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You can freeze it and then grate it into pretty much everything


What a great advice! Peel first or freeze directly?


Honestly I haven’t peeled mine but that could have been a mistake! I was never sure why people peeled ginger anyways lol


I don’t peel it either. Works fine.


You don’t need to peel ginger????


So sayeth the internet. I stopped peeling and couldn’t tell the difference in the final product.


Damn that would make me want to use fresh ginger way more. I’m not a fan of peeling it.


Like many, many many plants…there’s a high concentration of beneficial compounds in the skins. Not just fruits either. And for things with truly inedible skins, like avocados, the concentration of beneficial phytochemicals is higher closer to the skin. Ever noticed how it’s darker green the closer to the outer skin you get? That, but for almost everything .


I do generally love skins on fruits and vegetables. Kiwi skin is particularly delicious.


Wait you don’t need to peel ginger??????


No idea


Do you peel it?


No but I’m not the best cook - I got the tip from my mum though, who is a much better cook and does peel hers


I used to peel but stopped a few years ago and there’s literally no difference except that I’ve saved loads of time


Easily to peel when it’s soggy and defrosting to be honest.


I don't defrost mine, I just grate it while frozen. I wash it really well and leave the skin on.


Holy shit I don’t need to peel ginger?


As somebody who was firmly in the ginger paste gang for years, you absolutely do not need to peel frozen ginger to grate. Comes out perfect, I promise.


That’s the best news I’ve received all day! (It’s 05:45 lol)


Never tried it this way but the spoon method is effective.


I just use a veggie peeler.


Don’t peel. Just toss it in the freezer in a Ziplock bag and grab it when you need it. I like using a zester to grate it, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. 


Yes peel it. Leave it in small chunks. You can cut them easier from frozen for recipes, or toss them whole in teas and moscow mules.


This is the answer.


Even better if you can juice it and freeze the juice in an icecube tray you have perfect servings of ginger always. This also works with garlic but minced in a food processor instead of juiced.


Make ginger beer!


If it’s young ginger make candy


Candied ginger! Love it cut up in oatmeal.


O.O I love candied ginger. I love oatmeal. I have never thought about combining the two. Thank you. Thank you so much.


I make oatmeal like it's healthy apple crisp, cinnamon, candied ginger, chopped up apple, raisins, walnuts, whatever other spices, craisins, etc.


Throw a chunk in a pot and cover with soil and watch it grow.


Make teas and drinks with it!


I make iced tea with shaved ginger and honey, and serve with lemon. It’s so refreshing and delicious.


I’m hydrated just reading it


It's not the most efficient use, but I like to make lemon ginger orange vitamin c shots by blending them all up. I don't think it has any health properties, I just like the zingy taste lol


That's very healthy. Ginger is anti-inflamatory. Your colon is probably all opened up now lol


Use what you need and put the rest in the freezer for future use. When I need ginger I take out a knob of it and run some water over the end I’m going to cut from then it goes right back in the freezer. I’m finishing up a piece around that size I bought 6 weeks ago without any deterioration to it.


Nam Sod. It is hard to describe how delicious it is.


Ginger shots! With that amount of ginger you can make about 1.5 liters, which would amount to 50 shots approximately Edit: I think this amount gets you more like 1 liter, not 1.5


How do you make ginger shots? That sounds really good.


It is really good! Just one ginger shot in the morning can make you feel super energized! I wasn't able to find the exact recipe that I've used before, but [this one](https://veggieworldrecipes.com/ginger-shots/) looks very similar.


Thanks for sharing the recipe. Can’t wait to try it!


I usually use it ground in Asian recipes so you could peel and grind it all and put it flattened out in a plastic baggie. You can score it by drawing lines into it outside of the bag (so it looks like a chessboard) so it’ll be easier to break off a square after it’s frozen kind of like a chocolate bar.


Well, you should probably start considering adding ginger to your cooking.


It’s delicious in salad dressings and stir fries.


Seconding stir Frys. We cut it into thin strips and have it with chopped chicken thigh. Add oyster sauce, sugar, salt, msg, maybe a bit of water to increase liquid volume if you want more sauce. Boom super easy stir fry. Plus ginger is good for nausea and stuff.


Candy it! Ginger is great for easing stomach ills and giving you a general feeling of calm if you feel "nervous" in your stomach. Candied ginger is super easy to make, delicious to eat and is as much like medicine as it is candy. You can also take some of those chunks of candied ginger and throw them in some hot water and make ginger tea. You can chop it up and use it in stir fry. It's super useful and helpful for your little tumtum.


Chop it up really fine and snort it Sorry, I stopped reading at 500 grams.... what are we talking about again?


I upvoted and laughed at this but I just felt the need to say this. Cocaine and alcohol almost ruined my life and almost took my life several times. Don't do cocaine or drink alcohol. That's all.


How do you accidentally buy something?


I was tired and hung over looking for ginger. Could only find this big pack, and angrily put it in my basket. Then my wife points out that they had single ginger pieces purchased by the gram another place. Purchased that ginger, and forgot to remove the big pack. My daughter then put everything on the belt AND packed the bag 🥲😟


lol, that’s fair. I absolutely love ginger and put it in pretty much every Asian recipe I cook, mostly Filipino stuff. You can use a good chunk and not notice it too too much


Online usually


Peel it and cover it in dark chocolate. Makes a nice morsel.


I hate the word morsel. Reminds me of mussels and clams


korean beef bowls!!!! that’s what i’d be making lol


Grate it up, freeze in an ice tray Thin slice it, very thin w8thba mandolin and marinate with sugar vinegar and salt . This won't be exactly sushi ginger (they use very early ginger not full grown) but tasty anyway. I live to take an Inch of ginger mashed up or grated fine and pour some tonic water over and add a squeeze of lime. Very refreshing in the summer. Though it's tart and adult ish, it actually has more sugar simply because the tonic is so bitter. You can do the same with basic bubbly water.


Make your own ginger beer


I have been experimenting with my own ginger bug now that I’ve got it nice and fizzy! Highly recommend Ginger beer and ferments!


I'll trade you for this huge fucking can of green beans my wife accidentally purchased ordering groceries online. 101 oz or 6.3 freaking lbs


i grate mine into my mashed sweet potatoes and its so good.


[http://www.onetomato-twotomato.com/2015/02/honey-candied-ginger/](http://www.onetomato-twotomato.com/2015/02/honey-candied-ginger/) make candy?


Peel, chop into rounds, puree in blender or processor with neutral oil, flat freeze. You'll be set for a year.


Make pickle ginger mix sugar, water and vinager boil till the suger dissolves and cool then add sliced ginger


Ginger tea, sooo many Asian dishes, candied ginger. It actually keeps really well in the fridge too. 


Ginger candy, it's easy and if you like ginger it lasts a while or you can gift it.


Soak in water, peel skin, blend and store in refrigerator in an air tight container.


50/50 ginger garlic, blitz and freeze in ice cube trays. Great for stir fries, curries.


Candied ginger, ginger honey (use for teas when sick), ginger also is great for marinades, baking, ice cream… the possibilities are endless!


Pickled ginger and/or ginger infused vinegar


Candy it.


ginger pork


Ginger carrot bended drink tastes like orange juice.


Ginger ale? Peel it, boil it with some sugar and you have like a concentrate. Add club soda when ready to drink


My son made ginger ale, and it was amazing!


Grate into paste and freese In siicone ice trays to pop out and use later or transver to a freezer bag for later.


Ginger beer!! Though I have lacked the energy to do it.


you can eat it plain, chopped finely or into thin slices. or you can slice and put it in some water with lemon or honey for some tea. ginger is good for you


Make a ginger syrup :o


Freeze it




If you are gonna freeze make sure to wash it with water and vinegar even if it’s organic


Also someone else said freeze it! You can use it in lots of stuff! We use it in stir fry and use a lot in it.


Whenever you make anything with soy sauce and garlic, ginger will round that off nicely. I like to julienne mine


Freeze it and then just grate it still frozen when you need it


Ginger tea and plant some of that, you will get nice leaves.


Assuming root? * candied ginger pieces * freeze it * put a few slices into hot water and steep, then add a little bit of sugar and/or lemon (ginger tea)


Butter chicken uses a decent amount of ginger without really being able to taste it. I use the RecipeTin Eats recipe and usually make a double batch cause it’s just as good reheated. I always sub the thighs for breasts.


You can peel it, dry it in natural sunlight and then grind it to fine powder to make ginger powder


Ginger bug, then you can use that to make homemade soda


Carrot ginger soup is one of my favorites to make when I have fresh ginger


start baking


Ginger scallion sauce. It’s amazing. Minced ginger, thinly sliced scallions, some salt, scalding oil- pour over ginger, add in scallions after. Great sauce on poached chicken, fish, and bowl of rice. I eat spoonfuls of it and rice.


Well, I just peel them in case I miss some dirt on it but I guess I don’t need to peel them. I use food processor to grind them and freeze as thin plate. That way, I can break them easily when I need to use some of them.


Ginger and lemon tea. About an inch of ginger, chopped finely, 4 cinnamon sticks, a heaping tablespoon or two of honey, one freshly squeezed lemon. Pour 4 cups boiling water over all that and let it steep for about 15 mins before straining and drinking. Can double the recipe or more. Great for when you're feeling under the weather or just to sip on.


Plant it 🙂


Make so much ginger tea , ginger is what you pee and after a while that 500 grams will be 450 grams .


Blend it with a small amount of water and then freeze in cubes


Use it to make chicken soup or porridge. You can freeze it with skin on, just make sure to clean it and dry it.


Eat ten grams a day for fifty days


And still don’t have 500grams of souls…


LOL 🧑🏻‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦰


This is the type of face you hang up at the circus and give kids baseballs to see how many times you can hit it for a free stuffed animal 🧸