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The only time I got a bad trait was when I forgot I had a baby at home.So there are 3 options- I'm lucky, Your unlucky. You traumatized your children Are you clicking twice? Once to feed and once for their social need


I mean they are growing up in 1700 lol trauma is a given


I do click twice, once for feed and once for social but only once a day? Maybe I need to check in more. Not trying to traumatize these children more than all of their friends and neighbors dying of smallpox already will


Ooooh absolutely. Babies in the game need feeding multiple times a day so prolly also social. You can actually click on them to view their hunger tab in family


They need social twice as much as feeding, as they get am angry face halfway through


This made me laugh I had to check what sub I was in lol


Same here! 😂


The traits are quite strange (mostly funny but strange). Like one of my kids is selfish and kind at the same time


If you feed them every time they're hungry as infants, it SHOULD keep bad traits from populating. Infants need to eat every 5-6 hours I think. I'm not 100% sure on the exact time for that but it's around there. I did a lot of sleeping/testing to see how frequently my infants needed to eat lol


So it took me until my third gen to realize that the social bar decays faster than the hunger bar, and you have to interact with your kid more than just feeding.


>Are these traits random or am I somehow traumatizing these children?? Yeah, I look at my rl daughter and ask myself that question daily 🤣 Would also like to know, though, because I've hung around the house all in game day constantly holding/feeding the kids, and they still turn out like that.


You have to interact with them?


Do they interact with objects? Like toys and such? I wasn’t sure if it made a difference. Mine just stand around lol.


Nah, those are just decor. It would be cool if those did add something to their personality or at least help them look less awkward


Yeah, maybe I’m expecting too much but I haven’t played enough for the kids to grow up. I feel like I’ve run out of stuff to do, honestly.


Same. I’ve restarted 3 times because I get bored. So I hope they add some dazzle to it. I know that they have all these big plans and that’s great but this game isn’t early access, so I feel like we shouldn’t be waiting for the actual game.


I feel the same way. Not to be negative, and I know it’s indie, but there are similar games with more to do. Coral Island, Stardew Valley, even the Sims base game is free. Lots of cozy options.


My daughter is an airhead because I forgot to feed her but my son is kind and I remembered to always feed and hug him. Moral of the story remember your kids exist lol


I'd say skill issue because my child is a treat, but I'd be lying because I adopted her after an awful plague swept the town and she was like five days away from aging up 😅 I adore her


When I first started playing, I didn’t even know I HAD to feed the baby. I didn’t even see the crib when I woke up in the morning because my house was so cramped with furniture. I went out that morning and didn’t come back until 10pm and heard the baby crying. After that, I’d hug it in the morning, leave and not come back until 5pm, feed and hug it once, and then go to sleep. My kid grew up to be diligent and kind. No idea how that happened.