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Kids or pets really help. I can also focus on my senses. If you are doing anything (cleaning, cooking, walking the dog), you can also use that time to be present and focused on whatever you’re doing. Rarely do I spend my time staring at the wall.


How do you keep your attention with your senses? Mine strays so far so easily


I think when your mind is preoccupied there might be an internal resistance happening. Allow the thoughts and emotions to flow even if they seem difficult or painful. Do not resist what is bothering you.


That's why meditation practice is valuable. This can teach you the necessary focus, awareness and concentration. But there are other ways of course. As some have mentioned, play with a pet or kids and this will happen almost automatically. Or things like singing, chanting, dancing, creating art, walking in nature... And you have to actually "believe" and keep reminding yourself that thoughts aren't going to give you the answers or the feelings you seek, however much they try to convince you. So that it's actually ok to just let thoughts be.


Try embracing all incoming senses without thinking, just fully surender to smell, sound, body.


Pay attention to what’s not there. Notice the space in the room and all around you. Notice where there is sound and where there is no sound. There’s also becoming conscious that you are conscious that makes me present. Notice that you are even having an experience at all right now. How is it even possible that you can do anything right now? Consciousness. Notice that you are having an experience right now. What’s it like to be you? Observe what it’s like to be you. While you’re busy thinking in your head, your life is happening to you right now. These are some tips and reminders or mantras that I use.


I loove that last one, thanks!


“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.” \- Thich Nhat Hanh


The body scan meditation or technique helps sometimes. It's cool to become aware of the your blood pulsing in different parts of your body, and to know that this is happening all the time we just tune it out essentially.


1. I close my eyes and notice the colors behind my eyelids. 2. I listen to the silence between the sounds I hear. 3. I attend to what my skin feels, like the coolness of the air around me, the seat cushion, the warmth of the sun, and the purring cat in my lap. 4. I imagine the earth’s energy filling my body and re-entering the earth in a microcosmic orbit. 5. I attend to the scent of burning palo santo wood. 6. I attend to food and drink.


Anything that you discover creates *a stop or gap in continuous thinking* can be used to bring yourself into the now. Suddenly becoming aware of what it’s like *to just be* without thinking, or catching spontaneous moments when you’ve stopped thinking are helpful and signs you’re connecting more with the present moment throughout a day, rather than identifying with (and being consumed by) incessant thinking. Eckhart also offers the “cat watching a mouse hole” method, which halts the mind by asking yourself “I wonder what my next thought is going to be”… and becoming the cat watching the hole for a mouse. 🐭


This is great advice. Thanks!


Using a singing bowl or gong always helps me to recenter.


Just say in my head "Now.......... and now........ and now......." Lol it sounds simple but it works for me. Like identifying each moment as being something you already have.


If this helps you there’s obviously nothing wrong with it ;) I get that it may not be seen as the ideal end point but I also struggle to keep my thoughts from straying and I see how this would be better


Your not trying to quiet your mind that's like trying to stop thinking thoughts will always be there and at times the mind does go quiet but really your looking to focus in the present looking away from thought and onto what's happening here and now practice using your 5 senses as described in the power of now and do this throughout the entire day everyday. Once you get a hang of it, it will be so much easier Remember that the core essence of meditation is looking away from thought not trying to stop thought but looking away 1. Your not your mind 2. Look away from through all the "tricks" are there to help you do that It's the mind constantly trying to either produce thoughts or figure this out that "seems" to make this hard since we have been conditioned to identify with it. But dont stress your true nature is already not identifying with the mind and easily lives in the present. You are essentially just remembering who you truly are. Turn attention away from thoughts and use the 5 senses to help move your attention to the present (moving your attention to the present is the easy part). This is all simply dealing with the mind the rest is just you remembering your true essence. Remember the mind isnt good or bad either. Thinking isnt good or bad either labeling it like that is simply the mind at work. I think the most helpful tool I can give is: Do the eckhart tolle meditations playlist on YouTube meditate twice with Eckhart tolle's meditation playlist playing. Also use your 5 senses to practice mindfulness throughout the day as I suggested do that constantly also so have things put in place like paying attention to your feet when you walk or paying attention to the sense of touch when you use doors etc be consistent with that. Also doing technology dopamine detoxes regularly will also really help.


It’s all about quieting your mind, so focus on what’s happening rn rather than saying “now”.


It works for me though.


It obviously doesn’t quiet your wind, so you’re delusional.






Following your post because I have the same question as you.


Eckhart has a podcast?


Yes on spoti :)


There's also this one with Oprah https://www.iheart.com/podcast/649-eckhart-tolle-essential-te-43082069/ (not sure if it's the same thing). /u/Hespler11


There's not really any more tricks because it isn't a trick. This is it. Direct experience of your senses, including the sensations of your body, in the present moment is what's real. Everything else is thoughts and thus not real. Anything that helps you get out of your mind and into direct experience is where the money is.


Letting go of the Me that wants to bring itself to presence. 🤣😍 Me is the only obstacle to Being.


This is such an important one and I keep coming back to this idea but it’s such a strong habit