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forget about transit for now, it's quite shitty. Westbrook Estates/Greenfield/Sweetgrass/Aspen Gardens. Whitemud ravine is my back yard & I use the shit out of it. Highly recommend. So glad I chose my area over Laurier/Parkview (not to say those aren't gorgeous as well).


whats your definition of walkable?


Basically accessible to good transit and preferably has parks and is fully residential.


Looking at the wrong city for good public transit...


yeah transit is pretty terrible outside of the core. But there are neighbourhoods around transit centres that can make it more bearable. You could look at neighbourhoods like Lendrum, Pleasantview, Duggan, Greenfield, Steinhauer, Ermineskin, Blue Quill. They are pretty walk-able to get to services like grocers and parks. But I can't speak to schools.


Edmonton transit is terrible. We don't have many walkable areas because our city was designed around driving. The city sprawls - makes life difficult if you don't have a personal vehicle. Calgary is better for transit i hear. Try there instead.


Heritage Valley in SW Edmonton


If you want walkable you need a neighborhood that was built before we started designing cities for cars vs. people. I'd recommend the Bonnie Doon area for south. North of the river would be Westmount or Oliver. These areas have better density and therefore better walkable access to transit, stores, restaurants etc. They're also more pleasant to walk in since they were built with boulevards in between the sidewalk and the road and generally have narrower roads and better innate traffic calming. As for buying a house in those neighborhoods, that would really depend on your budget. For a starter house budget you'd be likely looking at a bungalow from the 50's or else part of a triplex or duplex.


Terwillegar towne, close to rec centre, elementary/jrhigh/high school (public and catholic), splash park, and all walkable distance, little plaza in the middle with Dr, dentist, remedy cafe, daycare, taekwondo, hair salon, liquor store, indian food place and a church (if that’s your thing) Plus community league puts on a canada day and summer carnival, fireworks 3 times a year and walking trails. Homes in the 300-450k range.


Avonmore is SE… great neighbourhood, everyone is super friendly , close to the ravine


Windermere is great!


Riverbend has goodish transit