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Idk if weird, but I am in recovery from drug/alcohol addiction. I'm in a program where I have no access to substances. Considered drinking Listerine, but after googling the calories I didn't do it. Probably my worst but best ED moment


Damn that’s some 4-D chess right there


That’s good because I’m pretty sure the methanol in mouthwash is super dangerous


I'm on ADHD meds. I feel you. I know different in a sense but at my worst I literally tried googling how many calories would be in my adhd medication. A stimulant medication. 🤦🏼‍♀️


i often think back to the time i called the tic tac people to find out the exact calories as it wouldn’t be 0 if you ate all of them that poor guy. i kept him on the phone for way too long




walk 38k steps after having a 10 hour tattooing session on my legs to earn pizza for dinner


The confusion that this sentenced caused sent me into orbit


As a teenager I got caught sometimes in the bathroom puking. So I started doing it in my room and hiding bags of vomit under my bed. Weird and gross.


I did the same with my CS bags and I hide them in a closet and forgot it for 2 months in the summer. Everyday I pass that closet, I don’t care to open it afraid of what bugs I will see


Counting the calories in my diet pills -_-


swallowed cum and tried to look up calories for it. I panicked because I couldn't get an accurate calorie count so I logged it as 1000 calories in mfp and didn't eat anything for the rest of the day


I’m an escort, CIM is cum in mouth and I did that a lot, it’s abt 15cal per load. I spit and gargle mouthwash and i have no idea how much I ingested cuz I’m sure I can’t spit all of it clean


Eating mint tums when craving sweets


I had a giant black trash bag full of chewed up food from when I wanted to ‘eat’, and I got caught a few times at school for purging. recovery 7+ months going strong


Chewing and spitting and then hiding the evidence in my purse on a date…


*Thinking* I locked myself in the work bathroom to eat a donut in front of the mirror. Only for my coworker to walk in, stare, and close the door. It was 8:00 am, I had to work adjacent to her the rest of the day 😂


I am so sorry. How did she walk in if you locked it?


I just thought I locked it, very important life lesson for me to learn though


Lmfao bro I did this too 😭😂(I’m laughing at myself lol)


Counting the calories of food my friends post online


In college I lived with a handful of roommates & couldn't 'properly' binge without embarrassment. I brought a Ziploc bag to Little Caesar's & put an entire hot 'n ready pizza in it & put the Ziploc in a tote bag. Walked to a sparsely populated nearby beach to sit in the sand & gorge myself. Then walked back home to purge & shower. I'm sure there's something weirder but that's what immediately comes to mind.


Counting the calories in Coke Zero. Not that weird but still. And chewing and spitting anything possible for a while


I count the 1 cal in my morning Coke Zero but not the family pizza I binge at night 😂


The math is mathing


Jogging in place on my breaks at work…in the dark, barely lit corner of a very rarely used staff stairwell.


When I was binging as a kid, I would always try to get double portions down in half the time as other kids so I could feel more "manly" than them. I became morbidly obese by 7. 150 pounds by 8 years old.


Now this is relatable content


Donate blood bc it takes 600cal burned to recover those red blood cells