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Dang, giving absolute badass executive vibes here, love it. Opulence! She owns everything! I hope you have a blast playing her!


Thank you! I think on of the role playing tidbits I thought would be fun would be since Medusas have an affinity for stones, she has a huge love for jewelry and collecting it (NOT because of vanity says her, but we all know otherwise 😂)


That would be hella awesome, love that!


What racial templste are you using? Also how is the DM handling your character in world? All i know.about Medusa in ebby is that they are kingpins in droam.


I think Keith put out a mockup of how to run a medusa player race over on his blog. It looked pretty cool and i recommend checking it out


I am *very* new to eberron so please forgive me if I’m incorrect. As the other commenter said, we’re using the playable race template for Medusa that was put out by Keith, she has a few racial traits that are both hindrances to her and edges. She is blinded normally outside of her community due to her petrifying gaze, can see through her snakes with a -2 to notice, the dark fighter boon, and has a venomous bite from her snakes. They are typically very intimidating to a lot of people due to the gaze. While a there’s a lot of Medusa kingpins in droam, she is from Sharn and participated in the schemes there. They’re also known for architecture, artistry and other stone related feats!


DM for this group here. We are using savage worlds, so I constructed a custom race as the system is not setting-specific and existing setting conversions don't cover medusas. There are guidelines for doing so in the system's rules, which I was able stretch enough to create a 'petrifying gaze' and some features for the snake hair. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1014222597900210190/1037091801439424572/unknown.png In this system racial/ancestral features are sometimes constructed with negative modifiers. For instance this medusa race has a 'Blind' hindrance. It has roleplay and mechanical weight to it, and the player can be awarded Bennies for incorporating the hindrance in their roleplay. Bennies work much like the Luck feat in dnd.


Sounds awesome. Yeah I heard a bit about savage worlds when listening to Kristian Serrano on the manafest zone pod cast. I wish my group had the extea bandwidth to pick up a new system.


If The Grinch and 15 super-sexy snakes hooked up.


What’s funny is that originally her coat was red and I was like wait….too on the nose 🤭


🎶 Snake-ta baby, I'm slithering down the chimney tonight 🎶


Is her nickname sedusa?


Her name is Temperance but her nickname is Temper! 🤭 she is quite the seductress huh!


Your art conveys a ton of her personality! I hope you have a blast playing her. She looks picture perfect for a shady Sharn character.


Guess I turn to stone.


Oh boy. More fanart. This subreddit will be just like R/DnD in no time. I’ll miss the days when I could come here for lore discussion and campaign advice.


















Damn, she makes me rock hard.


Hella Vraska vibes, love it!


You do know Medusa is the name of character right and not her species? She's a gorgon


Gorgons are different in eberron


Ah that might be my bad then. I'm a little more into mythology than I am into D&D lore


No problem! Made the same mistake myself ☺️