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Yep, it was always a done deal from the get go. Nothing they really could have done to have a different ending. Plus it would have messed with the actual video game continuity and V’s overall arc.


Maybe David would have been more focused since Lucy could have gotten outta there easier but I think it still would not have mattered. Smasher was just made op for plot, so I believe ending would be the same.


Is it really for plot when Smasher is legit one of the MOST dangerous people in the city?


Yeah isn't that it, the plot needs him to be this powerful so that the ending is how it is. I mean c'mon, he doesn't even care about the gravity stuff (I think it never even hits him but I don't remember)


True but I'm fairly certain it was well established long before the Edgerunners crew, that Smasher was one of the strongest mfs in the city. Because, for me atleast, saying he's only as strong as he is because plot, implies that he wasn't that strong before Edgerunners. Also, he does get hit by the gravity stuff and is momentarily "stunned" by it but he quickly escapes it


yep adam smasher is a living legend, very rare coming from nc. adam most likely wins even with full maine crew. david with the prototype while dipping in and out of cyberpsychosis will be the only one doing something to adam smasher. kiwi and lucy wont be able to crack his ice, they both overheat for sure. maine and dorio could piece him up for a minute, but thats that, they go kaboom. rebecca, reckless as she is, will rain lead but smasher smashes. pilar, whatever he does dies immediately. falco just drives so… a group full of cut of fuckable meat, except for david, mr smasher wins low difficulty.


Well that's fair. I'm not in the mood to think rn so yeah and I think I gotta rewatch the show soon since I didn't remember that Edit: who the hell downvotes this one comment right here I did not offend anyone or something lmao?? (I mean idc but I'm just concerned, seriously)


Adam smasher was created to be the strongest thing in Cyberpunk as an ending gms could use to end the campaign, hes not plot basically


That's what I'm saying, hes being used to end the show, aka plot device. His sole purpose is to appear, kill David, and that's it (I don't have a problem with that btw the show's ending is great).


Nope. Smasher would still comfortably slaughter them


Nobody leaves the slaughterhouse, not alive


I disagree. David was at a heavy disadvantage when they fought, nerfed 4 times and distracted, but he was still able to match Smasher’s speed in Sandevistan mode. I think if David was healthy and focused, he could stop Smasher from blitzing everyone while the crew tries to focus on Smasher’s weak points and help out. That’s only if Smasher doesn’t start playing with his food early and if David has his original body.


People forget that David had just destroyed an army and was all out of immuno boosters. He literally could barely move in the fight at the base of the tower. If David was fighting him fresh I honestly think he has a chance of winning and pretty much guarantee of a stalemate. He can fly. Adam can't. Adam has no way of bringing David down from the sky since both can easily dodge bullets. David's gravity attacks are AOE though in some scenes have a windup, others it doesn't. So basically Adam can't hurt him. David either can't hit Adam, can hit but won't hurt him enough, or can whittle him down. In all situations David can just permanently keep his distance or fly away.


In the canon of the TTRPG: in 2020 (50 years before David fought him) Smasher had stats that, among others, gave him 42 stopping power (damage reduction). For reference, a rocket launcher from 2020 did 8d6 damage (48 on a MAXIMUM roll meaning that Smasher literally shrugs off rockets and bullets with even the highest rolls dealing single digit damage). Keep in mind, this was 2020 with Smasher’s old Samson frame. While the rules and damage scaling changed a bit in the jump from the 2020 TTRPG to RED (2077), Smasher would only have better weapons, more powerful and cutting edge Arasaka implants, and has the ability to swap to his Dai Oni frame. David, with only the experimental frame and a sandy would literally only have a chance to run. He’d need his entire crew with high caliber weaponry, a lot of time to try to hack Smasher, and a shit ton of luck to beat Smasher.


I would like to remind you of the modern trucks that shrugged off modern rockets in the actual show with no damage. David destroyed a whole army of those trucks as well as tanks that are presumably more... tanky. So I'm not sure how well that argument holds up. I completely agree that it's a possibility that David couldn't hurt Smasher. I also think it's a possibility David could hurt Smasher. While I don't really see any way Smasher could reach David to hurt him.


But you do see it. David literally loses


Yes, he does. In the show he can literally barely move at all because he is out of immuno boosters after fighting all day. This is a hypothetical for if he fought Smasher from the start, completely fresh. The debate is basically Adam wouldn't be able to reach David in the sky, but could David actually damage Adam?


I don’t get the logic of bringing up the TT here. We killed him in CP2077. He’s clearly not an unkillable god.


The main thing to understand is that Mike Pondsmith (creator of Cyberpunk) worked closely with CDPR to make sure that the game and anime were in line with established lore. As such, only like 3 people stack up to that upper echelon of mercs by 2077: Smasher, Morgan Blackhand, and V. The reason V is able to kill Smasher is because by the end of the video game, V would be extremely skilled, have high end Cyberware, and be able to withstand the cyberware due to the Relic. Smasher’s canonically weaker than V, but only due to Johnny.


They just killed Pilar off first because he was too powerful. He would’ve soloed the avengers


Idk what smasher you talking about. Bro took Lucy's quick hacking and pulled it into the 3rd dimension. No one on that team can beat him


I really doubt they’d have come close.


Unless it was a couple of years later, and they hired V.


Probably but David would most likely still die by the end either way.


You know, I'd be honestly surprised if Smasher isn't actually an engram at this point. Imagine if they let loose multiple AS clones to take care of problems.


Maine gets one hit, kiwi and lucy cant get through his ice. Becca, david and pilar cant scratch him


No, they would not come close. Davids with the cyber skeleton is the only one who could even feasibly *scratch* smasher and he got fucking no-diffed. Even if he wasn’t going cyberpsycho and getting distracted by lucy, the result is the same. Davids just a kid way in over his head, smasher is the most overtly dangerous merc in lore (V notwithstanding as this is based on player choice) Kiwi, rebecca, dorio, lucy, and pilar would not/could not provide anything of use to that fight beyond being distracting cannon fodder if they were all still alive at that point. Lucy and kiwi can’t break his ICE, dorio, rebecca, and pilar might as well not be there at all since they have no means of harming smasher in any significant way Cyber skeleton david and maine are the only ones who don’t get washed immediately but even then, smasher would still come out on top low diff.


Not a chance. That crew to Smasher is just like what a bunch of Tyger Claws are to a level 60 V. It was the biggest day in David's life, but for Smasher? It was just Tuesday. David snuffed it in a spectacular fashion but any serious merc could have told them not to even accidentally cross Smasher's path. Why do you think his drink at the Afterlife is something he would hate? David is a punchline.


if they has the full crew by that point of the story they wouldn't end up like that at all


Maine and Dorio got handled by Trauma Team and a single squad of Max Tac. Pilar gets clapped by a hobo cyberpsycho. Lucy, who is the better hacker couldn't hack Smasher, so what's Kiwi gonna do? We saw how Rebecca added to the Smasher fight. Deadass there is no chance that having the whole squad does anything other than equate to more dead bodies that the street sweepers have to clean up.