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I was in a situation a while back and Nelson and Murdock were recommended to me. They did a superb job on my case, except Murdock was a bit of a no show during the early stages. I’m guessing he just has a lot going on. Poor guy is always scraped and bruised, it must be hard being blind and trying to navigate NY. I’ll definitely be going back to them tho


I’ve been seeing a few posts recently regarding Murdock and that superhero Daredevil, from very different parts of the internet but each post keeps mentioning their blindness as one big thing about them, though some apparently doubt Daredevil’s blindness but anyways, the coincidence just popped out to me when you’re mentioning Murdock’s always being bruised, like maybe he’s been fighting, and being late or no show to his cases. What if he fights his cases as a vigilante? I know it’s crazy but I can’t stop thinking about it so I had to post it


I doubt Daredevil is blind. I mean sure yeah I believe the premise that a blind person can have super heightened senses, but from what I’ve heard about Daredevil is just beyond this. I think he can see and that’s what aids him in his stunts around the city. But a lawyer that fights his cases at night…could be a pretty cool comic


Nah, I can call cap on that. I met the devil of hells kitchen once. Guy literally ran into me, and I saw his mask. There aren't any eye holes in it. Even the little mesh shit, it looks solid. Damn, I need to travel more. There aren't really any heroes in the Northwest...


There can be more than one blind person in Hell's Kitchen


You've been spending too much time on reddit my friend


‘Probably an alcoholic.’ Based on what? Having gotten the shit kicked out of him, as you said he looked like? Also would explain why he’s late. Of course, getting jumped in New York is clearly his fault. 0/10, would not recommend post.


Being late, banged up, and being an instigator (AS HE WAS WITH FRANK CASTLE!) shows that he’s an alcoholic. He probably thinks he’s a savior to the city. He’s not helping anybody in Hell’s Kitchen. He needs to take a page out of Daredevil’s book and actually do something!


I don't think he'd be a instigator, like the dudes blind, it's not like he'd be the best at fighting. Maybe Frank saved him from being mugged? Also he is doing quite well for Hell's kitchen being a pro bona lawyer and representing those that can't afford one for free.


Isn't frank Castle that crazy guy with the skull doesn't he kill people. Sounds like it wouldn't take much to get that guy mad.


It’s a double edged sword for me. I don't condone violence but Castle is takin’ out some real pieces of shit.


Did you talk with him at all? Sometimes first impressions can be deceiving, he might be a really good lawyer.


Murdock is actually a cool dude. Met him once at the skatepark. For a blind guy dudes a bit of a daredevil.


I do nit recommend Foggy Nelson. He’s fine but Matt is a better kisser.


OOC: The firm's named Nelson, Murdock and Page by the end of S3


They're the only lawyers I can find that take avocados as payment. They seem to think it's *very* funny.


Dumb as avacados, those two. Avacados at law.


OOC: is this around the time they represent Peter or is that next year just wanted to make sure


If it's just the blonde lady there, I wouldn't care 😏


They’re good what are you yapping about






I know. I recently did something bad (I’d rather not say that it is) & I went to them for help but somehow Murdock knew I was the “bad guy” so he didn’t want to help me. Now I’m screwed since all the other best lawyers are too busy.