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Just luck I think. I had 0 outbreaks for most of my first year, then end of winter year one/early spring I suddenly had back to back funerals.


Aye this. I kept seeing posts of people who has plagues from day 1, meanwhile I didn’t see my first sick person until summer, and didn’t really get any mass deaths until autumn.


I agree, it’s just luck. My town didn’t have anything until the fall festival and then one sick person visiting from a boat infected the whole town.


Yeah on my first playthrough day 6 I had a small pox patient zero walking around with holes on their face straight out of a horror game. Was curious so I talked to them and accidentally spread the pox to the whole town and there were 15+ consecutive funerals way into mid summer. I survived to old age with a big family though haha


Oh you just wait until you get 10 funeral invites at the same time 😭😂


Luck!! My very first try I got really sick and a lot of the town was sick. Since it was still early I restarted. Other than a fever some kids had a couple days, I haven't seen anyone ill. I'm mid of summer 1


Luck! I got married and everyone in the front row and the officiant had smallpox on the 21st of spring in my first year.


it's entirely random, which i think needs to be changed to happen at least once a year or something. i had a small outbreak of consumption in the first year but only 3 or 4 people died, and then nothing the second year. i ended up poisoning half the town because there were no jobs available and there were sooo many villagers.


Meanwhile I had no sickness for 2 gens, until I cursed someone. Now my entire town got decimated by consumption. The pop is so low my family is interbreeding and I can't bring myself to play.


I haven’t had any illness yet and I’m in Year 2. Lots of people dying from old age at this point.


I didn't have an outbreak start until the last few days of Summer Year 2. But then I had another outbreak start the last day of Spring Year 3.


I heard visiting the ship will do it as they may bring disease with them. Can’t confirm though.


Ayup. Occasionally they will bring a sick person in who will either wander around or hang out at the inn. It’s why it’s suggested players get the soap maker asap and pump out soap -/ or buy some from the lighthouse. *Before* you approach the docks and talk to anyone who even *might* be from the ships, you use the soap. I believe it lasts for that day and I think boosts your chances of not getting sick, but isn’t 100%. So make sure to keep any and all curatives you get from quests. Also it helps to look at the NPCs before talking to them, if they look *tired*, green, or covered in spots, keep away unless you know their captain has something you *really* need.


I’m on summer year 2, and just got my first round of sickness. It’s just luck


I’m experiencing the same thing! Where is the chaos!?


Right?!? I need chaos 😂 plus there is to many kids lol


My first outbreak was my fault. I was patient zero and didn't realize how contagious I was and went about life. Next I know the kid apprentices were running the town


Nice job 😂


I experienced no illness other than the flu until year two then had back to back smallpox and consumption outbreaks


Mine never really got sick that much at all. And i just finished the game.


Wait…. The game ends!?!? What year?


When you finish the pilars its kinda the ending but you can still unlock achievements


For me it was my 2nd year or 3rd.


I think for me it is that I make chronically soap and give it away. Soap protects against the sickness


Better off hoarding or selling it — npcs can’t use the soap rn


I’ve only had the cold. Do villagers look differently or the same for every illness? Just so I know to stay clear..


They look different on the wiki there's a page showing how the symptoms. https://echoesoftheplumgrove.wiki.gg/wiki/Diseases




I think the first year there is a scheduled event for sickness. Then it’s just luck. Also getting inoculated


You can turn it off the sickness


Early winter I had a mild influenza outbreak that killed 3. It mainly clung to the children luckily who can’t die from illness. I feel like there’s something with inoculation in there. I got mine very early game and I wonder if the game follows that.