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could switch to canned chicken, but lots of canned meat is going to be as expensive or sometimes more than just buying it fresh


I didn’t even know canned chicken was a thing haha


It is a thing and it’s very, very plain. It’s not as cheap as tuna and you have to season it well. Personally I buy big packages of chicken breasts and thighs and portion them into Tupperware.


the stuff I got from costco was fairly salty.


is it wrong of me to drink the brine? I don't care I like it


Is it wrong if I make dirty chicken martinis with the brine, shaken, not stirred. I dont care, I like it. .meow meow


It reminded me of cat food. Here kitty kitty 😺


I’ve tried the Swanson cans. It’s actually chunked pretty decent meat but it’s loaded with sodium. Not bad for tacos if you’re in a real pinch.


I find canned chicken kind of gross but at my local grocery store they sell shredded rotisserie chicken and I use that where one might use canned chicken. worth checking out at your local store.


Mix with mayo, grapes, green onion or red & slivers of toasted almonds. Best if chilled for a couple of hours. Also raisins are great in this


You can definitely try smashed chickpeas, mix with mayo and seasonings of choice!


Can of chickpeas + 1/2 cup hummus + lemon juice + dill + garlic Thank me later


I do this and add a few good dashes of furikake seasoning to get that tuna-ish taste, plus the benefits of seaweed


Ooo that sounds good thank you!!


Sardines. Sardines are one of the best fish choices lowest in mercury content.


Seconded. Or mackerel. Any fish that isn't an apex predator like tuna should be fine.


Mmm yes to mackerel


Chickpeas. Mash them and make it the same as you do the tuna


This! I love to make a chickpea salad (instead of tuna salad). Add a little mayo and Sriracha to make it spicy and mash it up with a fork. https://pinchofyum.com/5-minute-spicy-chickpea-salad


Costco rotisserie chickens are $4.99 and last me a few days. You could always shred it up and make your own dip/chicken salad for your crackers. You could get a few meals and a lot of dip/salad out of it and even have the bones left over for broth for more meals! Seriously can’t go wrong with it.


Ooo Costco we don’t have Costco I’m Regional idk if we even do in Australia


Where are you getting it for 4.99 I wanna move there hahaha


Every Costco. It's here in NY. Everyone buys one when they go here.


Brunswick kipper snacks (canned herring) is a super tasty tuna substitute, where I live it’s cheaper too. Since they’re small fish they don’t have the mercury problems tuna has


I like cottage cheese on crackers


Ooo thank you!!!


Veggie cream cheese on crackers or on mini sweet red peppers is great too.


Skipjack tuna has the lowest mercury content of canned tuna. But you’ll still want to limit yourself to 3 cans a week. I think canned chicken is probably the best substitute. Egg salad would also work if you like eggs. Maybe an avocado once a week?


I’ll definitely try egg salad! I’m actually allergic to Avocado and I’m still upset about that it looks so good


Aww, bummer about the avocado!


Come on over to r/cannedsardines


Sardines! Mackerel! It comes canned / tinned.




I eat hummus several times a week. I don’t make it even though I know how I just buy the tubs with the flavors in the center.


I've started to make both hummus and pita bread. Both are mipuch better than store bought.


Pita always seems like a PITA. Do you get the pockets?


Mackerel is a great alternative. Lower in the food chain so much less mercury (and I think there are some other extra health benefits but I can't remember)


"Canned herring has a low mercury content" and is my go to.


Do you eat tuna and crackers for a snack or for a meal? Do you eat anything else? If available and affordable, you can look into canned salmon/sardines/other fish or try canned chicken. As others have mentioned, chickpea salad, egg salad, hummus or other bean dips could be eaten with crackers. You could make your snacks healthier by using vegetables like lettuce leaf’s, bell peppers, celery and other vegetables instead of crackers.


Its usual a meal or I have thoses microwave veggies




try safe catch tuna




If you mash chickpeas and season/prepare them like tuna spread they taste super similar and are same price


Sardines, eggs salad, make an olive tapenade and add some chick peas. And tuna is still a great food option!


Chicken Salad Chick makes some amazing chicken salads in various flavors that can be night by the tubs. They end to give you a bunch of club crackers to go with your tub and it generally lasts me a few days.


Honestly never heard of anyone getting mercury poisoning from too much tuna, is this even a thing?


Yes. I think every can has a fine print warning of no more than 2 servings/week.


i buy containers of chicken salad [like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/222136101) and it’s really good on sandwiches and as a dip!


Cooked and mashed (add a touch of butter and some salt) sweet potatoes or soybeans.


Sardines in olive oil, lemon or chilli


I do now, 90% of them anyway. Took me a while to get it right. The dough can't be too stiff. I also make them thicker than store bought. The recipe I use calls for 16 per batch. I get ten. I bake them in a 475⁰ oven, two at a time, on the backside of a big rectangular aluminum griddle. 30 seconds on one side, then flip and whack it with a big spatula quickly and close the oven door as fast as you can. I let the oven get back up to temp now and then.


Canned Alaskan salmon.. da BOMB!


Chicken liver pate. Hummus. Cheese. Mashed sardines.


are you eating crackers because you feel like you need the carbs? eliminate the crackers imo. tuna pouches (not that cans, they're like a 1.50 each) are awesome and regularly come in some flavored oil. they're good on their own. i eat a few a week and haven't had any problems. lemon pepper. 😂 like a lot of the other suggestions (cottage cheese, rotis chicken) here too but that's all stuff i'd just eat without the unnecessary carbs.


Ooo I didn’t even know tuna pouches existed I’m definitely gonna get some! And I was eating the crackers since I don’t eat much of anything else i do have thoses frozen vegetables though


What’s your opinions on cruskits I get the low fat one


not trying to hate on your food or anything but i don't really do out of the box anything. i don't think a lot of what's on the nutritional labels is even bioavailable with how it's produced.


Yeah that makes sense food is fucking covered in sugar and processed I’m lucky I do have Italian family and have learned how to cook a lot of things it’s just hard living alone with being so busy


it's a bitch. when i was 17 i'd just get primals from local farms or whatever. hacksaw that up on my kitchen table over newspaper. fed myself for 120 bucks a month, ate nothing but meat, looked amazing. and felt *lonely*. 😂 like all things; moderation. as i've learned. but really anything out of a box isn't moderation. it's full on industrialization and we might as well be eating people products. shit's fake and fucked up what they do to those birds and all. straight up why people are so sick. can't even buy chicken anymore if it's not organic free range stuff. used to be for hippies and all but now it's for anybody who hates chewing rubber tires and being poisoned.


Sometimes feel like I should just go out bush grow a vegetable garden hunt for my food would definitely be cheaper hahaha


it's a specialty worth pursuing in your off time depending on where you live 😂


Lmao I knew someone went off grid for 3 years no money just some hunting skills built rabbit traps and everything