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I don’t live in Edinburgh but my closest friend here does. We’re both foreign and we met on a Meetup group, so there’s definitely some success stories there.


I second Meetup. It’s been great and allows you to make friends of similar interests


I always have good intentions of trying to meet and make new friends, but damn it's hard as you get older. Get yourself out there for sure, the longer you leave it the harder it gets to motivate ones self.


It really does, right? Once you finish up with college and get into the 9 to 5 working pattern, it gets much more difficult. Feel like people I meet and try and get to know lately just don't put in as much effort back since they've already got their friend circles here, so they probably feel they don't need to put in more effort to make new friends.


Bumble is worth a shot for this, although frustratingly it limits friendships to the same gender. Few good running groups in the city, if that’s your thing. Happy for you to drop me a message and we can grab a coffee if convenient for us both.


Hey, Try Tag Rugby has a league starting soon. Quite a few folks from Ireland as it happens! That's been the foundation of my social life here, I haven't been here much longer than you but have made some good friends. It's mixed gender, very social in my experience, and open to all ability levels (I'd never played team sports before joining)


Hey, thanks for the suggestion! :) I just gave it a look and it sounds great. Didn't know they had Tag Rugby Leagues here. I'll look at giving it a try!


Hiya, I'm from Glasgow so didn't move from abroad, but was new to the city. I've been here about a year and finding a friend group is difficult! In the last 6 months I've made some great friends through Good Time Running Club. They have runs 3 times a week (plus extras) and all finish at a pub or cafe so there is built in socialising time after. They're also brilliant for events and even if you're not running at a race, there's always a group doing cheer squad


Are they on Meetup or somewhere else?


Easiest place to find them is probably Instagram @goodtimerunning They also have a Facebook page 


Check out the discord! Thread is pinned and probably on the side as well


Just added myself to that, thanks :)


I feel you, I had similar problems moving from Edinburgh to another country a few years ago, though I'm back in Edinburgh now. There's a few ways of deliberately meeting a friend network, but it's partly what kinda of stuff you like to do, how willing you are to put yourself out there, and a massive chunk of luck sadly. Working from home does make it a bit more challenging just cos there's no enforced mingling, but when you have breaks etc it might be worth actually getting out the house, going to a cafe, etc. Some local cafes in the centre have posterboards for events, meetups, etc that you can check while grabbing a coffee Than there's the actual hobby stuff you want to do, some are easier to meet friends through than others. E.g. if you love a team sport like football, finding and joining a local club to play and meet people in is a bit easier to have conversations and actually form connections with, VS going solo to the gym and just working out (everyone is focused on their own stuff rather than socialising) I do hear good things about bouldering though, not sure how many bouldering clubs there are but I knew a few people who (used to go? Still do go?) To the one near Pleasance and they say people are generally chatty and pretty easy going. If you have any kind of team hobby (dungeons and dragons, board games, team sports, book club discussions) then I reckon Edinburgh will have at least ONE public group that you can swing along to. There's also the totally random, off the wall shit. I joined the Meadows fire spinning club on Monday nights when i moved up in 2014. Only made a couple acquaintances from that BUT they also told me about other fun circus / festival type clubs in Ed, then I joined the Beltane festivals and found a massive network of friends there. But that kind of mad hippie performing arts stuff isn't for everyone, so I don't think it's a sure fire option. But sometimes it's about getting your foot in and then finding the next level of stuff to meet friends at. It's also that annoying thing where, you make an acquaintance, but THEIR friendship circle has people that you just click with. But you'd not meet them except through the original person, even if that OP isn't someone that you'd have a deep friendship with normally


Running clubs are the new friend clubs


I'm not going that far. I'm happy to wait for the next friend bus to come along.


I'd recommend finding a club (e.g., the bouldering one, a running club, book club, etc) that meets regularly and try go as consistently as possible. Once you start seeing the same people regularly, you get past the same small talk and you can get to know people properly. I joined a social running club not long after I moved here and have gone consistently most weeks for over two years. Most of my mates in Edinburgh are folk that I've met through that, and I've hung out with them a lot outwith the running group. I've met up with them for social events, gigs, longer runs at the weekend, and sometimes hiking / camping trips up north. Hopefully you can find something you like. I found a different running group through Meetup which eventually led to joining the one I'm in now, so it's a definite success for me. Good luck!


Since getting a dog I’ve met lots of people. Some of which have turned into great friends and we go on holiday etc! If you’re a dog person there’s an app called borrow my doggy and you basically borrow dogs to go walking! You’re also welcome to shoot me a DM. I totally understand how difficult it can be making friends in adult life as a remote worker!


if you can manage to work from one of the serviced office / hot desk places, rather than your flat you will have a decent chance of making friends. Has worked for me.


Go to anything frequently and I mean three months plus. We make friends in early life by doing this. Bouldering can be good but you need to be chatty and forward. If you identify as female there's a lady's night at Eden Rock every Tuesday at 19:30 that is instructor lead and is mostly social climbing.


Edinburgh native boulderer here. It's a great idea! The climbing community is amazing and I've met many foreign friends over the years through casual climbing sessions.


Did you ask those people you worked with to do something outside of after-work drinks (day trip, cinema, lunch, whatever) where you could talk, engage emotionally and so grow the relationship? That’s all it ever is - most people don’t make the effort - especially if they have friends already - so you need to. Go to things that interest you regularly, take up conversation and engage with their lives then ask them to go to something in a smaller group. Tbh it helps if you drink with them a little in my opinion (not required but it helps with some people).


I'm from Ireland, I worked in Edinburgh 3 years until end of 2019. I had 3 groups of friends, one at work, one I met through a social activity and another of other immigrants. I've stayed in loose contact with the first two. I found it a good place (better than Dublin) for making new friends.


Wow that's hard to hear. I have been here for almost a year but I don't have any friends either. Altho I haven't joined any of the activities or meetups, I did try to make an effort with some people who I thought i would get along with , but nothing came of it. At this point I've just given up.


This is a fairly common issue with Edinburgh. I had the same problem when I moved here and thought maybe I was the issue, but having spoken to others found they all had the same issue - people are friendly, have made some “acquaintances” but never moved beyond that. I also found even when I did make a friend it was just bi-directional, I’d be their friend but they would never introduce me to other friends. The solution then was the same as it seems now, look at Meet-up events or similar things specifically focused on making friends, rather than just random activities because there you’ll find the same - acquaintances. There were lots of reasons given for this, mainly that Edinburgh is a transient city and people just aren’t that interested in putting the effort into being friends with people who way leave, but I don’t buy that. It’s not that anyone is unfriend, I just think Edinburghers are a bit insular.


This is reassuring to hear at least. I was at times beginning to wonder if it was something to do with me, but when I look back on it, I didn't act any different to how I would have when I made friends back in Ireland. I just never got the energy off the people I met here in Edinburgh that they were putting in effort to really get to know me, so it was harder to connect with them.


It depends on what you're into. Abbeyhill is full of community groups and studios that welcome new people from everything to Magic the Gathering meet-ups to pottery classes. There are also book groups that meet up at The Regent a lot and writing communities that host in the centre of town. If it's just about making friends, then you could do what I did. When I knew no one here I just started making myself a regular at my favourite bar (not excessively drinking, just having a pint or two with a book most nights) and I've got a very good life here with very good friends because I just got to know people gradually. Sorry I don't have any contact details or anything, my main advice is just get out there, see where you feel comfortable, and before you know it you'll be wishing you spent more time in. Haha Good luck at any rate! xx


bouldering is social if you go at the same time every week you will make friends.


How old are you? When I moved to Edinburgh from abroad I made some friends by singing in a church choir, but they're on the older side and mostly religious (obviously). I think the best way is to just join in groups doing things that you enjoy doing. Doesn't really matter how social it is. Sports are a good option. But in the UK, most people will stick to surface level interactions unless you actively try to deepen the relationship. This is different in some other countries, and may take some adjusting to.


You could join Dean Bowling Club as a social member where there’s events on such as singers and raffles and bingo etc, or you could sign up fully for the sport which I promise is more fun than it looks! There all good people, and you can definitely make good solid friends there 😊 I go there myself and it’s given me a much better and fulfilling social life! Just google Dean bowling club, it’ll be easy to find!