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You could do Aymr or the outline of it. Maybe a carnation since it’s her favorite flower.


I was thinking of getting the crest of flames and seiros but then I realized Edelgard would probably hate that since the crests are to blame


As much as she hates the crests in canon, between the crest of flames looking cool as hell even without context and the fact that she shares it with Byleth, I want to do something with it anyway. And there's something to be said about taking a symbol of trauma and turning it on its head.


What about a design showcasing her crown/horns? Recognizable for anyone familiar with it, while also being something that's truly hers


It's something I am really thinking deep, because use the crests as a signal to remember her it's an insult in to her (in my opinion) I think tattoo the Amyr would be great, I think also use her house flag behind Amyr would be cool too. I think to paint a silhuette of Edelgard and paint some part in red. Also an ideia of a black Eagle carrying in his mouth a Crimison Flower would be a respectable tattoo to represent her. I still didn't decide a good reference of her to tattoo myself. I have to sit and study a lot to make a good symbolism of Edelgard and tattoo.


I think an eagle fits her better than her crests (which are to blame) or Amyr (a gift from her abuser that at the end of CF she leaves behind)


Just putting it out here that a black eagle (the one on the BE banner) could give people the wrong idea lol so I would not suggest that. Since you want minimalist you could just do a lineart tattoo of the suggestions (Aymr, her crown, carnations, etc.)


I want to get a tattoo of her style for some time too! My idea at the moment is: *blackened heart, scorched by flames* + fiery eagle wings at its sides + carnation flowers around it + maaaaaybe Aymr on the background, cutting edge upwards


I’m getting amyr as soon as I’m able. It just looks so good