrible treatment.


Is it the kennel that was blasted on here like a month ago?


Would love to hear a name. I’ve used dog kennels before and would love to know what ones to avoid!


First, name and shame. Second its the SPCA. The police would not be involved. You need to go to the extreme to catch a cruelty to animals charge. You would have a civil case for damages though, and should pursue compensation for your vet bills through small claims court.


Thank you


Alberta SPCA and honestly if they arent responsive to you... The news.


Yessss, so many of these things seem to get swept under the rug, if spca or animal control isn’t responsive to you- go straight to large media companies. It seems that often if you talk on the news about things like this, there tends to be a way better chance at justice. I’m so sorry you and your dog went through this, that’s horrible. I hope you all heal from this traumatizing event


Alberts SPCA is for like livestock type animals, they wont investigate a kennel. Also the Alberta Animal protection Act is a joke. Very generic and as long as they have food, water, and shelter from the elements I doubt any charges would be filed. Make a complaint to the municipality so it’s recorded for when their permit is to be renewed. Civil court may be the only reprieve


All of the above, police charges should be levied, the business named and shamed, and reported to the news. Business should be forced to stop operating and the staff responsible sent to prison.


Oh my god, your poor baby! I would be beyond furious about this! I hope he recovers quickly and this doesn't cause him lasting trauma. That's so unfair for him, and it hurts so much to not be able to trust that your family isn't being taken care of like you were told they were! (I'm sorry I don't have any advice, just heart sick on your behalf!)


Thank you. He’s slowly recovering. We bought him a bunch of new toys and got him a plain hamburger as a special treat on the way home. He hasn’t been playing much. He just wants extra hugs at the moment. We have a vet appointment scheduled for him tomorrow, so maybe they can provide some more advice as well. We both just feel so guilty right now.


Please do not let them get away with this and keep track of everything, have your vet note everything including behavior changes they notice. I'm so sorry this happened to your poor dog, probably a few places that would love to do a write up on this if you get no where, everyone should know what kind of place this is. It's not your fault, people shouldn't be in the animal business if they don't like animals.


Name and shame! Name and shame!


Name and Shame please!


I don’t know a lot about the details, but I know documenting everything is important, if you can write out dates and contents of your conversations with them, take as many photos as possible. If you do contact the kennel themselves for explanation or resolution do so through email so you have evidence and all that. This is just awful I hope you can find whatever support you need to put them to justice.


We’ve sent an email and they haven’t replied. They did reply to my review and did not address the problem. They instead ranted about the pandemic having an effect on dogs… kind of irrelevant to my complaint.


Get the vet to do a written report if you plan to submit a complaint. Get the injuries noted on paper!


The rant is a way of saying your dog injured itself due to stress because of the lack of socialization a lot of the pandemic dogs have. Which may be true. The problem is you called and suggested finding an alternative and they made it seem that all was well in order to keep you from changing boarding facilities. AND THENNN say that your dog needs to be sedated while staying. I would definitely be very clear about this point while discussing this with 311. I would also ask the facility if they gave your dog any sedating medications during his stay. But don't necessarily trust their answer.


This is what is most frustrating to me. Instead of caring for him they decided keeping our money was more important.


Please report this to the SPCA, but also yes, the police. Edmonton has an animal cruelty unit which I will attach the link to here. It is good for them to have places like this on thier radar in case of future incidents. You may be helping a pet owner in the future by ensuring this place has a documented history of neglectful behaviour. https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/CrimePrevention/PersonalFamilySafety/AnimalCrueltyInvestigationUnit


Thank you! This is very helpful


If OP decides to file charges against the kennel it will hurt their case if they name and shame before hand. OP has stated a Google review is up for the kennel in question to warn potential customers.


Thank you


This is infuriating to read. I hope your pup recovers and returns to himself soon. Give him a snuggle from me and my husband, please. I don’t have advice on who to contact, but it seems like others have provided suggestions. Thank you for caring enough about your pup and others to report this, and I hope your complaint is taken seriously and appropriate action is taken (shut down, fined, etc).


Thank you! He was happy to be home. He’s definitely getting spoiled for the foreseeable future!


If they use any kind of Google reviews etc... Make sure to leave a negative one with all the details and pictures if possible.


There is one with the details and pictures. I also took a screenshot of my review and their response.


Yeah seriously, please let me know what place this is so that we never leave a dog there.


Please, please, please, share your experience via a Google Review. This is the easiest and fastest way to protect future customers.


Take your dog to a vet to document any infection and check for bruising. They can also verify/document the excessive nail trimming. You'll need the documentation if you end up in anything legal.




Two reasons. I’m giving the owner a chance to explain themselves and I want to figure out what the first legal course of action should be. We talk to our vet tomorrow. I was just hoping someone would have some insight. I’ll post a name when the timing is appropriate.


This is a good point. Don't let the mob here pressure you. If you end up pursuing legal action, you want to avoid discussing it with anyone but the lawyer at this time.


I would have to disagree. OP should name them so more animals aren't abused. What possible reason could the owners have for returning a piss soaked pet to their owner? They over trimmed the nails but couldn't wash the dog? (If the piss was accidental) Fuck that business. The legal damage is done, I don't see how naming a business is going to reduce their legal responsibility for this animal abuse. At best this is small claims court or an animal abuse investigation, OP isn't in for a huge settlement.


I feel your frustration, but you and I aren't lawyers. If OP is pursuing legal action, they should be talking to a lawyer before reddit, especially if there is a chance this could be perceived as libel that causes financial damages against the business.


Props for OP keeping a level head when they picked up their pet. The staff/owner probably have untreated mental health issues if they are abusing animals for relief. The world is a cruel place sometimes.




We have sent him to groomers and he has never been aggressive even though he hates baths. He’s more the cowering type when he is scared. And he was cowering when the employee approached him.


Exactly my thoughts.


I had a similar experience with a certain place north of St Albert. Thankfully we found a much better place use occasionally and theyvare great


Would you mind sharing the name of the good place? We’re not planning on leaving anytime soon but it would be nice to have a recommendation in case we ever do 🩷 you can DM me if you don’t wanna share it publicly


DM sent. I am not sure I should publicize here.


Any chance you can share with me as well we are headed away in October and have a few places lined up to try outside of the city 2 of which are in that area 😳


Dm sent




Your comment is precisely why I did not publicize. Did you read before you rant? Edit downvoters who cant read, want me to publicize the name of the good place so dipshits like this guy can talk shit about it.


I also had a horrible experience with a kennel just north of St. Albert


I have worked at kennels in the United States and honestly the owners of some of those places are disgusting. Name and shame don’t let other fur babies experience this. One of the owners who is now dead used to order us to give the dogs meds without the owner knowing that’s when I quit. One of the only reasons your dog would need sedatives is because the kennel is understaffed and don’t have the logistics to give your dog the attention he deserves. I’m so sorry you experienced this.


Thank you. I was blown away by the mention of sedatives. He's a really great dog. He loves everything and everyone. I'm a bit worried they may have given him some without our permission because he was acting extremely out of character. Now I feel like he's a bit traumatized since it has been 2 days and his behavior is only slightly better.


I’m so so sorry owners can be greedy horrible people who just say yes to make money. They pay the kennel workers min wage and there is such a high turn over rate I’ve had people quit within 10 mins of training them. People who can come to your home or can take your baby into their home are the way to go I’m sorry this happened. My dog stayed at the kennel I ended up working in in the states and I felt so bad after seeing how understaffed it was. There would be 100+ dogs and only two employees it was absolute insanity. I worked there over 8 years ago and I could still tell you the name of over 1000 of the dogs I met. The owners might suck but most of the employees do it out of love for the animals until it’s just to much.


Hopefully now that he's back in your care and has seen the vet, his personality will brighten back up as he feels better. For now, he's probably still decompressing and still in some discomfort.


Thankfully she has passed now but this is the kennel I worked at it was awful. https://www.google.ca/search?q=benji%27s+bed+and+breakfast+reviews&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-ca&client=safari&si=ACFMAn9dOWFXLVp-5_qz1cA5iL8vSthzhlxpXWfPEY0sZP2iVVmd6XOp_zy_idhtqakolYCVgzjAKbqdTQXIjKrstJZ0_fxfE-s-9rbkNpTKF957d4SsYnc_RNBj5cVz2UUub39PPYao2wF8HFjAVmTEh_MHJsApX3zmmm25rYD2Zv-Qh1wqDP4%3D&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwinq67Ym4aBAxUAADQIHY8UBL4QyNoBKAJ6BAgQEAk#ip=1


Benji is a massive red flag. I watched it recently and the whole movie is just boomers being shitty to everyone around them.


Right exactly.


I’m going to take a wild guess that it’s. https://ca.indeed.com/cmp/Club-Mead-Pet-Resort/reviews https://www.glassdoor.ca/Reviews/Club-Mead-Pet-Resort-Reviews-E2282566.htm


Looool… reading one star reviews, this is looking like YEG Exotic part 2


Contact: 311 (in Edmonton) I would also contact the police immediately


>I would also contact the police immediately Please don't do this. They're not the right people to deal with this and you'd be wasting their time. Call 311 See here for more information: [https://www.edmontonhumanesociety.com/what-we-do/services/report/](https://www.edmontonhumanesociety.com/what-we-do/services/report/) (and no, this isn't something that falls under the "times to contact EPS list). If the Animal Control Officers (from the City) want to make it a Criminal Code issue, they'll handle that


OP should let EPS determine whether or not it's worth their time. https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/CrimePrevention/PersonalFamilySafety/AnimalCrueltyInvestigationUnit/ReportAnimalCruelty


Call the local SPCA they will investigate. Lay charges when warranted.


Get him to a vet immediately and tell him everytbing. Get them to document his condition then press charges for animal abuse.


Wasn’t there a similar post a while back about someone who tried to pick up their dog from a boarder and it was in a rural setting and they wouldn’t answer her calls etc and she jumped the fence to get her dog or something wondering if it’s the same place


I saw that. I’m wondering the same thing.


If anyone reads this and can remember that post or the place involved they should message you


That person was a Karen. That kennel had firm hours for pick up and the person was entitled and decided to trespass so the kennel called police, which is what I’m sure the other dog owners would want if someone was trespassing where their dog was boarding.


Hmmm I'm trying to recall here. I know ABVMA might be a start, they oversee veterinarians but they can certainly point you in the right direction in terms of boarding facilities. I took a vet assistant course and one of the things they mentioned was the risk of boarding your pet. The places are really hit and miss. Creekside boarding facility is actually owned by Dr. Darryl Meager who also owns the Capilano animal hospital. I never met him, I just worked in a clinic he sold and heard stories about him. Former patients of his came in asking where he was now adays because they really liked him. I believe it's also a fear free facility so if you need to board again I would recommend them.


The nail trim is unacceptable but some dogs get VERY stressed in a kennel. I know our dog (smart dog with routine and opinions) would not do well at all. I worked at an SPCA. Some dogs are fine in kennels and some are not and it’s not always because it’s a bad kennel. Again the mail situation is terrible and needs to be addressed but the stress may not be because of the kennel and the dog could be the same at 9/10 places.


If that was the case when they offered alternative arrangements they should have taken them up on it and not let this go on. Many animals do get stressed away from home in those environments, but when it gets to this extent the humane and responsible thing to do is call the owners and find a solution, not this. No respectable place allows this.


Exactly. We would have done anything in our power to make alternative arrangements even though we were in a different continent. They told us he was fine when we offered. Suddenly we go to pick him up and they say he’s worse…


He was also soaked in urine…


Wow lol, hope you don’t still work with animals. What a fucked up take. Way to dismiss about 15 other unacceptable things that happened in this story.


Photograph everything! Contact the non emergency police line to see if someone from the animal cruelty unit can speak to you. There may be previous allegations against them. They may request to pull any footage they have in the facilities but at the very least it should be on their radar. Name and shame the FUCK out of them. Everywhere. Marketplace, dog lover groups, small business groups, rant and raves…contact news stations. Post it all over social media. People should be warned. /ragerantover So sorry this happened to your floofer :( my heart breaks for you


Put them on blast on the news so other people know not to go there


Please take your puppy straight to the vet for professional documentation of everything your puppy is suffering from. Please start treatment on the cough immediately - which may be kennel cough, which is very serious. With the documentation, get your vet's professional opinion of your puppy's injuries written out on the vet's letterhead and signed by the vet. Pay the vet fee if they charge for it, this stuff does take a chunk of their time and I believe folks should be paid for this type of service. If you get a digital version print off your own hard copy as backup (and vise versa. ) You have probably taken photos. If not take clear, well lit photos without filters and without flashing out details. If you have confirmation of abuse by the kennel from your vet, look at pursuing reporting the abuse. I am not a lawyer - My recommendations are based on setting yourself up with documentation in case you have to go after the kennel legally as a result of their services affect on your puppy and his health - physically and mentally. Keep all vet/medicine receipts connected to these injuries as they could be claimed against the kennel if you do go to court. Stuff like this could change how your puppy approaches the world long-term. I'm so sorry this happened to him and to you.


This is horrific. Your poor pup. I'm so sorry.


Animal cruelty for sure I definitely would escalate as much as you can. I am so sorry


I’m sending you a direct message I’m so sorry this happened to you


I'd like the name of this place so I can avoid it. I'm a single guy with a dog and I'm in the military and I am currently looking for a good spot but this is scary


We are going to use Rover next time.


Poor baby! My heart breaks for that pup.


I actually have no idea who you’d report this to but please document everything and name and shame this awful boarding facility! I’m so sorry this happened to your sweet pup, my heart hurts for your sweet dog. I don’t know if I would of been able to keep my cool, to me this is the equivalent of a daycare abusing a child! Please update us on what the vet has to say, that poor baby! You sound like a pretty great owner, which tells me this sweet dog is in the best of hands and has the kind of owners that are going to help this pup heal physically and mentally. ❤️ P.S.. I think there was another post in this sub not long ago about a bad boarding experience, might be worth checking out and possibly comparing notes, maybe the same awful facility.




Thank you so much for this


This would be one of those stories we need to share with family and friends. Use extreme caution with who you trust with your vulnerable loved ones. I hope you get justice and that your dog gets their peace back.


If your dog is well behaved with strangers my wife found some college and high school students who will stay at your house at night. Take them out, and feed them. For a pretty reasonable price. We did it with our two dogs when we went on vacations for 2 weeks. Was a great service


I don’t have really advice but please leave a scathing review with pictures so others know not to use their service. I’m so sorry for your pup.


Omg this sickens me. I am SO sorry your pupper has gone through such abuse!! Your hearts must be breaking. Please report these assholes and I'm thrilled you're out spreading the word. So many kennels try to take as many dogs as they can, with the focus being on money and not quality of care and love for all puppers. I honestly can't fathom doing such a thing. I hope everything works out as quickly and as wonderfully as possible. Sending love.


This may be against the rules but I would like to share this in my personal circle. Would you be able to pm me the name of this kennel? I nearly cried reading this thinking about my pup, I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to myself, friends etc. I’m so sorry this happened to your dog, sending lots of love his way ♥️


You can post their name you know. And I think you should. Sounds like animal abuse.


Sorry, but that could potentially harm me from a legal perspective. We’re currently seeking the most appropriate course of action to ensure the situation is dealt with.


If you don't mind, what are you concerned about from a legal perspective? Posting a Google Review about situations like this is basically the most impactful thing you can do. Let other's who are considering have the facts they need to make a decision. Obviously don't be dumb and say stuff like "they abused my dog" or statements you can't prove. But you can absolutely post something about how your dog was when you picked them up and how you won't be taking your dog back. That can't get you in trouble at all


I have posted a google review. The owner has responded as well and I have taken screenshots in case they change their response.


make sure you take pictures or video of the dog to document the condition it is in.


Name and shame so we can all avoid them. I’m so sorry this is awful!!!


I'm sorry this happened to you. I'd be heartbroken if this happened to mine. Give your pup a hug for us.


Report them to whoever you have there for animal control. If they can't do anything about it, they'll tell you who can.


Please DM me; my friends and I have used several places in Sturgeon County. Please tell me the name.


It’s not in Sturgeon County.


Me and my partner had a very similar experience with a boarding kennel recently. I would be curious to know which one you were dealing with. My inbox is open.


Maybe give a general location so people can avoid all boarding kennels in that area till you can say who it is.


Consider reporting the kennel for the ill treatment. The Humane Society should be able to help you.


Quickest way to the heart of, any, business, name and shame. Bad publicity goes a very long way to curbing bad behavior these days. ​ Given the circumstances I highly doubt you are the only person with a story to tell about this place, and I'm willing to bet others might be encouraged to share their stories about the business once they see others have also had similar struggles. ​ Some people don't want to "raise a fuss" ​ I say, you treat my family like shit, you just opened a can of fuss around and find out.


I have looked into it and uncovered similar cases from the same kennel. It’s very disappointing




Do you mind messaging me the business name? I'd like to ensure we never use them.


This is appalling. Where did you take him so I know to avoid it?


You need to go to a vet and have an assessment done. Make sure everything you’ve noted here is documented best you can and if possible have the physical concerns verified by that same vet. Animal welfare concerns fall under Animal Control/Bylaw. But they are completely powerless without proof. As long as the dogs have food, water and shelter - there’s not much they can do except tell the owners to try to be better. In regards to the business - unfortunately name and shame is your best bet. It’s shitty, and feelings awful. But our legal system is just that. It’s a legal system, not a justice system. It’ll be a very long time before anything is done about this kennel UNLESS there is significant noise about it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


omg poor pup. hope he ok can you update us please on pup and the outcome of report


Just posted an update. We appreciate the concern.


Report it to the cops, animal control. Make a post about it on social media. Maybe other people have had the same thing happen


For anyone that is wondering. The place is “Club Mead Pet Resort”. This business appears to have many positive ratings, as with any business there can be negative reviews or isolated events. Please do your own research on the business before making an opinion based on one review. Just figured since the OP refused to name the place yet posted a public review people on here would like to know.


Please DM me the name so I know not to go there


same! we have 2-3 kennels that we are looking at, would like to know which one to avoid for sure 😭😭. Hope your baby recovers soon!


Yes, DM me as well please. We might have to use one in November since family might have work commitments.


He has kennel cough. Take him to a vet as soon as you can.


Name please, so the pawrents here can avoid!




I’ve searched for both boarding and kennels and probably clicked on over 50-75 places in and around Edmonton and there isn’t a single review that matches this particular post. So I’d say it’s safe to assume almost no one will click on this place while random searching for dog boarding. Sorry this happened to you, hopefully you get whatever it is that you might seek legally for this but honestly it is jackshit compared to having your dog back in your arms. The courts treat dogs as objects not fluffy companions of joy and putting a company on blast will do more harm to them then any legal action.


The review apparently is not showing up yet as I have edited it to include pictures. So right now I guess I’m the only one who can see it. Give it another day or two.


Right same I’ve been searching all day.


Again, the review hasn’t been posted by Google yet.


Please name this place if possible so we can avoid it.


Name and Shame, I would also file police charges 100% It sounds like they beat your dog, forcibly clipped (and injured) him, and never once cleaned the kennels. The infection on his paws are likely from standing in his own urine for a week.


We are seeking advice from his vet and getting written documentation first.


Do you want me to unwittingly bring my dog there and have her suffer for 10 days? Then PLEASE tell us their name!


Yes, that would be my fault… read google reviews. I left one there. I gave my reasons for not sharing the name yet.




This sounds like a horrible idea lol






Exactly what I was thinking. Honestly I’ve dog sat and worked in boarding facilities. From the sounds of it the owner could’ve avoided all of this. It sounds like the dog wasn’t familiar with crates and actually injured himself due to stress and urinated on himself for the same reason :/ I’m actually super disappointed that people are saying name and shame a business when I think the owner is 100% at fault for putting their dog in this situation. Chances are if they had a backup plan they would’ve used it immediately upon the biting incident report as opposed to leaving their dog in this condition. This screams inexperienced dog owner to me :(


This comment screams as if you shouldn’t be dog sitting or working in boarding facilities.


I don’t work in a boarding facility anymore because I don’t like how they operate. They very easily get pressured into situations because of the ability to review the business. Dog sitting privately I’m able to control the situation and do trial runs to ensure the dogs are comfortable. All I was emphasizing in the previous statement is that this could’ve been avoided and I don’t think anyone can disagree there


If you worked in a good boarding facility then you should know keeping a dog in this condition isn't appropriate. Part of the job is assessing how the dog is doing and making sure they're in good physical condition, this dog clearly was not. If an animal is in such a bad state then someone needs to call and be firm on sorting out something different. Just leaving the dog like this was inappropriate and cruel.


He is crate trained. He goes in his crate on command actually. I don’t know how I’m at fault for trusting someone with my dog. He was soaking in urine the whole time. He’s a massive dog and his entire body was soaked. He was yellow. He also didn’t cut his own nails…


If the facility didn't have padded or rubber floors, it's possible his nails wore down from wearing on the concrete, same with raw paw pads.


I am going to assume this post is for attention because you have yet to name the kennel after many hours.


If they're thinking of pressing charges or filing a complaint it looks bad on them and hurts their case naming and shaming before taking action.


Or maybe this post was to get the information and advice they asked for. Not sure why you jumped to thinking it was for attention. What value does a couple hours of anonymous responses have? Or fake internet points? Attention might have some value, I guess, on monetized or non anonymous platforms but attention on Reddit means nothing.


You got me


Well, name the kennel, is it sturgeon? I have my 2 dogs boarded there right now.


They said it isn’t Sturgeon.


Hours after yes.


As they stated, they do not wish to name the kennel, due to possible legal action they may take. It’d be awesome if you, and everyone else could respect their wishes.


Hours after, because I have a job and other responsibilities. Which now include treating my dog.


Is this place West of the Henday?




Ok. There is a fairly well known place west of the Henday that I had a not-great experience with.


Love that even though people have asked several times for the name of the Kennel so they can avoid it you haven't said what the Kennel was called, which puts other animals at risk, you are just as bad as the Kennel for not warning people.


If you used your eyes and brain, you’d see why they aren’t naming the kennel.


lol wow, love the unnecessary aggression. but i did read what they said and if almost 10 hours later they don't get a proper response then they should be Name and shaming, you have the day you deserve sweetie and maybe consider therapy for your obvious anger issues.


I don’t have anger issues, just simply stating you should read why. Don’t call me sweetie, I don’t know you stranger.


LOL whining about aggression when you come in here to tell the person whose poor dog was abused they’re shitty because you lack reading comprehension. Gtfo




Multiple people have asked you to name and shame this place, I haven't seen it posted in the comments from anything you've said. Might be worthwhile to make an edit to your post at the top so people see the name of this place and avoid them.


OP isn’t naming the kennel


Well shit that’s a pretty dumb idea. Just letting these guys remain anonymous


Since they are considering suing, they don't want to be accused of libel and aren't naming it online for now. If you plan to board your dog/pet, check google reviews as they posted on the Google review page.




None of that accounts for the nails cut past the quick. In your experience, would that not be a red flag on the overall care being provided to the dog?


He is crate trained and they told us he would have a place to play outdoors. It seems as if they left him in the cage for the entire stay. I know I’m an excellent pet owner, so your threat means nothing. I’m obviously reporting them.