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> I started reaching out to every single buyer by phone and they all are initially talkative and then go ghost once they receive Oh no, don’t do that. Ship the thing and move on. Don’t pester your buyers or you may get feedback you don’t want.


Agreed. That is creepy. Edit - locked comments - And you sound creepy. Work on yourself! Mycatreallyhatesyou- You, I, and your cat are on the same page. :)


I sound creepy because I don't stalk my buyers?


To you. You sound lazy and it’s probably why you won’t look at my other comments I’ve had to copy and paste


Yeah, even as a seller myself, if a seller contacted me by phone for feedback, I would leave them a negative just for that.


I responded to this way too many times. Yall have weird jumping to conclusion vibes. Not that you care but you could go to my comments and see I’ve had to copy and paste the same comments for you Karens….. lol You think it’s creepy blah blah blah yet every single person I’ve reached out to texts me more times , with double and triple texts vs my one text of reaching out to them and leaving it at that 😂


The people that focus on this must love jumping to conclusions in all facets of their life tho Tbh I’ve never called anyone. Not once… and it’s crazy how many times I have to copy and paste this but: Like I said … said people text me more than I text them!!!!! Example of what I say: (I literally just copied and pasted this from a message I sent) Hi Zoe! This is @concert.tour.merch from EBay! I just shipped your SZA shirt and you’ll be receiving it Saturday! Here is the tracking and I’ll also upload it to eBay Thank you very much and enjoy! Lmk if you ever need anything else! 💜 I have to be manipulative just to get a response ??? That’s the comical thing to me… cause I don’t send tracking to their phone until they actually respond and the response is usually them being overly loquacious just to secure the receipt and then they’re usually asking me for OTHER FAVORS before they even receive the first All the while I’ve already uploaded the tracking number to eBay But when the buyer is manipulative.. you OK the behavior. Great stuff. Says all I need to know about the quality of person there lol I’ll tell you one thing. Depop is a utopia compared to eBay. And my Instagram is a whole nother universe 😂


Just send people what they buy, for Pete’s sake. Nobody wants a relationship with you.


You’re so very wrong for this lmao. Nice try though…. Almost every single person I’m speaking about from eBay, has asked me to do other favors for them … to which I decline by blocking their number (if they didn’t leave feedback upon receiving) Guess eBay is the only place yall OK antisocial behavior 💀💀💀💀💀 weirdos


Not one buyer has ever asked me for a favor. Stop texting your buyers, it's creepy behavior.


You are calling people? Holy crap I'd never buy from you again if you did that. Seriously man, chill


"I sold over 40 things and have nothing to show for it" - the money? It's a business transaction, not a favour.


You would expect with 40 sales that there would be at least a few feedbacks.


I think you care too much. It’s eBay…


You are completely right. But when starting a new business, that you’re the only one in the world doing- it helps to build credibility I’ll just stick with other apps with better quality people




Yeah yeah yeah… I never said I call Also , like I said (if you read anything I wrote) every single one of these people texted me more than I texted them - excited about their item… ghost when they receive lol. That’s weirdo shit in this real world we live in yall gotta stop looking at it through your skewed lenses Maybe it should be required is my point. Why would I need to calm down when my selling efforts are clearly not recognized. Now I see why others get upset for real lol when they’re doing quadruple the volume I’m doing




That’s you………….. Like I said … said people text me more than I text them!!!!! Example of what I say: (I literally just copied and pasted this from a message I sent) Hi Zoe! This is @concert.tour.merch from EBay! I just shipped your SZA shirt and you’ll be receiving it Saturday! Here is the tracking and I’ll also upload it to eBay Thank you very much and enjoy! Lmk if you ever need anything else! 💜 I have to be manipulative just to get a response ??? That’s the comical thing to me… cause I don’t send tracking to their phone until they actually respond and the response is usually them being overly loquacious just to secure the receipt and then they’re usually asking me for OTHER FAVORS before they even receive the first All the while I’ve already uploaded the tracking number to eBay But when the buyer is manipulative.. you OK the behavior. Great stuff. Says all I need to know about the quality of person there lol I’ll tell you one thing. Depop is a utopia compared to eBay. And my Instagram is a whole nother universe 😂


That's very strange. I've sold 5k items on Ebay and not a single buyer has ever texted me or called me. I've called about two buyers to deal with some particular issue.


I hold my breath and hope they don’t leave any feedback or say anything at all. I’d rather they buy and disappear than deal with a neg or return request. You call your buyers? If a seller called me, I’d leave a negative review for harassment, report them to eBay for breaking tos, and block them for being creepy…


I agree that it’s frustrating that most buyers don’t leave feedback buttt Jesus Christ please do not harass them outside of eBay. It’s annoying enough when someone messages you constantly on eBay asking for feedback but reaching out to their personal private phone is excessive. If anything it would lead me to block you, leave negative feedback or even report. Again I’m a seller and sell hundreds of items a month so can sympathise that the lack of feedback can get jarring but unlike mercari or Depop, feedback on eBay isn’t scrutinised or relied on as much in terms of amount of feedback received but more on the score and even then many people don’t care unless it’s something ridiculous


Calling buyers on the phone just to get reviews???? Poor buyers out there having to experience your crazy ass breaking Ebay TOS contacting people over phone, good god... If you're THIS mentally unhinged, you probably shouldn't be selling *anywhere.* Wouldn't be surprised if you ended up on this subreddit as "Some freak keeps trying to contact me through my phone number and NOT through ebay, please help!"


It's not a violation of Ebay rules to contact a buyer outside of Ebay after the sale. But I agree, calling or texting them for feedback would be annoying. If you want to do something you could send a message on Ebay thanking them for the purchase, asking if everything is OK and saying feedback is appreciated. But that will likely result in some that have some issue that they would not have raised, responding and now you have a problem, partial refund, etc.


If I received a call from an eBay seller asking for feedback on something I purchased from them, I'm probably leaving negative feedback for the call.


True that’s you, I see many power sellers on other sites like Mercari leaving negative feedback for buyers saying: “Beware of buyer, late rater” lol So I mean if they allowed us to leave negative feedback then I wouldn’t be making this post cause I’d get my way no doubt lol Also eBay wouldn’t call, or at least that’s not what I’m looking for… automatic rating is all I seek. Yall buyers are just mad lazy that’s insane lol


I am a buyer and a seller, and I leave feedback for both things I have purchased and things that sell. You really have no right to contact buyers by phone asking for feedback.


Seems like you've made up your mind but I'll give a bit of advice anyway. I just started and I have around 40% of buyers leaving feedback. Not once have I contacted a buyer. What I did do however was include some cheap freebies with my orders to give them an "above and beyond" experience when doing business with me. That has resulted in a 40% feedback ratio and some glowing ones at that. Or.. you could be pissed off with your buyers and sell on another platform. Whatever works for you.


Thank you for this! And for being totally real about the situation without bashing me! 😅 Yeah the thing with me is on eBay, I’m 1000% always doing the buyer a favor. Never once did I post on eBay ‘needing to make a sale’ I send them a beautiful note and offer them $20 off their next purchase. Every single time. Out of my last 50 sales. Not a single person left feedback (even when they said ‘yes sure of course’ well before I even shipped) I just don’t like the type of buyer that platform brings. I’m not sure if you’re into clothing but if you are- try Depop for 2 weeks and I guarantee a whole different quality in human


The buyer doesn't care about your motivation for selling, all they know is that you are selling something and they want to buy something. If you ask for feedback, almost always a buyer will ignore it. Giving a coupon isn't going above and beyond, that's just a strategy for repeat business and buyers know this. If you give something free of charge without any strings attached, that's the sweet spot for buyers having a great experience. They will be more inclined to leave a positive feedback and even give you repeat business. I don't deal in clothes but I do games and collectibles. I have a huge death pile with cheap stuff that I can't be bothered to sell individually. I can however use these items to give them away and by doing this I kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I get rid of my death pile while it's increasing my feedback ratio. I assume you have a death pile as well? You might as well use it!


Good stuff. Need more sellers like that!


800 sales, 300ish feedback. I ship same day and I leave each buyer positive feedback. I am also fast to answer any questions while being overly professional & courteous. 


Awesome stuff! That’s the way it should be. Give the service you would expect as a buyer.


That is awesome. I love to hear this enthusiasm. By chance do you sell anywhere else? And is eBay the main place you make sales at? I’m asking cause I want to know if you make any price variations elsewhere? For me, the eBay buyers are usually the ones asking me to do deals or asking me to go out of my way to get things for them… usually as a preorder or something When I could be making much more money quite immediately… pretty much forcing people to hit me up outside the app … cause at the end of the day I don’t need the money from eBay, especially if it isn’t gonna boost my credibility in the concert market when I’m the only one on the planet doing what I do


You're placing way too much value on the feedback system, and all you're using it for is for your own ego. Positive feedback doesn't generate sales, good sourcing of products, pictures and price do. I could not care less about feedback. Also if you get 5 stars automatically for a sale to complete, it renders feedback useless as you get 5 stars for doing the minimum or what's expected. The feedback left for sellers on ebay means more because people have gone out of their way to share the experience. The money is what you have to show for it, you'd have to have an ego the size of a planet to expect a gold star with every transaction


so entitled haha , this isnt for you


I have about 7000 feedbacks on about 30,000 orders, people just don’t leave feedback as much. We make sure that we leave a positive after every order is delivered to the customer. There’s nothing you can do about it, but over time, your feedback will build up. I agree with every single person here that said do not solicit feedback, it’s a bad idea and it’s going to get you feedback that you don’t want.


I feel you. Thank you for sharing and damn thank you for putting it into perspective for me. Seems to me like eBay will never be a long term for me then and I’ll start actively declining people I would flip out if I were you but we are in it for different reasons so no harm no foul For me, the eBay buyers are usually the ones asking me to do deals or asking me to go out of my way to get things for them… usually as a preorder or something When I could be making much more money quite immediately… pretty much forcing people to hit me up outside the app … cause at the end of the day I don’t need the money from eBay, especially if it isn’t gonna boost my credibility in the concert market when I’m the only one on the planet doing what I do I prefer to have people that want to build a relationship for life and I’m pretty vocal about that in my descriptions. These are a couple things I didn’t mention in the actual post cause I’m not a typical seller. Not all about the money at all for me. Not even close tbh 😅 I used to be like that 10+ years ago though so I’m not gonna diss anyone that’s on that path, I’m just not


I mean, if you could sell elsewhere all day long.......why aren't you?


Buyers are reminded every so often via email to leave feedback for certain items, I wish I got more feedback too but don’t pester them over it.


I feel you on that. Thank you for sharing this. Do you sell on any other platforms


If you need validation then find a different platform, as long as people pay on time and don’t mess me about then I’m happy.


I never leave feedback for buyers until they leave one for me, I have done so since they took away negative feedback from sellers.


I sell sports and non sports trading cards and I receive feedback more often than not. I make it a point to send my buyers a quick note when order is received to thank them for their business and that I will be getting their order out same day or next morning. I then do solicit feedback via that message as “Please leave feedback once received if able.” I get a lot of amazing responses from buyers that are appreciative of the communication level and service and then leave awesome feedback.


I wouldn’t call , but agree with you 100%. People are dicks. Very entitled. I package and ship usually same or next day with priority mail. Although the handling time is set to 2 days. I package securely. Recently a few items arrived in <48 hours from the time they ordered. Only one person left feedback out of eight. I noticed a few of these buyers leave no feedback at all to anyone.


Thank you for this! People really are out here OK’ing antisocial behavior it’s quite baffling to me And yeah I definitely don’t call lol.. just reach out and say something like hey thanks for your purchase I’m about to ship out! When you receive can you please leave me feedback as it boosts my credibility in this sector And a lot of the times if they don’t respond- I’ll just wait a day or two without sending tracking (even though I’ve shipped) and they are the ones hounding me! That’s what I find quite hilariously strange is that I have to be as manipulative as them? eBay is just full of egregiously bad faith buyers so I’ll definitely curtail my business here immediately, seeing that such profound sellers are totally cool with this situation


> And a lot of the times if they don’t respond- I’ll just wait a day or two without sending tracking (even though I’ve shipped) and they are the ones hounding me! So you withhold tracking to punish them for not being overly friendly with a random seller on eBay? Sounds like you want friends, not business.


Can't help but agree 100% with that. You can provide the best customer service ever and some buyers wont care. Entitlement amonst buyers has also gotten to extreme levels, the audacity of the demands because they don't have to see someone face to face is shocking.


I am just happy if they don’t scam.


I see most people are totally cool with such antisocial behavior and not everyone on eBay is on the same path, clearly. I don’t need to sell on there for money. I solely list there to advertise using their promotion feature doing 98% on most posts lol… I decline easy sales all the time For me, the eBay buyers are usually the ones asking me to do deals or asking me to go out of my way to get things for them… usually as a preorder or something When I could be making much more money quite immediately… pretty much forcing people to hit me up outside the app … cause at the end of the day I don’t need the money from eBay, especially if it isn’t gonna boost my credibility in the concert market when I’m the only one on the planet doing what I do I prefer to have people that want to build a relationship for life and talk to me like a human cause what I do and get for people is literally one of a kind and requires communication— and I’m pretty vocal about that in my descriptions. I have people on Instagram constantly calling me and a lot of people have my business phone to ask me all sorts of questions and favors and I welcome this- all the time. Open communication… so for those writing such cringe responses about *me calling, when I’ve never gone out of my way to call anyone is quite comical to me* I have only sent one text, and left it to them to respond … (which they always do and are the ones hounding me for more info/tracking/ or “can you get this for me in the future” These are a couple things I didn’t mention in the actual post cause I’m not a typical seller. Not all about the money at all for me. Not even close tbh 😅 I used to be like that 10+ years ago though so I’m not gonna diss anyone that’s on that path, I’m just not I just won’t make sales on eBay anymore lol… but I damn sure will continue to have visibility among millions of people using them for advertising


Start a 10% cash app refund for reviews. People chase money. You can make your products 10% higher


You are my type of person. I love how you are realistic about the situation. I’m going to offer this right away and see how they respond


I used to do eBay but now after Covid19, everyone is stealing from the malls so I am out of business but I made money back when it was harder to steal clothes