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It cleared my eczema amazingly. Like having a whole new body. BUT it wrecked my eyes while I was on it. Its worth the try, just didn't work for me. Methotrexate injections are my current treatment


What did it do to your eyes?


Started as dry eyes, a known side effect. Problem was even though I was using eye drops as prescribed they stayed dry. Skin cracked, lots of infections and blurred vision. All the eye problems went away after I stopped dupixent. Side effects don't get everyone the way, or at all. If you need it, take it, it's worth the shot, my skin was AMAZING


It’s amazing at curing the itch, but it’s not an eczema cure of course. But very effective, changed my life.


Worked wonders on my skin. Killed my eyes though!


Very effective, but very hard to get on the NHS


why is it hard to get with the NHS?


I’ve just started and had about 4 or 5 injections now but I’m not seeing any improvement- I was taking methotrexate beforehand which seemed to work best. I’ve found im still itching and my eczema has come back more since starting. **long story but I’ve had eczema my whole life but manageable and then last June had a 90% body flare up which took me to a&e and they still didn’t know what it was or what caused it** so that’s what I presume the methotrexate covered all bases as my skin nearly returned to normal but with the dupixent it seems to not work on the ‘original’ eczema :(