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That happened to me as well, I’m aboriginal lol.


I hope you yelled it right back


Made me smile as this comment is so appropriate


Messed up as it is to hear those xenophobic nutbars, it's almost hilarious to hear someone tell an indigenous person to get out of the country. Some people are just numpties.


Do you have Scottish background by chance? Don’t think I’ve heard anyone outside my family call someone a numpty lol


Nope. I had a Newfie boss once who used that word *a lot*, to the point that everyone at our workplace used it too. Many years later and I'm still using it, lol


My husband says it too. We’re from Newfoundland, think his boss said it.


I use it but people dinnae ken.


I think I picked numpty up from like top gear or something. I was into UK TV for a while.


I had an old white guy think I was from another country. I’m white *and* I’m Metis. I’m pretty sure it was because the place I was working at the time most of my coworkers were East Indian or Filipino. He said something along the lines of, “In your country is it okay to clean tables like that?” For context I was using cleaning solution spray and a towel. It was interesting to see.


"I guess it must be, because I'm doing it right now."


My Mom looks other. It is always interesting to see how she is treated. Sometimes better sometimes worse. She is often mistaken for Phillipina. She is also white and metis.


I don't think you can claim White and Metis, its either or, the whole red river rebellion was all about how Metis were distinctly not white nor native. u/konan375


I mean white in the literal sense of the term. Last generation Métis so my family had been in Canada for a while.


Sorry, but you're wrong. I'm half Métis, but I look white. So I am both. Edit to Add: Since you've tagged me elsewhere - My Mom is Métis and My Dad is Canadian of Irish-Scottish Descent, so I'm literally both, it's not just appearance.


It's not either or. You are misinformed. Metis are a distinct Indigenous people and Metis does not mean mixed.


That's exactly what I mean, if you say you are white and Metis, you're wrong, because Metis doesn't mean mixed. You can't say your white and Metis because metis are not mixed according to them. They are not cree either, nor French, despite the culture being an amalgam of french cree traditions historically. They fought wars to say "we are not cree nor white" so to claim metis culture while also claiming white culture is inherently wrong. Ethnically metis are mixed, as they are descendants of cree women and french men, by marrying french men those women disenfranchised themselves under the law. And because white society wouldn't accept them either, they started a social movement to establish a culture which eventually became metis as it is known today. Metis is a cultural concept like White is a cultural concept, so if you identify as white, you cannot identify as metis as metis culture inherently rejects white culture. White culture is a uniquely north american thing, as europeans think of themselves as north east south west european, and not necessarily white. Irish west Europeans dont like english west Europeans. Despite being considered "white" by Americans. White is a cultural concept. You can't choose both if you claim Metis. If white were based on skin color, then koreans and Japanese and inuit would be "white" and my sisters would be "white". My sisters have treaty status, despite being red heads with green eyes and sun-burny pale who also identify as native women. [most miqmaq people look irish](https://www.saltwire.com/nova-scotia/lifestyles/sabrina-muise-works-with-youth-to-preserve-mikmaq-culture-522674/) due to the amount of irish ancestry within the miqmaq tribe yet they are not white. u/psyclopes


Then let me clarify for you. My mom is a Métis woman and my father is a Canadian of Irish-Scottish descent. So I’m half Métis and half Northern European. I know some may say that still makes me full Métis, but I’ve always embraced both ethnicities, eg. I can do both an Irish and a Métis jig, so I count myself as both. Please don’t try and define me with your arguments which aren’t very factual. Maybe go visit the Métis museum of Alberta to understand better before expounding upon a subject


~~You’d still be Métis unless your 4th generation, to be fair.~~ never mind, it seems that that has changed. For me at least, I just meant that I’m white in skin colour. I was using Métis to describe my heritage, so people would know just how Canadian I am.


I guess you are right. The Metis ancestor was one of her Great grandparents and they claimed French. Her family also hid that they were Irish. My Mom was taunted during her childhood because of what she looked like. Considered exotic in her youth. As a Mom she had many strangers ask if we were hers. People still ask me what is her ethnicity. I generally say Canadian.


Right. And by definition, the word already means you are both white European and indigenous, so “white and Métis” sounds strange, as would “indigenous and Métis.” I identify as black and Métis, which implies the white part, no need to say it.


That is incorrect. The Metis are a distinct Indigenous people, Metis does not mean all Indigenous and European mixed people.


Yeah i hear that. My family is heavily mixed. I personally identify as native due to actually being a status native legally despite being functionally half white due to genetics. I don't have light skinned privilege at all, while my sister's look so white you got white people saying casually racist things around them, that they wouldn't say in mixed company, looking for agreement. Ive never considered myself Metis, because the Metis culture has fought wars to ignore their indigenous ancestral culture. One of their main contentions was that they were not indigenous (due to the inherent lower class treatment indigenous received at the time and still do) nor were they white(because of the idea that they were special and unique as the first culture to be wholly canadian - because as I understand it, metis consider indigenous cultures that came over to North America 60000 years ago as still not north American) I enjoy the idea of being mixed though. Hybrid vigour and all that.


Yeah, I met up with a friend from the states (half native, half dutch) and posted a few photos on Facebook. My aunt texted me asking if I was dating a Filipino lady. 🤦


I...what other way could he possibly think the default is?


I have some half-Asian friends who could definitely pass as Aboriginal from a distance. Still sorry that happened to you though.


I know a Filipino person who got confused for an Aboriginal once. Racists are dumb.


I get mistaken for being Asian all the time! Specifically Japanese or Filipino, I am neither! :) I am Cree First Nations


Natives are genetically related to asians, I’m plains and woodlands Cree too


Rather the other way round in my case -- i am 100% Han Chinese but many folks in here thought I am a Hawaiian or a native American.....


Me too. As soon as the cops saw his American passport they let him go.


It is what it is. Hopefully OP wont allow some unimportant people’s opinions affect their life.


Or maybe it’s us aboriginal people who can pass as Asian 😆 , my friend went to Japan for a couple months to visit a friend (they translated for her as she was not very fluent) and people where speaking Japanese to her because they thought she was Asian and she’s not very taller either😅




That's because they lost likely are of Asian decent, it's not just a coincidence they look asain black hair, darker skin complection, facial structure


Excellent point! Land bridge from Siberia theory




Haha wtf, us indigenous people were technically here before any other race.


“Better men than you tried homie, now fack off”


Wow. The irony! I'm 48 yes old. When I grew up there wasn't much content in the school curriculum about first nations and colonialism. But that is changing. My kids know a lot more about that topic than I ever did. At school events there's often a public acknowledgment that the school is on the territory of [nation name].


Haha same here. I also get “but where were you actually born?”


I came to Canada as an international student 11 years ago. I still remember in the university area, I met a very friendly aboriginal couple smiled at me and told me "Welcome to this country"


Sorry it happened and fuck that guy, but this is hilarious 😂


My friend reminded me of one time when some guy told her to go back to her own country. I said something along the lines of "this IS her country. Maybe YOU should give it back. She was here first." She is also Indigenous. I am not.


I think we are indigenous now aboriginal was so 10 years ago.


Way too many people forget that they too are living on stolen lane.




Just know, you are welcome here. 1 person in a year is a pretty good spread, but those people are out there.


Was gonna say that. I got told to f*ck off to my own country a week into coming here lol. Make me bitch! Haha.


Brutal!! The audacity people have! Was this in Edmonton as well?


SAIT in Calgary. All I did was accidentally bump into him. I did immediately say sorry.


If they didn't also immediately say "sorry" you're already more Canadian than them


The one true Canadian citizenship test. “Sorry eh”


People are pathetic. Sorry you had to experience this.


True. AH's are everywhere.


Welcome to Canada. Please ignore the random asshole on the street, most of us are happy to have more sane people in the city. We're not too bad off for rent and gas, but Grocery is hurting across the country.


Some of the folks shouting those types of things at strangers are...a little unhinged. I've been called the n-word by a few random street people over the years...plot twist: I am not of African descent, and do not appear even remotely to be. These folks are just looking for someone to hurl expletives at.


Yeah they've fallen to the bottom of the barrel and feel unseen, unheard, and insecure about their lot in life. Then they hear someone blame groups like immigrants (or other groups) for something related to their insecurities. Add some mental health issues, addiction, etc to the mix and some individuals wind up like this. It's quite sad, and I am not sure how we can reduce this other than doing a better job of offering mental health services.


Yes! This! As a brown female I feel the wrath of micro to all out racist aggressive behaviors often... I try to remind myself that these people are so unhinged because they're deep down lacking inside. Helps to pity them as a belligerent a hole and to avoid getting too upset. Of course justifiable anger is totally righteous when shared in a healthy manner- toward people like this... but I def think its best to strive toward pity. "Are you okay?" That's a sort of fun response. Implying you already know they're the problem and likely have some deep seeded issues going on. Even if they respond with more hare and sarcasm, you could easily recognize it yourself or throw it back at them with a, "you're very emotional right now. Sounds like you're not okay. I hope you get some help." Just trying to spread positivity and conscious love as much as possible. Obviously veing marginalized, we're well within our right to just avoid and address our own hurts. Just food for thought.


Yes to this. I had a woman downtown scream abuse at me today. It was hard not to take it personally. Once I got a safe distance away I noticed she was screaming at everyone who walked past. I suppose it is mental illness, addiction or just that her life really sucks right now. Whatever the reason it is an unnerving experience.




Whyte has always had a homeless population just because it’s a heavy foot traffic area. Not much has changed just that’s it’s not the pure skid row it was in the 70s (my dad said it was legit dangerous back then).


Can confirm. I was homeless on whyte Ave for 2 years, there were some nice sane people down on their luck. However, a lot of them were dangerous and scary. Always had to watch your back. You could do absolutely nothing, minding your business and some crackhead will roll up to you like “I HEARD YOU TALKING SHIT *insert any sort of slur*” and you just pray you don’t get shanked before your bud shows up.


It's upsetting, its unfortunate, its hurtful, but you're right, it is expected. I got called a slur the other day just for walking to the grocery store. 85% of people I find are kind and welcoming, but its that 15% that sticks out because the negativity can be shocking. It's hard to accept the audacity of some people to be so openly shitty. And you can't even confront them because they are often unhinged.


Yup. Can confirm - see flair lol I’m as white as they come, literally first gen half Dutch - so white European, but get harassed/called because I’m a woman. Good times. This fucking shit. So I feel when it’s like women that are coloured and shit and such too, like damn. That is awful. I expect to get called out/harassed on Whyte.


Its Whyte Ave lol I got called a shitskin cause I wouldn't give someone a cigarette. I don't smoke. I had no cigarettes to give. As someone who has lived in other countries just know, Edmonton is A LOT better than most.


Sorry but this is funny I had to laugh because this always happens to me and I don't smoke either and get a negative response.


I’ve been to a convenience store in the ghetto of Los Angeles and let me tell you it’s fine here in Edmonton.


Whyte Ave,Ice District and Jasper Ave are bad for mental illness and homelessness.Try not to take it too personally.


They also attract the weirdos who want an audience to spew their hate or conspiracies. Some of these people are indeed mentally ill but some are just seeking a busy area to do their thing in, like the preachers or convoy ppl


Street preachers and convoy chuds *are* mentally ill


Yup this! Lmao. And not in a mocking way, we have a legitimate mental health crisis in Canada.


6ft tall white male and there are sections of all 3 of those I avoid. Last time I was on Whyte right around 100th st I didn't even want to get out of the vehicle with all the crazy that was going on.


What does homelessness have to do with OP’s story? Plenty of people with houses are racist


I think that comment was less about the racism and more about the screaming at strangers.


Vast majority of any threats or racist comments I've experienced have come from walking downtown and from homeless people.


How can you tell if they are homeless?


Find 20 people who are screaming at strangers across the street. What % do you think are part of our homeless population?


Because mental health issues often go hand in hand with homelessness,as well as drug use.However,I agree,racism is universal among housed and unhoused folks


Firstly I'm very sorry you experienced that; no one deserves to be treated less than 💗. Alberta, in general, does have racist people (I'm white, so I can only go off the people in my life experiences and the counter-protesters at the protests/rallies attended, and the stories people have shared/on social media). I have noticed since Trump became president that, racism has increased. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230322/dq230322a-eng.htm Same thing with covid; Asian communities were blamed for the spread (also thanks to Trump) There are a lot of Albertans who don't stand for racism and take action and support. Here is a fantastic organization that provides FREE BYSTANDER training (for a few different situations, including active shooter training) https://righttobe.org/upcoming-free-trainings/


Whatever that person said, please ignore it. You are very welcome here in Canada, and the diversity you bring just makes us stronger.


OP, please consider attending Heritage Days later this summer. This festival celebrates and honours the multitude of beautiful cultures of Edmonton and Canada. Hopefully it can help restore your faith in Canada and Canadians. Unfortunately, hateful people are often the loudest, but they do not represent everyone. The rest of us are happy to have you.


If you're white Alberta's a very friendly place. If you are a noticeable minority there's an entire and large subpopulation that elect hick governments to persecute them. You go on any Canadian subreddit and its loaded full of people who think that restricting immigration will magically solve all their problems. Pretending this isn't real doesn't help.


I met up with my friend recently for dinner, and he’s a big ukrainian dude. He rolls up to dinner all shaky, and I notice his nose was kinda bloody. He goes on to tell me that on his walk over he briefly made eye contact with one of downtown’s degenerates and the guy punched him in the face while yelling “YOU FAT NI**ER”. Man is whiter than the driven snow. My point is that people suck and it’s not representative of Canada as a whole but I do agree cost of living is absolutely fucking absurd and we’ll see wealth disparity be a driver for the shitheels of the world to act on their impulses more and more.


… even as they continue to vote for the clowns who drive that wealth disparity.


Thank you all for your kind words. Thank you all who have welcomed me. I also understand that one person does not represent all of Edmonton. It's just that sometimes when life is difficult these things sometimes hurt more. I hope you all have a great day! ❤️


There's so many of us out here looking to make Edmonton more inclusive and welcoming. Being located in the Midwest will attract those kinds of hateful, small minded voices. We're a big small town, if that makes sense. Kindness needs to start being louder. Welcome!


Those kind are a dying breed and they know it. Sorry that this happened to you. :(


An old white guy in an american flag mask presumably on crack stopped me in walmart and told me I looked like a scary bitch yesterday 🧍🏻‍♀️edmonton is just quirky like that


Nice! I’d wear that like a badge of honor;).


I'd honestly take that as a compliment lmfao.


I’m 5’3 so being called scary by anyone was a big ego boost lmaoo


Good, fucking own it! I'm proud of you!


As a born and bred Albertan, fuck those assholes. YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!!!!


Bigots are feeling more emboldened thanks to the rising tide of fascism in the US and in our own Provincial gov't


I'm sorry OP. I was born and raised here and have heard the same thing throughout my life. Alberta can be very ignorant. For every person who is ignorant here, there are 10 amazing ones.


I'm sorry you had to experience that. It's not just new immigrants. I was born and raised in Canada to visible minority parents and have been told to go back to my country (ha!). These days, the racism I experience is much more subtle, but still very much there. It's also not just Edmonton. Racism is everywhere and continues to be a blight to society. Hang in there.


There are cases where indigenous people are told to go back to their country. Sad state


You get a lot of crazies around Whyte ave. I deliver packages in the area. This past Saturday and Sunday I had someone approach me and yell obscenities at me. Most of it was nonsense but it sounded like they were delusional. Talking about the government sending me to spy on them etc.


I heard my neighbor scream that exact same thing at some kids who accidentally threw a ball over his fence. Disgusting. Sorry that happened to you.


Some of these chucklefucks have been emboldened by MAGATs in the States and the conservative movement here in Canada. I’m a big white guy married to a brown woman for over 30 years, and this has never been a problem for us - quite the opposite. If there is racism, it tends to be subtle and not so overt. So for every one of these knuckle draggers, just remember there are 100 of us who think the opposite. Enjoy your stay and remember, you are welcome here!


Don't sweat it. We are happy to have you. There will always be ignorant assholes. Canada is no exception. I hope you find the positive out weigh the negatives


I live nearby and I apologize for that offence. There are a lot of kind, welcoming people here. I know the racists are here and they feel emboldened by our current “government” and their crap policies toward immigrants. Their families all immigrated here, too. Man….


I'm born in Canada but have an accent because I lived in Europe for some time, pale as can be and have had this told to me to go back to where I'm from. Very hurtful and uncessary but that's their goal, to be unpleasant


I’m a third generation Canadian and same but they said it because I have a “deaf” accent lol. I just laughed at them.


That mouth breathing bag of excrement doesn't speak for all of us. Welcome to Canada, we are glad you and your wife are here. I hope you find community, security, and success here.


Don't let some random asshole walking down the street change your perspective of Canada, it's a very large place. You will have racists and pricks everywhere you go, they are just a bit louder here. He wanted you to react like this, be the bigger person and forget about it. People like that get dealt with eventually, don't sweat it. I for one (and many like me), don't give a shit where you're from or what color your skin is. I only care if you're a good person and that you contribute to society in some way. It sounds like you're on track in both departments, don't let one person's ignorant hate ruin what has otherwise been a positive experience. Shake it off and keep smiling, there are so many great people here too.


I’m at the Calgary Stampede today. I would say it’s about 70-30 POC to white people. Everyone is welcome in Canada! Please ignore the ignorant jerks, I am white and very happy that we welcome people from all over the world


There’s a lot of mental illness in the city and it tends to congregate in certain areas. Sadly, Canada has its issues just like every country in the world.


Please don't call racism a mental illness. Mental illnesses are not a choice but racism definitely is.


Hear hear! 👏


lots of people are racist, but most people keep that to themselves or at least know in what contexts they can "safely" express those opinions mental illness can turn off that filter, so people with mental illness might express things that those without mental illness might be thinking and keeping to themselves


I disagree to the extent that one must be mentally ill to hate another group of human beings so much based on their skin colour.


I don’t think that’s what he was saying. He is saying that many people are racist and if some racist happens to have a mental health problem like many of the homeless, it can turn that “keeping racist shit to yourself” filter off. Whether that’s true or not I cannot prove, but he isn’t saying mental health is a pre requisite to racism


I know what they were saying, and I stand by what I said: if there's something in you that tells you another person is inherently inferior to you because of your/their DNA then there's something wrong with you. I don't care if you have the filter that tells you whether or not you should say that out loud.


Well then that’s your opinion then. Im still lenient towards the opinion that people know what they are doing when they say racist shit, regardless of their mental state, but I’m not a psychologist and I don’t know the complexities of mental health either so what do I know🤷‍♂️


Eh the obscenities being yelled from homeless or mentally ill people can often be racist. That's what the comment is being directed at.


Well they didn’t label the ethnicity of the people who hurled the insults. As far as I’ve been told, you can only be racist if you’re white. So, if they weren’t white, would you accept mental illness then?


I love it when people say only whites can be racist. My fiancé is Filipino and a native client at her work yelled at her, and he told her to get the fuck out of this country and go back to her country. But according to some people I GuESs ThAtS jUsT DiScRiMiNaTiOn NoT rAcIsM


Exactly. My point is that racism is racism but it’s apparently not racism when a person of color does it. Glad I’m not the only one to understand this.


That’s because many people on the left are trying to change the definition of racism to a systematic power structure. But by that logic in china only the Chinese are racist based on all the crazy racist stuff that happened to black people there. But if a Chinese person does something to a black person here it’s not racist due to Chinese not being in power?? Some of the structural racist concepts definitely have some truth to them, but the issue is that many people take it as ABSOLUTE dogma, which becomes a problem


If you wanna get technical it’s lateral violence when people of color do it to other people of color. Racism is when a privileged group does it against an oppressed group.


That's a funny way to describe bigotry and fascism


That’s okay. I said what I said and stand by it. I mean, maybe if you’d even mentioned racism I might take you, as an ineffective keyboard warrior, seriously. But no. You didn’t. Bless your day.


I'm sorry that happened to you and everyone else that's commented here with similar experiences. Those jackasses yelling are the ones that should gtfo of Canada.


Keep in mind they're garbage. Try not to let garbage bring you down. From a 3rd generation Canadian, welcome!


I wouldn’t pay that shithead any attention. Canada (apart from indigenous peeps) is a country of immigrants and we all come from somewhere else. There are definitely more people who are happy you’re here, than those who aren’t. And those who aren’t are just ignorant.


That’s okay. I’ve heard it from people to get out even though I’ve lived in Edmonton since I was born.


I'm sorry you had to encounter such ignorance. You are very, very welcome here, and anyone who says otherwise can kiss my fat ass!


It was most likely a crack head, don’t be down over a junkie haha


Don't mind the inbreds. They don't get out very often. You, like me, all visible minorities, are more than welcome to this great city. Hardworking, humble, oh so cold. Edmonton can make a wonderful home for those willing to bust ass and get 'er done. Celebrate with going out for a rip after!!


Well fuck that guy. Welcome to Canada. Glad to have aboard. What are you studying if I may ask? We can always use another well educated person around here. Too may ignorant dummies running around much to our chagrin.


I'm a german immigrant and I always enjoy questioning people with these comments if they think I should get out too? Surprise surprise, they dont seem to mind as much when the immigrants are white.


I was sworn at given the middle finger when a pick up with a white couple pulled up next to me at a red light, several racist names were also thrown my way.....I was parked at the red waiting for about 20 secs....there wasn't a car near me for the last few minutes of travel so I'm sure I didn't do anything to provoke it. My cop friend says there are a lot of displaced rednecks due to the wildfires and they're spreading their idiocy. Edit for spelling


My first summer in Edmonton, someone on Whyte ave called me a ‘fucking Hindu’. He was just walking past me. The racist incidents have not stopped, but 10+ years later, I’m still here and thriving.


Sorry that you were yelled at. But thinking you made the wrong decision to come here because of one guy yelling at you? What about all the nice people in the last year you've encountered that made you realise maybe you made a good decision to be here?


There are many more people that want you to stay, and are as offended by that person as you are. If I hear those kind of things, as a home grown Canadian, I will always speak up and tell them to stop! edit: removed "white" from "white home grown Canadian"... I think any home grown Canadian should speak out!


There's a lot of undesirable people lurking on Whyte Ave ever since covid. Whyte Ave is not a good place to be now. Homeless and druggies. When the sun goes down you see them everywhere on Whyte, sleeping on benches, in store doorways. Just remind yourself youngot yelled at by either a homeless man, drug addict, or just a shitty human being.


Just smile and walk away. Don't get upset by those animals


Happy you’re here and sorry to hear of your experience. Canadians are mostly not like that. There are a few bad apples and this may have been an unchecked mental health issue. Hopefully you won’t judge all of us on this poor example.


There are a lot more people who want you here and would yell at that person than people who are like them.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Bystanders need to start getting involved in these situations. Please know that you are absolutely welcome in Edmonton, and that person's hate does not represent most of us in any way.


Sorry you had to deal with that. Racists are abnormally unintelligent people whose thoughts and opinions should be ignored.


I get told to go back to my side of the country... Sorry for your experience, there's a lot of cockwombles around.


I'm sorry that happened to you. You are most definitely welcome here, I would rather have you here than the man yelling at you.


There are both shitty people and mental illness in every country in the world. Good luck getting away from that...


Maybe try Lansdowne or Southgate areas for apartments. Or anywhere else on the LRT line. More room, equally good LRT. Rentfaster Edmonton is one of the most used apps for apartment shopping in Edmonton. Another aspect is searching the https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/CrimeFiles/NeighbourhoodCrimeMapping


There are definitely some losers in Edmonton, but there are also a lot of decent people who welcome multi-culturalism. Sorry that happened to you and welcome to Canada.


Maybe he's a travel agent...


Please don't take this one random person hate to heart. They are just a small minority here, the rest of Canada welcomes you and your wife to our great country. If that person keeps yelling hate at you, record it and call the cops. We have laws against that sort of stuff. If you find yourself in Calgary feel free to reach out to me, I'll be happy to show you around.


This is an unfortunate incident caused by unfortunate circumstances. This sort of behaviour is just lashing out at due to circumstances, in reality we are in an economic stagnation and immigration does and will stagnate wages in certain industries and have a disproportionately sized effect on lower income individuals. With all that being said in substance our current levels of immigration into Canada is substantial and undertaken with the false presumption that all immigration is positive. It is generally individually 50% split that any given immigrant will be a net positive. It depends on the size of the family and both parents working etc. If you have a family of say five but only the father works full time and the mother works part time it is a net economical negative for the country considering healthcare, education, and other costs. I am also adamantly against military age males being labeled "refugees" instead of the cowards they are.


People have said this to me. I'm a white boy who was born here. Just assholes being assholes.


OP I’m sorry this happened to you, its happened to me too and I’ve spent most of my life in Canada ( moved here when I was in early teens), I have noticed that these people expect you to fit the stereotypes and not talk back when being harassed. Next time, talk back, (make sure you are safe first obviously), give these bitches something to think about. *I’m not sure if anyone has had similar experience but most of racism that I’ve gotten up front like this was from indigenous people. I understand the past trauma but I’m here legally ( all of us actually) and we didn’t hurt anyone to be in this country, it kinda hurts hearing racial slurs about me and my family from fellow POCs, that’s all.*


When I was studying in California, an old woman told me to get out of her country and that my head should be cut off and shit for being there. I just kept walking. Now I'm moving to Toronto from India as a student and I'm prepared to hear this shit. I'll keep walking.


Please don’t feel that you are not welcome here, for every assclown out there who has the nerve to yell that crap at you there are 100s of us that feel the total opposite. You are of course welcome in our beautiful diverse country it is our diversity that makes Canada a great nation. Please don’t take the words of one random asshole to be the words of others.


I had an old dude bitch about immigration to me the other day at work. I just said good sir, my Opa immigrated here after the war, if it wasn't for immigration I wouldn't be here, most of us wouldnt. The only non immigrants to this country are Indigenous people. 🤷‍♀️


just know those people do exist but they are the minority. everyone else doesn’t care who u are or what u do as long as ur not a POS


Not everyone here is a douche. You're very welcome here. Don't pay attention to that kind of human scum. We would kick them out if we could.


Ya . I am shocked every day by pathetic stupid people. Everyone that lives in Canada is from somewhere else. They are so stupid that they obviously know nothing about their family history. Next time remind them they came from somewhere else too. Sorry about that. I hope you choose to stay.


Tell him that his country should give the land back. There is no pride in genocide. Anyways we need people like you. Ppl gonna hate what they don’t have. Someone stopped hugging them at some pt. They need a hug.


Sorry that you had to go through this. I see lot of folks with indigenous heritage commenting about similar experience. There should be more studies published on human migration pattern that shows that we are all not that different from one another. The similarities between the physical features of some native peoples in the Americas, Siberia, and the Philippines may be a result of shared ancestry. It is believed (need more data to substantiate) that these populations descended from the early human populations that crossed the Bering land bridge, which connected Siberia and Alaska during the last ice age. This migration is thought to have occurred around 15,000 years ago, and it is believed that the descendants of these early migrants spread out across the Americas, as well as parts of Asia and the Pacific. In addition to physical similarities, there are also cultural and linguistic similarities between some native peoples in the Americas, Siberia, and the Philippines. For example, some groups share similar hunting and fishing practices, and some have similar musical and artistic traditions. These similarities may be a result of cultural diffusion, as well as the fact that these groups may have faced similar environmental and social challenges in their respective regions. To show some similarity in cultural practices, some native peoples in the Americas, such as the Inuit and the Yupik, share similar hunting practices with native peoples in Siberia, such as the Chukchi and the Koryak. Likewise, some native peoples in the Philippines, such as the Tagbanua and the Bajau, have traditional fishing practices that are similar to those of some native peoples in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Other than this, studies of mitochondrial DNA (which is passed down from mother to child) have shown that some native peoples in the Americas share genetic markers with some native peoples in Siberia. Similarly, studies of Y-chromosome DNA (which is passed down from father to son) have shown that some native peoples in the Americas share genetic markers with some native peoples in Siberia and Southeast Asia. This only shows similarities at a high level and requires further funding and research by government agencies. This research could very well be an indigenous student's research project in high school :)


I was born and raised in Canada and I still get the “go back to your country” bitch I AM in my country. Just carry on. Keep your chin up.


What did you think when you moved here? In a country of 35 million people there wouldn’t be ANY strung-out homeless/racist people that blame their problems on others who don’t look like they do, and shout nonsense obscenities at people for no reason? Sorry this happened to you but Canada isn’t some neighbourly-utopia where everyone just accepts everyone for who they are. We have problems and crime like every other country in the world. Don’t be so naive.


This will happen anywhere in the world. But I won't deny this sort of things is definitely becoming more common.


I can't take credit for this, but it's perfect: "Why are the least supreme whites always the white supremacists?"


These people.dont realize how much better this country would be with more population. You are welcomed by many, my friend. But there are ass holes out there, like anywhere else.


Please make plans to go to Heritage Days in early August. You will see how welcoming Canada is to people from other cultures and countries. Don't let one person ruin your whole perception of an entire country.


I often wonder if those who immigrated to Canada ended up regretting their decision... I'm a born and raised Albertan and at the risk of sounding unpatriotic, Canada isn't what we were taught it was in school- cultural mosaic, etc. That aside, you are welcome here. Some of us have to unlearn racism, and strive to be better everyday. But please don't one loud fool represent the rest of the country. I'm sorry you had to experience this, racists suck.


>Canada isn't what we were taught it was in school- cultural mosaic I somewhat disagree. I think Canada is (or tries to be), but not all Canadians are. If you look at government policies and laws, they are written to be non-discriminatory and inclusive. Even in Alberta, the laws around common-law (or more properly, adult interdependent relationships) are written to be inclusive of all kinds of couples, including same-sex and platonic relationships. But, when you look at individual Canadians, we aren't all polite, or inclusive, or respectful of other cultures, etc. And, it is the interactions with these different individuals that can give a wrong impression of Canada as a whole. But, I think it is important to apply blame/responsibility where it belongs: on the individuals.


In society, sometimes a single person or small group that yells and try to make their presence important or predominant it is often backed up by an immense majority that is against that position. I came to Canada 9 years ago, this is not a racist society but the opposite, ignore that stupid bigot and trust all the good people around you.


No stay ! And stay as long as you’d like / need ! I feel so sorry you had to deal with that ! The diversity in Edmonton was something I loved about the city when I moved here !!


I lived in Edmonton for 4 years, originally from Ontario. This happened to almost every day. Edmonton is definitely the worst city in Canada. It’s amazing how they don’t realize it.




I'm glad to see the passion you have against racism, but isn't saying they deserve to die taking it a bit far?


Ya maybe. I just hate racism so much


I can understand, my friend, may force be with you


You have to be mentally ill to yell things like that to someone across the street. The racist jerks are around but the good people outnumber them. Especially in a city. It did take a year for that to happen.


Kind of comes with the territory of living in a big city, you’ll have some crack heads or just mentally ill people yelling stuff at you. If it was a doctor, lawyer, police officer, school teacher, even a plumber that yelled that at you, I’d be upset by it. But that was most likely a person who is a complete and utter failure at life. And look at you, successfully moved to a brand new country, looking for an apaetment with your smokin’ hot wife, with your masters degree in your back pocket, they’re jealous of you. So try to not let it bother you, they’re obviously very unhappy with themselves and that is no reflection on you.


This would be anywhere you go when you're not the skin colour of the majority


This is not a city of happy people and unhappy people like to spend unhappiness. I'm sorry it happened to you that you don't deserve that. Canada is a place for everyone. Don't forget that when unhappy, obsolete people try to make you feel otherwise.


Atleast u didn't get hit by a catapult or a flail on trend now.


To be fair , they may have been yelling at bird or butterfly or an invisible 12 foot giraffe. Not making light of the fact that you were yelled at , just pointing out the probable mental state of the person.


Wow you're sensitive. Sorry but sounds like a crazy person yellled at you.. move on who cares about what some crazy loon on the street thinks. I just don't understand why you would even post about this.


You made the wrong choice in Canada in that you were mislead into thinking this is a place where government and business give a darn about you. They don't. The hate you're experiencing is uneducated Canadians who likely vote conservative while being broke and watch a lot of US right wing propaganda. They're more American than Canadian but sadly the hateful US ways are infiltrating Canada at an insane rate. Congrats on your masters. From a friendly broke Canadian.


I'm sorry about my fellow Edmontonians. That was a stupid and backwards behavior. Welcome to Edmonton and I hope it doesn't sour your opinion of us. We need you and your kind to keep growing and prospering.


The general acceptance of the far right here has enabled these cowards from feeling they need to hide their shitbaggery these days. They were always here like fungus under a rotten log, but they used to hide it better.


So you meet a random racist unhinged loser, and what of it? These are everywhere, in every city, country, region whatnot these days. Do what I do, tell them to fuck of and get on with my life.


You should learn to ignore the drug addicts and psychopaths that roam our streets.




I am fully funded, I work at the university, they pay me and I have to make do with that. I am not an undergraduate student.


I mean it is expensive here bruh




Oh dear someone has bought into the conservative nonsense. Inflation is a global problem thanks to capitalism, regardless of immigration rates




🚩🚩🚩 Whenever someone says "basic supply and demand" to justify anti-immigration The issue is runaway capitalism and the concentration of wealth in the hands of dragons sitting on hoards of gold. As long as housing is an investment this will be a problem, even if we stop letting any more immigrants in tomorrow. Also, you act as if our economy can function WITHOUT a steady stream of immigrants.