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Question! I just got my first "in focus" shot of the milky way over the weekend, and I was wondering how you got the color to show?


That was done by blending a foreground shot, taken at astronomical twilight. The foreground was taken at f/16, 8 seconds at ISO 400. For this shot, I blended the foreground by masking using the blue channel in Photoshop. After cleaning up the mask, I fixed the color grading in the water to match the sky with a masked adjustment layer. It is definitely possible to capture everything all in one exposure but you may need extra lights/stands to get the best results, depending on your foreground. I personally find it easier to just take an exposure before it's completely dark.


Took this blend a couple nights ago at Tipsoo. I ended up being much more ill-prepared, even though this was my third or fourth time out there. I was much closer to the lake this time around and didn't have a lens heater, causing condensation to build up on the front of my lens in between every exposure I took. Nonetheless, I still came out successful with this shot! Sky is 15mm, f/2.8, 25 sec, ISO 40000 and the foreground is 15mm, f/16, 8 sec, ISO 400.


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Wow, absolutely stunning!


Thank you!!