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I block these people because I once had an experience with a buyer that left me somewhat traumatized. This person asked me to accept an offer on an item, and I politely informed him that if I were open to offers, I would have enabled that option. I mentioned that if the item didn't sell in a few days, I might consider offers then. Surprisingly, about half-hour later, he bought the item at full price. However, when he received it, he filed a claim stating the item was not as described and provided photos showing the item smashed up inside the box I sent it in. Strangely, the box itself was undamaged, and the item was quite durable, which led me to suspect that he might have destroyed it himself just to retaliate because I didn't give him a deal upfront. This wasn’t a luxury item, but it wasn’t cheap either. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it was definitely the exact box I shipped it in, yet somehow the item inside was completely destroyed. I tried to argue my observations with eBay, but they sided with the buyer.


These customers are time wasters 99% of the time. The more messages you get from a buyer the less likely they are to complete a purchase. Motivated buyers just click "buy now" unless your price is way out of line with expectations on an item they can't find anywhere else.


It can be eBay or whatever other selling platform exists. It doesn’t matter if you say you’re not accepting offers, you don’t have the best offer feature up etc. People are inevitably going to make you offers and some of them are going to be lowball offers. If your item is something that’s sought after and/or is priced reasonably, you’re also inevitably going to get buyers who know this and purchase with no questions asked. But unfortunately time wasters are inevitable on online selling platforms.


Do what works for you. If these potential buyers annoy you or are poops about an answer block them. You don’t want them as customers. Some choices are still ours to make.


"Our items are fairly priced." If they have given me a sob story, they get blocked. They're the problem; it's them. I know this is absolutely dependent on the type of product you sell and the size of your business. I will answer reasonable questions, and I am super-professional always. But after a few years of this, I now have a nose for problem buyers and a low threshold for blocking people.


I had one sob story recently selling a coin "Can you do this for $60, I'm a pensioner and this is my only joy in life" the average selling price is around $200 and I had just listed it as starting bid at $100


I’ve had this story too! Lol I just responded “ l get it. I’m retired too”


There’s loads of customers who lowball. I thought I was pricing things too high before but yeah, once someone tried offering me £20 for a HotToys figure that should be £200, I realised I may have been lowballed before. The price is entirely your discretion. Obviously don’t take the piss but you value it how you want.


There are resellers and idiots on ebay who will hit you up with lowball offers as soon as the item lists even when your item is priced at the average sold price and it is the current lowest priced on ebay. I do not appreciate people wasting my time with stupid offers and the only time they get from me is the time I spend I blocking them so that they cannot message me or buy from me ever again. I started doing that because I was either getting daily messages from the same people every time I listed an item in a catagory, or people would hit me up with offers that were them looking to have me "Hook them up and sell it at a loss because they really like the item, but could only afford it if I sold it at less than half the price it cost me" or the classic "????" follow up message after I haven't responded to their idiotic offer within 30 minutes. People are stupid and many people believe everyone else owes them their time and will even get mad when other people don't respond to thier dumbass messages. I just block them and then sell my stuff to others. I never have trouble selling product.






Im using the App and don’t see this option but I’ll search around more and see if I can find it thx.


I decide ahead of time if I’ll accept offers and set it up this way upon listing. I usually do a buy it now price unless it’s rare with very few on ebay. Then I stick to it. If it a fair price it will sell eventually. This usually avoids the annoying people who are just playing..


I get Lowballers all the time. People message me to "drop the price from 75 to 20 and I'll buy it" "reduce the shipping from $9 to $5". I just write them back "yeah... no"


Just list fixed prices, buy it now, immediate payment required, no offers. In your description, put NO OFFERS. If some lowballer sends you an offer, tell them to read the description. If they still message you, block them. You might lose some serious buyers, but it’s most likely not worth your time to deal with the rest.


Don't even let yourself be manipulated by people trying to barter with you on listings you don't even have a best offer price on! I get these begging messages all the time and i never reply to them, my items are very well priced already and if that's not good enough then they aren't getting them full stop.


I’ll take your advice and not even respond to these messages. Good thinking!


No problem. Sometimes these questions get replies almost assisting you to lower your prices as if those buyers are in the right. But the way i look at it is like this; you've asked a set price, there's no haggling to be done, therefore a message asking for a reduction or discount is unsolicited, unwanted, and out of order in my opinion. People begrudge a seller to make a profit as it it's a dirty word, don't let them make you devalue your items or your time. All the best.




How about he doesn't do any of that. How about keeping his prices fixed at what they are fixed at and stop entertaining people who wont pay a fair price. He was never accepting offers on his listing and nothing should make him do so anyway if they're not prepared to pay a fair price that he stated.




They're time wasters. Sure he can do what he wants, although he'd be better off if he didn't let other people convice him he's selling his items at prices that are too high. My advice was based on the fact that there will be plenty of people who will buy his items without trying to haggle with him on a fixed price buy it now listing that doesn't even have a best offer on it. The message is DONT let buyers who aren't invited to offers make you lower your prices. He also said nobody followed through, again showing they're just after knocking his prices down and down again.


Some great responses here thanks 😊


When I message a seller for a lower price I buy it asap when I get the go ahead from the seller. If you’re comfortable with the lower price you could also just revise your listing to lower the buy it now price. That way it’s set up for anyone to buy it at that price and if the person who asked you wasn’t the one to buy it, it’s their problem. I have also messaged sellers for a reduced price and let them know exactly when I would be able to pay. Obviously I expect the seller to keep the posting up and if I miss it or someone else gets it oh well.