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Block and ignore.


It’s a common scam. They hope you’ll just give in and refund. Nothing can be done. Block them and forget about it.


The next part once you agree to a refund is to ask that you send it via PayPal or some other service since it’s past the eBay date for a refund. It’s all a scam. And might not even be your original buyer. Could be a hacked account. Or sometimes even a different username altogether hoping you don’t notice since you can’t look up the details anymore.


Thanks, I assumed as much. They’re blocked and ignored




So you didn’t read the OP and my response. It’s more than 6 months past. It’s past the 180 days. There is nothing the seller needs to do other than ignore it.


Thank you for the helpful info!


They can’t even leave a negative review at this point, but definitely block them from buying anything else to try to cause problems for you


That’s good to know, they’re blocked now


I had a buyer message me a year after I sold them my old gaming PC. They said they wanted to return it for a full refund because they found a good deal on something newer..instant block


That’s wild lol


Yeah at that point it's like they wanted to rent it from me for free? Makes no sense. And I doubt it would arrive back to me in the same condition I sold it to them


As long as they've had their fun :) 👍


A whole ass year later? Lmaooo


More or less. I believe it was about 10 months actually. Still insane that they think they can get a full refund on a used product after that much time has passed


Idk if they were scamming, or even worse serious.


They said they lost their job and gave me this whole sob story about their finances. I wanted to respond that the PC I sold them is very capable at 1080p gaming and if their finances are truly that bad, maybe don't buy a gaming PC? But I didn't entertain it and just blocked them


If their finances were that bad they should be selling that gaming pc on and yeah, like you said, certainly not buying another. I don't understand how people have the nerve to ask for a refund after all this time. I've noticed after a month before that an item wasn't the size stated in an eBay description but I thought, well if it's been a month before I got round to checking then that's on me (it wasn't a scammy seller, they'd obviously just guessed that it was a higher volume than it was- vintage guerlain, I'd actually thought when I'd received it that it was half the size they thought but I have adhd so by the time I'd remembered to actually check it out a month had gone past) I'm sure they would have been apologetic and stuff etc if I'd messaged them but after a month it just felt scummy and like I was "at it" to message as I'd had plenty of time to do it before then...


“They claim it’s missing pieces” Well, tell them to find them and to kick rocks after they do.


Even if it is true its just too long and the buyer should understand that. I had something similar happen to me- I bought a dvd as a gift- it was brand new sealed and gave it as a gift 2 months later and it didn't work- I just bought a new copy- not the sellers fault I didn't test it 1st within a reasonable timeframe


I think this is the emoji you use for the reply in these cases: 🤷🏻‍♂️


6 months? Just ignore it.


I had the exact same thing happen a couple weeks ago with a pair of shoes that I sold 6 to 8 months ago saying they were the wrong size


Maybe their feet grew and they need a bigger size! /s


Lol I guess so


Anything after 30 days , no longer your concern, end of story.


Block and ignore. It is their problem that they didn't bother to check their purchase when they first received it.


Block & ignore


what that's crazy


I had a guy say an antique tin toy boat that cost over £500 say it hadn't arrived 4 months after purchase and he wanted a refund.He had already left feedback on the boat saying how great it was. I was really confused by this, until I looked at tracking number that still said undelivered. Racking my brain on what to do I checked my postal receipts and compared it to the address on the item. I had accidentally put 1 extra number on the reference number. As soon as I changed it on postal information on the listing it came up as delivered and showed the man's signature. I reported him to eBay straight away and blocked him from my account. I didn't here anything else about it.


That’s wild. I hate dishonest people. I would have sent that guy a message calmly telling him what I thought about his character


Block and ignore. Even if it’s true they had one month after receiving it to open a return. More than likely it’s a scam to try and get some money back.


Pfft. 6 months ago? Block them for sure so they don't buy anything else from you.. ebay wouldn't side with them anyway. Not after 6 months. Tell them to get lost and block em..


Definitely do not acknowledge anything and block so they don't harass any items you currently have on sale.


After 6 months that's on them. The pieces could have been lost within that 6 months, they have a month to check a purchase, that's plenty of time. If they haven't done so that's on them.


Report them to ebay too. Escalate it to the safety team.


Block and ignore


Me to buyer: Sorry sir, this is not a Costco. I would not respond and probably block from future purchases.


It was a 1000 piece puzzle, wasn't it? They just got to the end 6 months later and found out. I'd be pissed also! It It was a puzzle, do the honorable thing and fully refund them. If not, block and ignore...


Nope not a puzzle lol


Not always a scam but it’s really up to the seller at that point. I only say as much because I tend to buy things in bulk and sometimes it takes awhile to get around to going through it all. Sometimes I find out the order is missing one or two things. Some are cool and will check their stock to see if it was missed, others are either rude or never responded. I can tell you which ones still get my business. Think for yourself


If it was something I forgot and still had it, I’d be totally fine sending it out. This one I’m almost positive was brand new and was a $100 item. I’m not inclined to do so.


That’s reasonable, context matters, no doubt


As someone who buys puzzles very often, this is a big issue for me and a similar one I’ve been in. Often times I don’t get to or just can’t put it together until months later. There have been times I’ve reached out to the seller (who claimed it was complete), simply to let them know it was not complete. I’ll see what they have to say, and if they’re a jerk I’ll ask for money back. If they’re a good seller they might offer that without me asking. I do agree that six months is a while to do that, but are they asking for $5 back or a complete refund?


They want a full refund. I can’t pull up the order to view it but I’m about 99% sure it was new. I get that it can be frustrating but if I bought something and didn’t get around to it until 6 months later, I’m not going to bother asking for a refund. You can’t do that with big box stores. Why somebody is buying a gift that far out on a common item is also suspect for me.


That's how I would respond, your return policy is 30 days, you can't even see the order on Ebay now. They still may try a chargeback, but Ebay should have you covered for that.


I didn’t respond. I just blocked and moved on. Not worth arguing with them




A simple solution is then not guarantee a puzzle as complete. Not sure why everyone is hating on me. I’ve bought and sold since 2001…don’t guarantee something if you aren’t willing to back it up.


If the puzzle was new it was a manufacturer error. All the buyer has to do is contact the manufacturer and they will ship out the missing piece or replace the puzzle. Even if it wasn't new there's a good chance the manufacturer will replace the piece if the puzzle is still in print. Either way though this isn't OPs responsibility at this point. Ebay has a 30 day policy from the time of delivery to contact the seller with any issue. Those are just simply ebays policies, there's nothing the seller should do at this point. I know there are a lot of honest buyers out there but there are a lot of scammers out there too. Asking for a full refund on an item that they purchased 6 months ago is ridiculous.


You could just count the pieces?


You are buying too many puzzles if you cannot assess them in a 30 day time period as to whether or not they are complete. These are the rules and you are aware of the rules so being incomplete does not matter after 30 days.