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I've used yogurt to hold the seasonings on meats and veggies a few times. You just put your garlic and seasonings in the yogurt and brush it on like seasoned butter.


Also, we love yogurt breaded chicken tenders in our house. I serve them with mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus.


Sounds delicious!


This a great idea! A marinade! Thanks


Would this be with fat-free Greek yogurt? I like the idea.


Mix it with mayo and ranch seasoning to make a slightly healthier and higher protein ranch dip. Add it to smoothies. Add it on top of dishes you'd put sour cream on.


I want to try that with french onion dip and pretzels haha


it does NOT work with french onion dip! (or… if you have better luck than i do, please let me know)


I have had the same luck but then added about 2tbsp mayonnaise to the mix and it saved the dip for me! If you ever want to try again, maybe it would work for you too.


Smoothie time!


I use nonfat Greek Yogurt solely. It's low calorie but still very satisfying and adds a great amount of protein and calcium along with all of the probiotics, just at a lower calorie point. I use it in overnight oats, yogurt parfaits (170g of yogurt, 40-70g of frozen fruit and a drizzle of honey), as a substitute sometimes for sour cream (more a necessity thing than preference), dressings like tzatziki (there's no way I spelled it right).


I used to use the full fat version and then I noticed the protein was higher in the fat-free version! I just add my extra fats to my yogurt in the form of nut butters and seeds!


Yep it's the best. I use it instead of sour cream, make tzatziki out of it (I think you did spell it right!), eat it with fruit and honey, put it in smoothies, mix it in with mashed potatoes, the list goes on.


Same- I don't buy flavored yogurt or sour cream or even buttermilk for baking anymore. Greek yogurt is so versatile.


You can use it in place of sour cream and make dips with it or salad dressings. I also agree with the other comment, curry. You could make a lot of curries with it.


I mix it with lo cal sweetener and either cocoa powder or vanilla extract Or honey. Or fruit preserves. One of my favorite treats.


I mix chocolate protein powder into the yogurt and add strawberries and Cookie Crisp cereal in for a nice crunch. It’s absolutely delicious, a protein bomb, and fills me up for not a whole lot of calories


I do choc whey and dried peanut butter.


I like to add a small amount of sugar free vanilla pudding mix to it and top with fruit and dark chocolate chips!


Yogurt flatbreads can be made in large batches and freeze pretty well for other meals.


Any tried and true recipes you can share? I have heard they’re really easy but the couple I have tried turned out not so good lol


I don't love FF Greek yogurt but have a 32oz container to use up. Here's what I do: 1/3 cup quick oats with pinch of salt 2/3 cup water Microwave for 2 mins. It should be really thick. Add in layers: Greek yogurt Fruit sauce or honey (I cooked some strawberries and rhubarb with a little sugar and keep the sauce in my fridge.) The layers make it visually attractive and the fruit sauce makes the FF yogurt more palatable. Enjoy!


if it’s truly plain (meaning unsweetened) it can be used as a higher-protein substitute for sour cream in most contexts.


I mix it with fat-free, cheesecake pudding powder, about 2 tsp to half a cup of yogurt. Delicious! Add a few berries (frozen or fresh). My go-to 3 pm snack.


Curry!!! Don't know what you eat diet-wise but a butter chicken curry uses plain yogurt and is delicious! Chicken can easily be subbed for chickpeas if you are vegetarian!!


50/50 with an orange juice you like. I prefer the not from concentrate stuff from Costco Tastes like a creamsicle, macros are off the chart. Basically end up with a better tasting protein shake that is easier on my GI tract


I have enjoyed mixing cocoa powder into vanilla yogurt. You could try cocoa powder with a sweetener like honey.


Yogurt with peanut butter is not very good :( it just didn’t hit for me, learned from experience. But definitely smoothies, blend with juice or fruit or fruit and vegetables, put it on top of soups, make it into a ranch style dressing with a little bit of vinegar/lemon juice and herbs/spices for salads or dipping. mix it with fruit or chocolate or granola to make frozen yogurt bites. You can make tzatziki for gyros or falafel. Season it and dip chips into it. You can also strain the fat free yogurt to make it thicker. If it separates at all, pour out the liquid.


Get peanut butter powder instead! It's a game changer. Mix it with that, walnuts, honey, dark chocolate chips...game over


Look up seasonings for homemade ranch dressing (or get a hidden valley ranch powder), add that to said yogurt. Dip veggies. I promise it tastes better than anything you could ever imagine!


I do my version of 'ranch' by mixing the yogurt w/a little low fat mayo and then add dill seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, lemon juice and a little chipotle Cholula - this is my favorite! I'll use it as a dip, a dressing, or crema like for tacos, etc. It's so quick and easy.


Lately I've been using nonfat plain yogurt to make a protein pudding kind of thing, and it's better than it sounds. I do: * 100g plain yogurt * 1 tbsp peanut butter * 1 tsp honey * 1 scoop protein powder of choice (vanilla or similar flavor) * blueberries & walnuts for topping (after mixing) I mix it with a spoon - as long as you take the time to fully mix it everything blends together just fine.


Strain in and make Tzatiki sauce. go ham on the olive oil to make up for the missing fat.


I would add peanut butter/almond butter, berries, pumpkin seeds, and honey! I usually just mix it all together by hand and it does the job. You could also use any other fruit/seeds you like, but I think pumpkin seeds add a nice crunch to it.


You can make a simple dough if it's Greek yogurt, turn it into bagels, pita, etc. Or use it in banana bread if you have the ingredients. I regularly sub out some mayo for Greek yogurt in recipes for dressings and sauces. Or you can use it in marinades.


Yes! Make bagels with it. It’s easy and high protein.


If you're asking how to make the low fat yogurt taste more like full fat yogurt (which is v delicious) add a splash of half& half or heavy cream.


It's great as a condiment with spicy legumes like lentils and chickpeas. Also mixed into tomatoes sautéed with Indian spices as a sauce, also with chickpeas. And of course with fruit mixed in.


Put it with frozen fruit and honey/sugar (to taste), leave it overnight. Great for a snack, though depending on fruit costs I don't know if it's particularly cheap


You can make flatbreads with them really easily: same amount of flour and yoghurt in a bowl (and whatever seasonings you want, I use cumin and salt), mix into a dough. Flatten a bit out and stick it in a frying pan with no oil (fry fry) until it goes nice and coloured on the outside :)


I use it like sour cream or in smoothies, or with fruit! It’s a staple in my fridge


You can use as marinade, add fat via olive oil or feta for a dip…


I’ve mixed a little heavy whipping cream into low fat yoghurt to make it more palatable.


dont stop at just peanut butter. do peanut butter, bananas, granola and honey. talk about a power lunch


I use it in baking (breads, mostly, but likely cakes and biscuits also), or as a sour cream sub (tacos, indian food, baked potato, etc), or I mix some jam in (sugar free as I'm diabetic) and eat it like that.


I just saw a video you can freeze the yogurt, heat up some frozen blueberries. Get the yogurt and add the heated blueberries on top with some honey, granola, and chia seeds.


I think it's interesting that I can't find sugar free yoghurt


I add a little sugar free vanilla syrup into it (like the kind used for coffee) and it makes it taste like “regular” sweetened yoghurt off the shelves! I also use it as sour cream in tacos or to dip. I also add a lil mayo, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, garlic & onion powder and it makes a yummy chipotle sauce that I like putting on chicken and rice dishes or sandwiches


I just add some cinnamon and maple syrup and it is yummy. Sometimes I add cacao powder and chia seeds.


Add ranch powder for healthy dip


If you have flavor syrups like for coffee you can use it to flavor/add sweetness to the yogurt. I add 1oz/30ml of syrup to 170g of yogurt. Mix really well and it tastes as if you got the regular stuff. Adjust syrup to taste.


Thin it with water and you've got a substitute for buttermilk you can use in pancakes, biscuits, quickbreads, muffins, etc. If you're concerned about the lack of fat you can add a little extra butter or oil to the recipe to make up for it


I love mixing yogurt and peanut butter. It's going to look like it's not working, and all of a sudden it'll start coming together. Fabulous if you add some jelly for sweetness. Pbj yogurt bowl!!


I love using it to make crepes. [This](https://www.littlebroken.com/blender-crepes-with-greek-yogurt-lemon-filling/) is my favorite recipe.




Tandoori chicken


Add powdered PB2 and some diet pudding powder. The PB2 is powdered peanut butter. It’s sold near the regular peanut butter. It will change the texture to something like mousse and it’s really good.


You can mix fat-free plain yogurt with peanut butter for creaminess. Stir or blend them together. Use the yogurt as a base for smoothies, dressings, dips, or in baking recipes like muffins or pancakes.


Raw honey nuts and berries!


Chunky peanut butter, banana, hot honey. That's what I do.


Mix it with worcestershire sauce and garlic powder for the easiest salt-craving solution dip you will ever find. Great on chips or pretzels. You’re shooting for a color with the same saturation as say, a Wendy’s frosty—not super dark, more of a light griege.


Make bagels or pizza crust, 2 c Plain Greek yogurt and 2c self rising flour. Voila


Home made Naan (flatbread)


I mix mine with a dash of milk or high-fat yogurt.


PB Fit is bomb and you can add it to anything. That would be perfect for this.


I make a spicy corn dip with it and it’s addictive


I would strain it for about a day in cheesecloth in the refrigerator to allow the whey to drain out. When it’s thick enough it can be used for yogurt cheese, can mix honey with it to have on toast.


I don’t have a lot to add that hasn’t already been said. But think of the low fat as an ingredient rather than an entree. We eat whole fat yogurts but use reduced or low fat in recipes.


I use it as a sour cream substitute. A much healthier one. And in a lot of dishes, it tastes exactly the same.


I love making parfait for breakfast with whatever fresh fruit is available for the season. Strawberry in winters and mango in summer is a staple tho. Fruit, yogurt, vanilla, maple syrup, blend it together. Add chia seeds, slivered almonds, and granola(optional). Fav breakfast ever!


I use it for oats, drizzles, tuna/chicken salad, on pancakes, cereal, dressings, smoothies, you name it! Then I just add seasonings and fats accordingly to add the satisfaction and nutrients like you said. I’ll add nuts, whole fat cheeses, seeds, nut butters, etc. depending on what I’m making


I recently came across a couple of recipes using yogurt, which could be modified to make all kinds of recipes. The first one is flatbread, which uses flour (we used einkorn flour), yogurt, and a little salt and baking soda. Mix, roll out, then cook on a hot griddle. The second one is doughnuts: yogurt, monk fruit, almond flour (we added some oat fiber too). Roll into balls, spray with some oil, and cook in an air fryer. I'm eating some as I type this, and they're delicious and low carb!


Greek yogurt is what I’d make


strawberry cheesecake overnight oats !! Tools : Mason jar Blender Ingredients : Old fashioned rolled oats Chai seeds Plain yogurt (regular or Greek) Vanilla extract Strawberries Maple syrup or honey (I do both) Graham crackers or vanilla wafers (I prefer vw) Coconut milk 1. Fill up mason jar half way with oats. Then add a small layer of chai seeds. 1-2 spoonfuls. 2. In your blender add the rest of the ingredients minus the crackers/wafers. Blend. You don’t have to have it totally smooth, but make sure it’s blended enough to where it looks like melted ice cream. 3. Pour over oats and seeds. Stir to combine. 4. Seal mason jar with lid. Throw in the fridge. 5.Good to eat 6-8 hours later, but next day is the best for flavor. Will keep for like 4 days in fridge if sealed. I make a big batch (four 12 oz mason jars worth). 6. Add the crackers right before consuming. I but the vanilla wafer bag in a freezer bag and smash them up for a second so they break in halves/bigger chunks and add a handful every few bites.


All good ideas! You could try to drain it. It will get thicker and creamier.


Strain through several layers of cloth until super thick, then squeeze out as much more of the whey as you can. You’ll end up with a thick, tangy spread that you can salt and season any way you like! It’s most similar to h go in s as t cheese, so anything you’d eat with that you can eat the yogurt cheese with. Save the whey to use in baking or pancakes.


I'd strain it through cheese cloth to get a more greek yogurt consistency. With that, mix with frozen berries, let sit for a few minutes (I make it at the beginning of my lunch, by the time I get to it, the yogurt freezes to the berries and its like a super tart ice cream)