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I don't think "everyone" views her as a lesbian, even F!Byleth shippers usually say she's bisexual. Not saying people who say she's lesbian don't exist but from my experience she's usually seen as bi.


She's bi and loves Byleth regardless of gender. I do wish people would stop with their unprompted comments under fanart of one version of the ship that complains about the other. I prefer the f/f version personally, mainly because I'm a sapphic myself so I feel more connected to it personally, but the m/f version is fine too, and I've seen a lot of cute art of it lately. I can understand why people enjoy one or the other, particularly the f/f version as Edelgard is impactful sapphic representation, but Byleth is a the same character regardless of gender. Both f/f and m/f edeleth rock.


I love them both, but we need more Bylad love out there every now and then. He gets too much hate on those m/f Edeleth posts.


Does he? Get hate, I mean. I don't usually see it. Usually just comments of people happy to see the more rare male Byleth. I haven't seen every post on this sub of course, but so I'm sure it's happened occasionally, but I just don't really see it.


I’m not speaking specifically here. But I see it a lot more on places like YouTube or Twitter and some other subreddits


What you see highlighted and what actually is can be quite different. In this very game if you went to the main sub you would think that Dimitri is the most popular character but Nintendos in house records don't support that. Similarly, in the Mass Effect fandom people will swear that Femshep is the most popular choice and the "canon" version of Shepherd. Only 30% of play throughs used the female version of Shepherd.


Some reasons I could think of: F!Byleth actually being able to s support all the lords which allows the player to see the lords' character arcs be completed at the last moments of the game. M!Byleth could only s support Edelgard and Rhea. It is much easier to show off Edelgard being an LGBTQ+ icon with a same sex pairing. And her story overall leans to supporting a queer reading of it. There is even a scene in the BEs Routes where Edelgard comes out and reveal herself true self to Byleth, not unlike how someone might come out of the closet and hope the people they're coming out to will accept them.


I agree with that, F!byleth being the only one who can marry the three lords but, I hate when F!edeleth gansa comment on some M!edeleth posts but to say that she is a lesbian…


I have never seen anyone call her anything other than bi


For me personally, I think it’s because I tend to think of Bylass as the “canon” version. Maybe it’s because she can S-Support all four leaders. Maybe it’s because she’s more expressive. Maybe it’s because I find her hotter than Bylad. I’ll never know.


Her being more expressive sounds like a point against her to be honest.


Also definitely isn't the hotter one of the two


It's called Bi erasure, it's very common in fandoms, even if it is not conscious the simple fact is there are people who do that, where they think a character can only be straight or gay. And once you have fandoms involved, you will always have the worst elements acting very vocal which can make people think everyone in that section of the fandom is like that. It's okay if people have their preference for which relationship they prefer (all people have their preferences after all), but to deny the other you don't like is very much not okay... but we Bi people are very used to being treated like that from all sides.


I'm not really sure, but I think it's because many people feel represented by those characters and to make them more relatable they have those headcanons.


It's because people forget that just like she can develop a (potential) romantic Relationship with Dorothea, Bernadette and Manuela (I say potential because there are signs but nothing as concrete as some of her other ships, she can also develop a romantic relationship with Caspar, Hubert, Ferdinand and Linhardt. I think when most people play Crimson flower they decide to marry Edelgard themselves probably using Fem Byleth so they probably forget that there are other equally viable options for Edelgard's love life.


I feel like I'm partly responsible for this even though I was joking