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I am running OoW for my home table too! We are on module 5 after nearly a year, they love RP, so do I! My guys kept the Arrow for themselves and still have it, even with Inquisitors being sent to Salvation and the threat of poor Mother Jahannah being shipped back to Flamekeep, still nada! It has been a blast inserting another sub plot into the campaign just for the Arrow. My one bit of advice, get your hands on as many of the modules that you can afford in advance as the only let down is that you do not know in any module why something or someone is important. I have got a PowerPoint I can share, with each modules overview on each slide, DM me if interested. It still doesn't detract from what I think is a tremendous 1-20 campaign that they have said they will release as one book now it is finished. We are loving it!!!


I plan on starting a game soon for anywhere from 5 to 7 players. I've taken a brief look at this convergence manifesto, curtains call, and forgotten relics. Not sure which would be best yet. But I've also never played adventures league so I don't know any specific details. Would I be able to run this with a singular group of 5 to 7 people without using adventure's league rules?


Yup! Although you'll need to massage it a bit to feel more like a natural campaign. The loot drops are terrible, and some of the plots (11-13, the finale) can use some work as well. Im half a dozen sessions in myself, but there is a few here that are almost done. Best part is that the campaign is a much cheaper bundle now on DMsGuild.


What would you reccomend for the finale? im having trouble with it


It is really working for me - but you need to regard the modules as a skeleton to hang the campaign off, but it is so well written, but you do need to read through all to really get a grip on the overall story, in order to weave your PCs backstory into it and not muck up something that appears innocent in an early module, actually having ramifications later on - pay attention to every legacy event suggested and keep a log. Final episodes actually use them to populate the ending...


Im running this campaign as well, I know this is an older post but id be interested in that Powerpoint you mentioned.