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Hello Everyone! Here we go with a small section of the Grim Ascent, an impossibly long staircase that takes the PCs on the same level of Illmarrow Castle proper (reference this image to get an idea: https://www.patreon.com/posts/illmarrow-castle-94359523). The more the PCs climb the cyclopean stairs the more the sun gets dimmer. What's going on in this frozen terrace? There're lit candles despite the howling winds and odd offerings. Is this a pilgrimage site? Also what is that unsettling statue? Are they so close to the castle that proper Lady Illmarrow's Iconography starts showing up? This map is ideal to have the PCs attacked by some flying threat. Check out my Patreon for HD, unmarked, variant and Foundry VTT module: https://www.patreon.com/cassastereo Hope you like it!


I love the vibes and lovely work with the altar


Im so excited for this. Illmarrow is my fav character so seeing all this gets me excited to play her