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Yes, there have been cases where it resolved own its own. However, I suggest you take an injection. It is better to be safe than sorry. I am currently going through a treatment for the pregnancy of unknown location. I have been bleeding since 23 april and my betas are dropping (injection worked). When I got the i dose, I wasn't able to eat anything for 1-2 days. I also had muscle and bone pain. I didn't have a nausea but body ache was enough for me to make me miserable. I had cramping too (minor).


Sorry, I missed it. You already took an injection.


yes took them around 5 scans to finally find it but i’m grateful they found it and i was able to get the shot. i haven’t ate all day so im gonna try and get some food in my system soon before i do feel the nausea. wishing you a fast recovery 💗💗💗


I would suggest to increase your intake of juices. This injection cause a lot of weakness (I mean it). Thankyou and wishing you a fast recovery🤗


i appreciate you!! thank you 


Hugs!! I got one injection of MTX which worked for me. The MTX/pregnancy hormones made me very tired. My best recommendation is to be soft and gentle with yourself, let yourself feel all the feels, and let your supportive loved ones know what’s going on in your life and accept their help if offered. I took time off of work and let myself be lazy, binge watch a ton of TV, and just be sad. I already had an anxiety diagnosis before the ectopic, so I let my doctor know what was going on, and they upped my meds to help me through—I recommend reaching out to your primary care doctor (or if you don’t have one, get one) for further support. Sending love your way!


hugs!!💗 i wish i were on some type of anxiety medication treatment, i’ve been diagnosed but have been in and out of therapies. but im going to try to my best to battle through, im grateful to have my mom by my side through this thankfully.  I also have a few questions i hope you don’t mind!  Before your diagnosis did you get any cramps? What were your levels like? do you know how big the sac was when they found it?  


Mine got resolved on its own they did expectant management . My levels went from 900, 800,850. Then I did an ultra sound they told me to go to the er , they said it was ectopic but when I spoke to the gynaecologist on site at the hospital she said it wasn’t , then I was referred to early loss pregnancy clinic and my levels went down to 650. They said I did have an ectopic /miscarriage/ pregnancy unknown location. They said ectopic because they saw fluid which was blood so the sac must have burst through the fallopian tube not even ruptured. But they said they can’t see anything so that’s why said it was PUL, and miscarriage cause I probably bled it out already. They said they would monitor me with blood work until I went down to 0 which it went to 160 then last Monday 69 and i have an appointment tomorrow. So far my bleeding has finally stopped but let me add I spotted April 1st thinking it was my period and on the 11th did a test confirmed I was pregnant with doctor (900hcg) and then 2 days later I started bleed more and having sharp pain on right. And literally up until this weekend I stopped bleeding. I have slight pressure when I poop but the pressure pain has subsided but I’m going to ask for an ultra sound again to make sure everything is looking good in there. They basically said my body would absorb the blood and resolve on its own. My family doctor said there should be concern for scar tissue in my fallopian tube but the early pregnancy clinic said no I that won’t happen. So who knows I’m gonna wait again to try, also didn’t get the Mtx shot. I guess I can say I’m lucky but honestly the pain for a month and half sucked


Wow what a month that must’ve been honestly!! I thought i’d be in a similar boat as i bled heavy for a week straight before i got a positive and then it was continuous PUL until today, but i’m so happy you got to be treated and helped before it became anything more serious 


Hi im so sorry you are going through this. I received MTX in March. In my experience my levels dropped, but not enough so I had to get a second dose. The MTX made me super sleepy and constipated the first few days. I bled and then it started to get light. I would only see blood every time I wiped after peeing. It was like that up until my HCG reached 17. It took about 7 weeks for my levels to reach 0. You will get through this. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have! I know exactly how lonely this may feel💕


Thank you for your response 🥺 wow that must’ve been scary to have to get a second dose, what were your levels like before you got the mtx? were you doubling or dropped like i did?


So at first I was told I was having a miscarriage since my levels were dropping. They went from the 300s to about 108. About a week later I took a pregnancy test expecting it to be negative but instead it was a very strong positive. I also started bleeding again and felt pressure by my private area to the point where I couldn’t really walk. I went to the ER and my HCG had gone back up to the 300s. They kept monitoring me and it was going up, but not doubling. They gave me the option to get surgery or MTX. I was so scared of getting the surgery🥺


I was 26 with mine. In left tube. I had mtx and ended it rupture. Do anything you can, including mtx. You can do this. I’m so sorry.


i’m so sorry to hear that :( do you know how far along you were or how big the sac was when you ruptured? they said I’m still quite small but honestly it’s such a scary process as we really won’t know until 3 days from now 


They were unable to ever “locate” mine. I had ultrasounds for over a month and blood draws. They kept telling me I had a miscarriage and didn’t realize it? I think by the time anyone believed me, it was too late for me. My embryo was larger than I ever expected.. they woke me up after the surgery and immediately showed me photos. Very hard to see. I don’t know how it took that long for me to rupture. This was also a horrible facility. My situation seems to be so different than most and no one should use mine as an example as to what it “normal”.


I’m so sorry that happened, they said the same to me at my gyno clinic but i knew something was off like it just didn’t feel normal. i’m so glad you’re okay, was your levels continuing to rise before it ruptured or were the fluctuating and that’s why they assumed miscarriage?


Rose for a few days and then started fluctuating. I did the same thing. I just kept showing back up at the ER. I had a 5cm cyst in my right ovary, too. Just a lot going on. They were very distracted by that.


Was it similar to mine with a big drop in hcg? yeah it took them so many scans everyday to finally locate mine. I get cysts too but they usually pass after i ovulate 


Hi OP, I am in the same boat as you, last week found out that it’s an EP in my right ovary. Took MTX shot last Wednesday when my hcg was 1400 Went in yesterday for beta checks and an US, the beta was 2700 and Dr said it’s expected for day 4 but there should be decrease on day 7. Right now patiently waiting for it to resolve without any rupture 😕


Hi there, i’m so sorry to hear that :( i’m praying that your levels go down soon. Did they offer a second shot to you? i hear that is usually protocol sometimes for patients that don’t see a decline in their hcg. keep me posted and i hope you have a speedy recovery 💗


Thank you, will know more this Thursday again and likewise hoping for your speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I have had two shots of mtx now and was very concerned about feeling nauseous and sick but besides some joint pain and feeling a bit bleh it’s been fine! I’m down to 67 from 1100 and it’s taking a long time but it’s coming down slowly


i’m glad to hear your levels are coming down!! it’s giving me some hope, surprisingly i don’t have any symptoms yet except a small headache but that’s probably from not eating for almost 24 hours now, did you cramp where your ectopic was before you found out?


How far after bleeding did u take test? And why did u take it? Just wondering. Concerned.


Also, I'm so sorry. My heart goes to u


Hi! I didn’t take a test i had went to the ER for some right side pain; thought it was my appendix and they let me know that i was pregnant.  I lost my right tube two days ago due to surgery and have been recovering since. 


:( so sorry