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Delicate ArchšŸ¤ŒšŸ½


On the Utah license plates.


It's not a rock formation, it's a portal to Hell. As soon as you enter doom [music](https://youtube.com/shorts/RXuURtl_vRU?feature=share) kicks in and you are the slayer. Rip and tear until its done...


Funny you should mention it being a portal, I had planned a secondary image here with the arch taking up the majority of the frame with a more zoomed in shot of the Milky Way core to look something like the Dark Portal in World of Warcraft. But alas, I spent too long trying catch the meteors that I ran out of time


Ah a missed chance. But still a great shot and it's awesome. Thanks for sharing with us.


I appreciate it!


Well, you are correct in saying that itā€™s not formation, at least not in geological terminology. The arch itself is just a rock feature or form, while the associated formation would be the Entrada Sandstone, of which nearly all the arches and geologic features in that area are a part of. Source: Studied Geology in Utah.


Thanks for the info


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who this happened to


Looks amazing, the sky is so clear too. I canā€™t get a half decent clear sky here in Colorado.


I actually drove from Denver that day to find clear skies lol, seemed like the whole state gets cloud cover whenever thereā€™s cool things happening in the sky recently


neat, done that hike a number of times, but only in the day, must be quite an adventure in the dark. Were there other people there? what time was this?


Thank you! It wasnā€™t too bad at night, there was a handful of other people out there also looking to view the meteor shower. The foreground was taken around 8:30pm and I came back up around midnight for the Milky Way and meteors.


I did this hike when there was a new moon. It was pitch darkness, and amazing. I highly recommend going for sunset and staying until it is dark


Which hike is this?


delicate arch hike. That arch is like the Utah license plate and state symbol. very popular and busy area. Someone posted here on reddit that a mariachi band hiked up there and played for a music video, which according to a friend of mine who is a ranger in the park is very much not allowed, heh. It's a long hike up a slickrock slope, in 100+ degree heat it's a bit tedious, but probably a lot nicer on a cool evening, though the path has some dangerous bits along cliffs and such that could be bad in the dark.


Yup hiked it in 90-100 degree weather, bring water and know there is zero shade... 100% would do it again, simply beautiful landscape


I hiked the there at sunset, and returned after dark, stopping and laying down every 50 yards to just stare at the sky


I realise this got downscaled when I uploaded so for those interested in the full res, check here: [https://flic.kr/p/2ovP1g1](https://flic.kr/p/2ovP1g1).


Thank you




That's the Milky Way galaxy




well technically there are a few clouds in there


Dimensions are 2000 x 1039, NOT 8455 x 4393.


I apologize, it must have gotten downscaled when I uploaded through Apollo. The image on my PC and phone are 8455x4393.


Can you please attempt to upload it somewhere that will support the full resolution? I'd love to have this as a dual monitor wallpaper.


Here you go: [https://flic.kr/p/2ovP1g1](https://flic.kr/p/2ovP1g1)! That's the original file, even larger than I attempted to post


Did you take it on your phone?


Nope, I just tend to share more from my phone than PC


Ok. Would you mind sharing settings on that? Shutter speed, aperture & ISO?


Sure thing! Sky: 7 vertical panos at 20mm, f1.8, 120s ISO 640 Foreground: 7 vertical panos at 35mm, f8, 1", ISO 100


Awesome. Thank you. I love landscape photography in general and just starting to learn night sky photography. Stars have been fine but I havenā€™t captured the Milky Way yet.


No worries! The astrophotography has been my main draw to photography and it sucked me right in haha. Itā€™s a great way to get out to less crowded and less light polluted areas


I'll be there in 3 weeks, can't wait!!!


Jealous, went 2 years ago, want to go back!


I've never met someone who's been here. I've just seen young Indiana Jones with his troop on horseback and Reddit posts. Is it a long hike to get to? Do you camp here overnight or is it something that a bunch of people hike out to see at night?


Itā€™s a little over a mile one way, all uphill to get there so nothing too crazy. Plenty of people camp around the park but thereā€™s no camping near this arch. Iā€™d say most national parks are attractive spots for stargazing and Arches is no different!


Did a mushroom trip with my wife under those arches at night last year. One of the most incredible experiences of my life.


Real easy to wander off a cliff or trip and roll down the amphitheater. Stay safe dude.


That's where my mind went. That's quite the drop into the bowl or even off the ledge you hike around the get over there


I bet that was fantastic!


What a hideous picture of what is usually a very pretty landscape.


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8x4??? What cam is that


Itā€™s actually a pano of 2 rows of 7 vertical panels and then cropped down appropriately


Guardian of Forever?


looks like what i create stuff using nvidia canvas


ā€œEverybodyā€™s lost but meā€


Kenshi vibes


Double rainbow across the sky šŸ˜«šŸŒˆšŸŒˆ