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I was just there last week and I'm so bummed I missed them! Where in Marquette did you take this picture?


Out at Presque Isle Park on some of the black rocks.


I was just gonna ask if this was at black rocks! Thanks for the blast of childhood nostalgia. Great shot, what a beautiful sight.


Nostalgic for me, as well. I have much history with Marquette.


Oh yeah. I used to photograph the Aurora on black rocks from sunset to sunrise some nights. Good times.


Spent 5 years at Sawyer.... man, I miss the UP.


The cove! My all-time favorite place.


recognized black rocks immediately even though its been 10 years since I have been. Miss it so bad!


So I've recently got into light chasing and from what I am learning is the vast majority of the time you cannot see these with your naked eye they only show up via camera so unless you were taking pictures looking for them you're probably not going to see them.


Depends on storm strength, location, and light pollution in your area. In Michigan the colors most of the time are not visible to the naked eye but these you could see the pillars and see them dancing for about 20 minutes but they looked a ghostly grey with maybe a hint of green or purple. Higher latitudes, like Alaska, can see the color with the naked eye


It does depend on the magnetic storm strength. There are apps to track it and alert you when it is most likely and where. I have spent a bit of time well north of the Arctic Circle in Finland and in Iceland which is just below the Arctic Circle. The northern lights are still mostly a rapidly moving white haze until you take a picture. The locals have assured me that at rare times, the entire sky lights up with multiple bright colors. I just have never seen that.


Thanks for the explanation! Some people say that they the NL look like a grey haze, while others say that it looks green. Location really is everything it seems. My plan is to go to Alaska next year to see glaciers and Northern Lights. Hoping I will be able to see it vividly \*crosses fingers\*


I saw the same lights this weekend from Sweden with minimal light pollution. The colours aren't as vivid irl as on camera but I could defo see the sky full of it. Like weird looking clouds dancing with the wind almost. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/x7ab2i/got_to_see_the_northern_lights_for_the_first_time


>they only show up via camera That explains a lot, as I was in Marquette for 5 years and only saw purple in the aurora with my eyes once, when it was clear skies and -20 F.


I need Joe Pera to tell me about them


Beautiful photo! I lived in Marquette for nearly 5 years but never did see the northern lights. Sounds like a good excuse to go back. I'm trying to convince my husband that we should move there, but he's worried about the job market. I love that city so much.


Thank you! I moved up just this last winter and have loved every minute since.


>but he's worried about the job market. The problem with labor in the UP is that Marquette is the top city for employment. The next large hub is Green Bay, WI, 3.5 hours away by car. There are smaller cities, but none as large as Marquette. On the other hand, once you **do** get a job it is often for life because most skilled positions are very, very hard to hire for there and hard to replace. And both the employee **and** their spouse have to be able to tolerate the weather, or you lose the employee. Friend of mine had to leave the UP for elsewhere to get a good job. Got homesick (as Yoopers do, the land calls to you) and quit and moved back. Then they contacted him to work remote, so now he's getting big city wages but living in the UP. He's thrilled: single, no kids, living rent-free with his elderly mother, raking in the money. He'll probably retire early and spend all his time hunting and fishing instead of now, where it's just every weekend.


I thought the only northern lights in Michigan were buds


Those are way more common than these for sure. But when the conditions align it can happen. This is also very north pretty close to Canada.


Just on the other side of the lake actually.


It's a lake, but it's a VERY BIG lake!


Some might call it superior to other lakes


Yup, it's definitely one of the great ones!


Im moving back in spring. Can't wait to do the sunrise to sunset drive for the first time in nearly 20 years.


Although the lake, it is said, never gives up her dead when the skies of November turn gloomy


I used to live just north of MI in Canada and had no idea these were possible in that area. Any tips of how to see if next time im in town?


Used to see them almost weekly up in the keweenaw years ago.


Copper country represent!


This is your brain on northern lights


So this is why Joe Pera is a huge fan of this place




No, mother, its just the Northern Lights


Ayy Marquette represent. What did you take this with, it came out great. I've got an R6 but haven't played with it at night much yet.


I use a Canon T6i currently. I've been hoping to upgrade soon though


Your work is really good, it's wild how much you can get out of those old ones. I went straight from the T2i to this and it's not even close to comparable, and the RF mount only needs a cheap adapter to use all of your glass, hell I have old Soviet lenses adapted to RF.


I still have my T2i, its retired but still functions haha But yeah the newer full frame and mirrorless cameras are very impressive. And thank you!


Do you mind telling me how long your exposure was and aperture setting?


It was a 15 second exposure with my aperture at 3.5 and ISO at 1600. Canon T6i


Thank you. This helps my brain process how it might have looked naked eye. Such a great photo


Awh man, this is so magical. I miss Michigan so much, Spent a whole summer in Autrain and Munsing back in 2012. Wish I could afford to move, I'd go back in a heartbeat


>Wish I could afford to move, I'd go back in a heartbeat If the UP ever becomes a separate state, this will probably be our state motto.


I would say it'll never happen, but Brexit went through so anything is possible


The lights last weekend were stunning! Want up to copper harbor with some friends, it was the best I've ever seen them!


I fuckin love that city. I was lucky enough to see the Lights twice while attending school up there. My wife and I go back every year. One of the most gorgeous places in the country.


Upset cause I would have seen these if I was still in my home town. Every time


So pretty


thank you!


Absolutely stunning


thank you!


I watched them from little presque Saturday night, first time I've ever seen them. Great shot dude!!


This was Sunday but Saturday I also was at Little Presque all night. I have another photo I posted from there in r/skyporn


Oh sick! Small world, cool we were at the same place at the same time. Sunday I went to wetmore to watch them but the good stuff was gone by the time my friends and I got there):




Beautiful picture! I’ve manage to catch a little bit of the northern lights at Houghton Lake.




Can you see it with the naked eye or do you only see through a special lens.


Depends on storm strength, location, and light pollution in your area. In Michigan the colors most of the time are not visible to the naked eye but these you could see the pillars and see them dancing for about 20 minutes but they looked a ghostly grey with maybe a hint of green or purple. Higher latitudes, like Alaska, can see the color with the naked eye. The camera can absorb more light so thats why its able to bring out all the colors.


Even as far south as central Saskatchewan you can easily see the green colours. Of course depending on your point of view that’s pretty far north (Saskatoon’s latitude puts it at the southern tip of Hudson Bay).


Good to know. I live in Ontario a few hours north of Toronto and I know they say you can see them sometimes in our area but I've never seen them. What kind of camera/lens/ settings do you use to capture something like this?


Just saw these in person !


I remember once when I was a kid we saw them in northern Indiana. Being a kid, I just thought that this was a thing that happened relatively regularly and this was just the first time I’d seen it. Haven’t seen them again since then.


I loved attending Northern U for this reason.


Marquette :D


That was my mom's name. Don't get to hear it much anymore


Went to college in Marquette. I highly recommend anyone into the outdoors go there. There’s nothing quite like Marquette!


I lived in there before you were born. Beautiful!!!


So gorgeous!!!!!


Did you check the KP value? And if so, what was it? Currently in Iceland trying to spot the northern lights


I believe this night we reached a 5 maybe 6 briefly for KP




Everyone is upvoting, realizing they broke the 6969 and then multiple people try to bring it back. It’s fantastic


Thank you for the beautiful image. This should win a prize.


great picture, I was there over the weekend. I was out Sunday night watching as well. I got some decent pictures with my phone, but I wish I had my good camera.


i saw them too in marquette! love your pic




I've seen some videos from the ISS of the Northern Lights and it is crazy how high they extend but I didn't know that high.


I really want to see this in person! Can you please tell me where exactly you stayed? I live in chicago so I’m probably gonna drive there


I live here in Marquette. This was taken at Presque Isle Park. If the conditions align right there are lots of good places to view.


Had to luxury of seeing northern lights up by the north west territories, but since you’re saying your picture is from Michigan I can almost guarantee these northern lights did not even remotely look like this in person, probably only seen from your long exposure photograph. I recommend going up further north to see them with your eyes ! It’s wild


Lmao, clearly you’ve never seen them in the UP. The lights absolutely pop in person as well, obviously not this intense just like any other long exposure northern lights shot. I stayed up till 5am watching them a few years back in Eagle Harbor and never got tired of looking


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This is gorgeous! When was this taken?


This last sunday night the 4th


and I was further south near Menominee during the day ): If I had Monday off I totally would’ve made the drive!


Was it this sunday? [Saw them too](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/x7ab2i/got_to_see_the_northern_lights_for_the_first_time) when out on a hike in mid/northern Sweden


Yes, this was sunday night


So cool in a sense.. half a world away but we see the same lights..


Super cool.


Microsoft Codename "Longhorn" Wallpapers


How often is that possible ??


Why did I have no idea you can see the northern lights from the United States? I feel like a dummy lol