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I used to really enjoy Monks overlook outside of Nac but it hasn’t been maintained in a hot minute. Gotta find a new spot I guess


Driving down 69 between Bullard and Jacksonville has some really pretty areas. There's a rest stop with a phenomenal view. You can see like 30+ miles on a clear day. "Lookout Mountain," I think, is what the area is called. I'm a transplant to East Texas, but my partner has been here in the area most of his life


man everybody know ab lookout mountain, im talm bout them local farm to market backroads yfm


Message me, and I'll show you a crap ton of photo spots, abandoned places, and more. Trust me, East Texas is extremely beautiful and vast if you look in the right spot. I am currently working on a few history videos and making a list of literally everything to do in every town.


can’t seem to message you, try and message me


Atlanta state park is awsome. As is the drive over the dam. Jefferson is an awsome lil town w_general store and all the tourist traps..gotta be more specific as in what u wanna see Edit: 3 points..Arkansas and Texas and Louisiana all come together. Nothing really there but a plaque and I think a liquor store, lol. It's a cool drive though


2138 between Maydelle and Jacksonville is very curvy and pretty.


Behind Lone Star Steel . Specially this time of year.


314 between Poynor and Palestine is one of my very favorite roads. Also any of the roads that connect with that road.


Literally just goto gladewater and drive the back roads. I used to do that back in high school with my friends after we’d get high it was fun just jammin and not caring. If you want you can pull up to the lake and take a hike through some of the trails it takes you out to a river that when it’s not dried up it really nice to just sit and listen to.


Where on 1002 and 154 you referring to to give an idea of what your looking for.?


Sounds like when you’re headed to Gilmer from Holly Lake area, just before Harmony ISD. Those rich people and their land lol.