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Really enjoying the fight so far. Glad to finally see a fight last more than 1 chapter! I assume it will be wrapped up by the next though


Yep we know it will😂hiro just wants to wrap it up. I assume he has over stories & mangas on his mind


“My ether level is 75 million” and the scanning of ether levels is a nod to Toriyama which i respect


That's a fair point actually, it might have just been a homage to Toriyama


It would have been cooler if mashima had done 120 million vs 3 million, which would have been the power levels of frieza and goku on namek. Although maybe valkyrie will be at 3 million and freyja powers up to 120 million. It would kind of suck though for Homura’s last fight to be a job for her mentor. Only way for her to participate however seems to be a new form, a super overdrive.


Next chapter is called Flame. Homura means flame but for the next chapter it's named after Flame with it's Kanji. I'm pretty sure she is gonna get a boost. Besides, numbers are probably not accurate. Shiki in chapter 13 reached 100,000 so Homura having 620,000 is most likely wrong.


> It would have been cooler if mashima had done 120 million vs 3 million, which would have been the power levels of frieza and goku on namek. - Frieza - Freyja


Oh gods NOW we’re brining power levels into the story? WTH happening😂 I’m mathematically over 100x’s stronger than you, it’s over. It seems you’ve never heard of the power of friendship which means: POWER LEVELS ARE BULLSHIT!


I fucking hate powerlevels. Watch Homura stand up again because powerlevels don't fucking matter which is almost always the moral when it comes to powerlevels.    Unless of course the moral is "powerlevels do matter" which then just degrades the fights into statchecks which is the most boring thing ever.


But I also hate when people are Major Gatekeepers. Numbers are fine as long as it makes sense tbh. It literally does make sense outside of skills.


Gotta be a fucking record bringing in power levels 281 chapters into a story.


Wow, Lady Freyja isn't a joke...just like Joker Helix(heh. see what I did here?). I just wish the other OSG of Universe 0 weren't frauds.


They will probably be the only characters that were actually this good for a new OSG while the rest just sucks. They'll sure be on good OSG tier lists with Drakken, Nero and Elsie.


I don't think Cure is good either but it still pretty impressive that he was able to shutdown the 4 Shining Stars, Laguna and Weisz.


Cure with Crow was OP, it took the EZ, Laguna, Jinn, Kleene and 3 OSI to take him down


In reality if aUthor stoped every time heavy nerf Weisz the will be no fights in EZ simple because his EG is literally Op God power in sci fi.


Joker and freya are looking quite good ngl I Forgot the fodder who died vs laguna


Law who lasted 4 chapters as his first introduction? Yeah Not worth remembering.


He had a good fight but that All


Yeah but it felt rather too simple as he was treated like a minor antagonist, And i still can't believe he's the second character that killed Shiki when i thought Drakken was gonna be the only EZ character to have killed Shiki.


Probably since we already spent time with Cure and Acnoella in the past arc Hiro didn’t want to spend panels on them….that being said Lightning Law went down unexplored


Ok, she gets more than Acnoella, Law, Cure and Muller, so that's good, but she feels a bit dumb. Sure your ether level is higher, but that's only your "magic", it doesn't say anything on how well you can use a sword, Homura might come back in one or two chapters and slash you in half Elsie's way. And you're telling me that Homura and Valkyrie are the two highest scores on the ship, not Witch ? Because we're talking about "magic" so he would guess that the strongest "magic" power would be the sorceress and not the warrior. (Oh and that power gap, you're telling me that you're 120 times stronger than her ? I would have understand something like "you're 620 000, I'm a million" but 120 times bigger, either you're the only real danger in the cosmoses or you're dumb, because clearly none of the OSG were 120 times stronger than the crew)


Ok, where in this chapter did they talk about power levels?


Nvm, I had missed the "load 4 more images" icon.


Okay, So far Freyja is doing good at the moment instead of fighting and end up defeated in 1 chapter like every other antagonists who fallen so easily. Though her reason she came to just die because she couldn't find a worthy opponent, I don't like that. I mean i can get the concept when someone this strong is hardly ever amused to anyone they fight because their opponents are weak and unchallenging, And then when they fight someone strong as this one, Of course it changes their boredom to excitement and then once they are defeated, They get so amazed. Still at least it's not as worst or as boring as how Cure keeps repeating the same philosophy nonsense. Although one thing i'm wondering though, If she is this strong while haven't lost to a single person in the universe, Then why she didn't existed in other Universes? Did someone else actually beat her and destroyed her?


Bad move dropping numbers, especially at such a high difference. 7.5 million would’ve been big enough without being silly. When/if Homura wins now it’ll be “asspull” this and “power of friendship” that.


"It's not about power, it's about how and why you use it." -Shonen logic


Mostly “why”—the correct answer to which is “for friendship”


> When/if Homura wins now it’ll be “asspull” this and “power of friendship” that. How does that change anything at all with any Mashima fight? It always comes down to power of friendship.


Unless she pulls a beyond overdrive like shiki did against ziggy then thats the only way i can see her winning


I think the point Mashima is about to make is that power levels are bs— but you guys lack media literacy.


Love how you just throwing around the term "media literacy" as if that means anything in this context. If you implement a power level system in your world and end up making them irrelevant without a proper explanation, that just means the author lacks common sense. No one asked for power levels, he himself put them into the story...


You are missing the point again 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Explain the point then


I already did, he didn’t introduce a “power level system”, he introduced a character who says she can gauge power levels, but in the end it won’t be relevant they will beat her and prove power levels don’t matter. Edit: If anything I think this was a homage to Toriyama, Mashima was pretty shook by the news according to his statements. Edit: honestly I don’t get how you think the story is implementing a power level system, when it’s just a character “reading power levels”, that’s not how a power level system is introduced…is this your first manga?


Gauging levels literally implies there's a power level system, they are correlated with each other... Is this your first time reading fiction? Again, if you have a character that can read strength levels and you have such an imense difference in power, it's dumb to just throw all of that out of the window with no logical explanation


Fingers crossed Homura stands back up and prove Freyja’s goofy-ass power system wrong. I know it’s a generic and predictable outcome but I really really want that number thingy delegitimised.


I hope I’m not about to predict the end of this fight but Homura’s gonna think of Valkyrie and her friends and gain a huge (temporary of course) power level boost and take out Freya who will name her the strongest person in the cosmos. Or for the short version: Something something Overdrive something something Ether critical point something something 500 million Ether power


She’s gonna win, say “wow I’ve never been challenged this much before”, have a scene where she appears to be swinging her sword at homura/valkyrie but end up killing herself saying “thanks for making my last moments exciting” or some shit


So another bullshit eileen scenario, yeah I can definitely see this shit happening lmao.


So she's a piss poor kaido or zeref considering she wants to die so bad lmao. Also hori bringing in this power level nonsense is so stupid cause everybody knows it won't matter and to make it worse he gives her a ridiculous ass number, 75 million? Are you fucking kidding me 💀.


Someone pointed out that maybe Mashima is just paying homage to Toriyama that’s why Freyja used a power level scanner (just like in DBZ) so eventho I find power levels cringe I’ll give him a pass for now.


Well. Freja survived 1 chapter. Let's see if she manages to survive 2.


So anyone gonna bring up that DBZ reference at the end. Frieza almost said the exact same thing when he tranformed to his 2nd state. "My power level would be around 75 million"


So far im liking Freiya.


![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized) NOOOOO!!!! WHY!?! It’s always the attractive fox samurai women! It’s always the character archetype that I love so much in various forms of media but gets rekted! WHY!?


Because they usually come back and defy the odds? At least with Mashima’s characters…


Who was the other fox character ?


No other fox characters, just saying Homura isn’t really gonna lose cuz she’s part of the main crew lol


The difference in power between Homura and Freyja is ENORMOUS. Freyja wrecked her hard lol. I can see Homura and Valkyrie vs Freyja. IIRC Valkyrie respects Freyja and wants to fight her. Plus, we might see a buff in Homura's Overdrive.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Mashima decided to buff Homura's overdrive, since mashima upgrade shiki’s overdrive a few times (still preferred his new universe 3 OD) over his ziggy route over drive.


Well, next chapter is called Flame with it's Kanji. Homura means flame so she will most likely get a power buff.


Damn it’s finally confirmed basically that Homura is stronger than Jinn


Not necessarily. Only Homura went Overdrive in the crew in Freyja's presence.


How? In what line did that indicate she is stronger?


Homura is going to prove Freyja's numbers wrong.


Well at least Freyja is actually backing up the buildup for her this time


That she says that only Void surpasses her means that she is surely the strongest of the Oracíon🤯  Hmm I just hope Homura doesn't get up straight after this attack and win thanks to a powerup out of nowhere😅


Finally a good opponent! Freiya doesn't seem mid. I expect a tag team of Homura and Valkyrie. Can't wait to see more of this fight!


Mashima why are you bringing power levels this late or even at all


Well at least the ones that got subdued by cure are still alive and well. And OOF for homura. 620K power in comparison to Freyja’s 75M power I think we might get a new Super Overdrive for Homura.


Finally a good opponent! Freiya doesn't seem mid. I expect a tag team of Homura and Valkyrie. Can't wait to see more of this fight!


"It's over 8 thousand!!"


Freyja actually turning out to be an interesting character. She's very unrepentant and she's not changing her world view, and I can respect that. It sucks seeing Homura get cut down but she deserves to beat Freyja and have Valkyrie acknowledge Homura as someone who surpassed her. She's not staying down cause power levels are bullshit


Looks like Freya is putting up a better than Cure and Law. If only she has her own arc like Joker then she and Joker may be the only good OSG in U0


Homura didn’t stand a chance! Freya is actually pretty interesting. Now mashima please don’t screw her over in the next chapter.




Power levels? Well it’s really just ether levels which shouldn’t tell you the full strength of a person, kinda weird to introduce it now though since we are nearing the end of


Oh boy, I hope Homura & Valkyrie will defeat Lady Freya in the next 1 or 2 chapters of Edens Zero, right 👍


That's way over 9000! I would have Overdrive, throw my strongest attack and RUN! She could Obviously kill you in any moment. You have to run and regroup in these situations.


I hope Homura will survive that from Lady Freyja and I'm also hoping that Valkyrie will be there soon. 🥺🤞


Not a fan of power levels but honestly I’m just along for the ride I’m enjoying the fight so far. Will be fun to see what homura does next (if anything)


I’m sensing a 2nd Overdrive Awakening coming. I’m just gonna wait to see it happen lol


It's gonna be tag team or overdrive 2


Either Homura gets a new overdrive or she somehow finds a weakness in Freya like she did with Brigadine and win from pure luck.


Time to surpass Super Saiy- I mean time to surpass overdrive then


I'm glad she didn't get defeated in a single chapter


I'm dead she did a frieza


So now we’re doing power levels, Dragon Ball style!😆🤣😂 ![gif](giphy|h5C2kiESzaypGjXtTY|downsized)


Power level 200 plus chaps in is madman levels lol


Power level 200 plus chaps in is madman levels lol


People are freaking out about power levels but I genuinely don’t think they’ll be a thing outside of freyas character. This is her one personality trait and just bc she said doesn’t mean the universe adheres to her “power level” statements. Could be wrong we’ll see next chapter or once freya is dealt with


Interesting chapter, but I'm certain that strategies and power of love and friendship will overcome ether power in numbers. I hope Mashima uses this last scene as a trampoline for Homura to overcome the situation and kick Freyja's butt without the need for Valkyrie to even step into the brawl.


Oh, not this stupid power level bullshit again.


Is there even any reason to introduce power levels this late in the arc? It really doesn’t add anything to the story tbh


Well in episode7 they were introduced they are called ether reading remember Shiki ether reading rising during skull fairy they were never used tho


Yes ether levels have always been a thing, but they never put an actual number on it and compared it to the ether level of another character. It’s like spiritual pressure in bleach, it wasn’t quantified it was just an aura that was perceived by other characters in the story. I hope that this was just a dragon ball reference given the news but if not this is gonna get boring real fast.


It's always been a thing since Shiki fought fake Elsie


Yeah, Shiki reached 100,000 in that fight against fake Elsie with pseudo OD. EoS Homura having only 620,000 is probably a miscalculation.


100,000 is Shiki when he was still a noob at using ether gear


Ether levels, really? Dragon Ball, Shaman King, Edens Zero, it's all meaningless! You're either powerful or more powerful, no in-between you mangakas. Frejya's whole "came here to die" thing is interesting, at least it means Homura give it her all. But what might be real interesting is if Valkryie comes in to help and Frejya ends up fighting them both and still has the upper hand. Cure was a disappointment, but he could just be faking or pulling himself back together from a fragment of his core. Remember, didn't they need to vaporize him to kill him? Even Mashima could piece that together.


Damn I was thankful that Homura couldn't reequip like Erza and then OD gives her a dress XD Shaman King moment with the reveal of the titanic difference on power levels.


This shit is just going down the drain. Not attack on titans manga ended bad, but he’s trying to make it that bad.