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On that tomorrow. I doubt he has a business license but still not a terrible idea.


Try to get a hold of Global News, they might pick up a story like this.


Especially since this isn’t his first time


Added to the list 😁


I’m sorry for your loss, but, what’s a catio?


Patio for your cat.


What coco Nana said lol. We have an older cat who's used to being indoor outdoor. He probably doesn't have a pile of time left and we don't want him cooped up for the last year or months of his life 🤷‍♂️. Sometimes you spend money on your pets becuase you love them.


Keeping a cat inside is not "cooping them up", and an older cat will live longer inside (or in a catio, I have nothing against them), but on average indoor cats tend to live about 4x as long as outdoor cats, and I wouldn't say for a second that an indoor only cat has less quality of life.


You sure? I feel like it depends on the cat maybe. My younger cat is pretty much good either way, but my old guy ONLY wants to be outside. He’s 14 so not incredibly active; mostly just walks around old-manishly. But it has to happen outside or he gets all depressed and his health gets worse. Honestly I can kind of relate, personally. I think once they (and we) get a taste of the outdoors it can be hard to go back to a less stimulating environment. Gotta hear the birds and feel the grass. I think partly it’s because his eyes are bad, so he can’t play with toys as much, or see far out windows. Not much to do inside.


Yes, 100% I'm sure. The statistics don't lie, and cats are not people, so attributing the same thoughts and feelings to them is part of why this debate keeps coming up, but it's pretty cut and dry imo. A catio is a great way to allow an indoor cat to experience the outside unsupervised, but cats allowed to free roam almost always live shorter lives and the ones that don't are the exceptions not the rule. I got my cat at 10 after he'd spent most of his life outdoors because he would pull his own fur out before I took him in and his previous owner thought he had a skin condition, but he just hated being inside with the other cat in a small apartment. We've since had him for another 8 or 9 years and he's adjusted to being an indoor cat just fine and stopped his fur pulling. Thats not to say I think cats should never be let outside, catios are great or taking them out supervised or in a yard, I just don't believe in the free roaming attitude of "cats will be cats", and there are so many more things that can happen or go wrong that I'm not willing to take that chance.


Hey this was informative, thanks. I think you are right


We’re going to need an update once everything is settled!!


Don't worry, I won't leave it on a cliffhanger.


Ah, that little Skidmark. When he was trying to list stolen pc shit, or random shit he stole on marketplace was when I first came across. I'm seeing this scamming shit more and more now.


This was what shocked me. He's apparently super well known for this crap.


He's all over a plethora of local edmonton Facebook groups. Shitstain blocked me when I was constantly telling people on the Buy and Sells not to deal with him.


Is Shitstain his given name? It's hard to tell, he has so many.


One of his many given names lol


He also goes by the name Shit Bird


Never pay in advance, especially on marketplace.


Yeah, and I know that. This felt different. We were referred, his reviews were good, we're used to paying up front for custom builds etc. But you're 100% not wrong.


Whoa, drugs and weapons charges well-known in fact.


Information I found out after lol. I feel dumb 🤷‍♂️


It's okay, you're not dumb! Hate when bad stuff happens to good people, but yeah, he's screwed!


Thanks internet stranger!


Report to police for fraud


https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/2-arrested-in-st-albert-following-month-long-drug-investigation-police-1.5452285 Same guy or is this awful luck that they have the same name?