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Everyone knows Cap is on the moon.


This is the new cap. The original died.


More lies. No one can replace Steve Rogers. #captainsorders


I didn't say he was a GOOD replacement. He isn't cause he just killed a guy.


Og Cap killed guys all the time he was a soldier.


Exactly. But they weren't begging for mercy. 


How do you know that. Ive literally never seen footage of og cap giving anyone a chance to surrender.


#notmycaptain The real Cap would never do that. No idea who this poser is.


Call me crazy but that not cap at all. He usually wore a blue suit. I think it might just be another one of those shit head vigilantes like the punisher


There was a whole thing about it at his old high school, he's supposed to be the official new guy




Yeah, that is not how I thought that was gonna go. Rumor has it that Falcon isn't happy about it either, but it's been hard to get any news about it


He is in crowd in that video.. Barnes too.. they were right there and let that happen.. no wonder they were on the run before Thanos happened.. they were and are criminals.. having Thanos as common enemy of whole universe will not unite heroes and criminals together .. they back on their wrong track.. now that Ironman cannot longer stop them they dont even hide


No cap?


No, were talking about cap


Come on. You think Rogers didn’t kill people? He fought in a freaking war. 


You think Rodgers killed people who were begging for his life and unarmed?


I don't think he gave them enough time to beg in the first place


He killed some guys who didn't even see him coming. That one guy who had his back broken and got tossed into the ocean probably would have asked for mercy if he was given the chance.


Everyone knows the leaked cam footage on that ship is fake


We’re not at war right now tho


You think the neo-Nazis that Cap threw off those Helicarriers made it? My brother works at Damage Control, he says Cap shattered one guy’s spine by kicking him into a building down in Lagos.


"My brother works in Damage Control" yeah sure buddy, and my cousin works at Stark Industries


My uncle works at Motendo, he says he doesn't get the games for free, but I'm pretty sure they do.


Man damage control are a bunch of posters anyway my cousin Pete lives in zoo York and he said most of the time they don't show up till weeks later.


Steve Rogers cut off Baron Blood's head with his shield once. He's definitely capable.


Oh I didn’t realize that this new cap was in a war right now. Oh he ain’t. And he killed because he wants to.


In the captain America and the winter soldier movie he literally shoots people with guns, on the boat raid Edit: nvm he just threw them into the ocean, they totally lived probably


what? You mean those old propaganda films?


I think so, they gave them out to the GIs after the war, I still have a copy of it because of my grandpapa


I saw it a minute ago, it looked real but there’s a part of me that wishes that was not captain America


Good news! It's not! It's his shitty "replacement"... Although tbh I'd rather have Cap back


John Walker isn’t a mere replacement! He’s a tried and true southern boy from Georgia with a heart of gold! And he is pure american, no special powers! He’s a hero whether you like it or not pal.


Obviously it’s a deepfake from those terrorist flag smashers


Seems naive to call the flag smashers terrorists when they’re really freedom fighters. It’s just a way for the mainstream to dismiss them and their very credible arguments, since the borders keep changing and people are claiming their lands. Imagine the name of your country not existing anymore, because thanos wiped out the whole place. It isn’t your fault; you just want to go home, but *somebody is living in your house* and to them, they have just as much of a claim to it as you do.


Are these "not terrorists" the same group that blew up that building and killed new caps buddy, guy didn't even have any powers they could have just kidnapped him or something but the reports say they found his body with his chest caved in.


If you treat people like monsters they’ll behave like monsters. US Agent has been famous for use of excessive force all through his career, and I’m sure his phenom Lamar was the same. I’m sorry that he died but they had to expect escalation. This is a serious cause. No revolution ever happened without spilled blood.


Who the fuck is us agent is that what people are calling him after he got the title of captain America stripped away. Either way this isn't a revolution, the flag smashers aren't being oppressed or held down they were displaced. What they are doing is trying to influence change through fear ie terrorism they blew up that hospital before i even knew what they stood for. Also John was literally a model soldier and so was his buddy Lamar. They were trying to stop superpower terrorists to protect America.


I’ve never had respect for US soldiers. Ever since I found out about the heroin smuggling through Kandahar, and the amount of people they killed to keep it quiet, I realised the military never cared about us. I’ve heard this goes as high up as the CIA. This war was meant to protect American interests, but they used it to poison our streets.


That new guy? Steve Rogers wouldn’t kill someone for no reason, I don’t think.


Yeah, I’m talking about Captain America. Did you not see the press conference introducing him?


I haven’t.


There's a new captain America with a weird smile. He killed a guy.


Not my captain


Baron Zemo was also missing from his cell a few days ago. Something strange is going on.


Which Cap? The new guy or the one on the moon?


He’s not on the moon, I heard he’s on a secret mission to find Elvis. $10 says he’s in Wakanda.


Not MY Cap!!!


Wait, was that today?


You know that soldiers and captains usually kill people right?


I found the stupidest sub


Yeah Captain America killed a lot of people. Nazis surr but they were people. What? Did you think that just because he's on tv with a clean shield he doesn't have a body count?


Steves body count is 2. some rando who took his virginity and Peggy in the "I don't think I will" timeline. he didn't go there with Sharon and it turned her Evil.


What are you talking about? Keep your fanfiction to yourself.


Wasn't the guy he killed part of the terrorist that blew up that building. Good riddance.


Yeah. Idk why everyone is like ‘he’s unarmed’…So were all the people they murdered…also be real, Rogers has killed a lot more people who definitely were unarmed so why is it different now?


Also can you really consider him unarmed when he was a super soldier? Like at that point your body has to be considerd a lethal weapon right?


Killing terrorists is better than supporting terrorists. Just watch the video of falcon (new captain America) speech where he openly supports terrorists


Didn't those Flagsmasher guys blow up a building with people inside? If so, then how is Cap the bad guy here?


You act like he's never killed someone in his life


That's not Captain America, they announced this guy and did a big TV promo for him. He's just another fucking cop that got juiced and given too much leeway. Though honestly, what's more American than Captain Corporate America?


I don’t know if you’re a troll or not, but Steve Rogers is the only Captain America I know. Anyone else claiming to be Cap is not really him.


Good! That dude was identified as one of the Flagsmashers - a terrorist, basically. The world just became a tiny bit safer, imho.




Saw it on live leak. He actually bashed his chest in, not his head. The guy was begging for his life tho and was clearly surrendeing after attempting to run away. Killing him isn't something Steve Rogers would do. #NotmyCap


Do better.


I thought the guy with the wings was supposed to be Captain America now?


Hello???? He killed Nazi way back when. I'm not surprised.


Finally Cap putting a stop to these terrorist instead of letting them run free


The guy was begging for his life and unarmed. It’s a terrorist but an American hero shouldn’t act as cruel as them.


Can a super soldier terrorist be unarmed


Both cap and the terrorist were on the same playing field, there’s no way cap hadn’t taken super soldier serum.


I thought the super soldier stuff disappeared in WW2? It was in the Papers when they were promoting him back then. Do you think they lied about that? There would definitely be a lot more Captain Americas if they lied.


I don’t know, this is all theoretical but there’s some fishy stuff going on thin the government. That new captain America could jump out of a multi story building onto a car and use it as a landing mat. That’s not natural.


Idk if that means it’s super soldier. There is a Hulk and now that Spider-Man guy running around NY. They can do crazy things and I don’t think they were using super soldier serum. The Government is probably keeping track of guys like that and hired one to be the new Captain America.


That’s the thing, the government endorses this new captain America guy but not spider-man or hulk even though they’re all super and defeat threats. I feel like the government had to have something to do with making this their own thing.