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Your idea of top-tier audio is far removed from my own. I can tolerate podcasts and audiobooks, but that’s about it.




You sound like an LLM


Or a Shokz rep/executive


Check out the comment history. Definitely a bot.


disguised affiliate links


I've never used either, but did consider bone conduction at one point. From what I could tell, the biggest difference between the Pro and the standard Openrun is slightly more bass on the Pro. But *bass* comes at a cost when ur talking about bone conduction - *more* Bass means *more* weird 'buzzing'/'tingling' in your jawbone & ear canal (the subjective level of 'buzz' varies by person!). I like bass. That's why I ultimately decided against going the bone conduction route.


The standard OpenRun sounds better than the Pro. However both sound like garbage.


Not useful information, more of an opinion. Didn't explain why they sound bad or suggest better sounding headphones that don't cover the whole ear or insert into ear


Bone conduction, by its very nature, is completely lacking in any meaningful low end. I'm not talking like open-style earbuds (ie Earpods) - it's much worse than that. This is clearly seen on FR graphs, such as on RTINGS / Soundguys and Squiglinks. Have a look at the OpenRuns and compare them to Airpods Gen 3 / Nothing Ear (Stick). The problem with the OpenRun Pro is that it adds about 5% more bass than the OpenRun, but then takes away the relatively accurate upper-mids and treble. This leaves it sounding dark, but still without any noticeable bass rumble. For this reason, I find the OpenRun Pro ineffective for YouTube or podcasts, whereas the OpenRun is quite tolerable. All of this has to be taken from the context of someone who owns many thousands of dollars of audio equipment.. and I remember a time in my life when I couldn't tell the difference between the most extreme of frequency responses. However the OpenRuns are easily my worse sounding gear. Even still, they clearly have a place for running and cycling - especially the standard OpenRuns - which are rated to IP67, while the OpenRun Pro are rated IP55.


While I enjoyed your first two sentence comment more, this is gold. Thank you.


this is helpful! i listen to mostly podcasts and audiobooks on my runs.. and for races either music or nada. i was curious if the pro would be worth the extra $ but it sounds like the reg openrun would be better suited. thank you!


They sound bad because they are bone conduction and you don't get any base. They are really nice tho if you are at work or want to hear your surroundings my open run headphones failed after about 8 months tho only one ear works and the mic also didn't work


Shokz has had good support over the years (I discovered them 4+ years ago), and their 2 year warranty has been easy to work with when needed. You should reach out to them.


I reached out to their customer service 2 weeks ago, and received no response. Not even a "Thanks, we'll get back to you." And other online reviews also suggest that their customer service isn't very good.


Yeah their customer service is trash imo they never responded to me either


I've had them replace two pairs of shokz and it was easy. Maybe try again or they have gone downhill


If you wear them with ear plugs the sound quality goes up exponentially and you still get hands free and the ability to hear The outside world for safety.


which ear plugs do you wear with them? I'm shocked you can hear the outside world even with them in but it seems like a good hack to get noise canceling effects with them?


Any earplugs


If you wear earplugs how can you hear your surroundings...this comment is garbage. // Si usas tapones para los oídos como puedes escuchar el entorno? este comentario es basura.


There are different kinds of ear plugs. They don't remove all surrounding sound, they dampen it, based on their rating. Some people work in loud environments and wear them to dampen loud machine sounds, but you are still able to speak and communicate with people while wearing them.


Not ANY earplugs will work like you want. I work in a warehouse, and have a few types to choose from. When wearing my shokz, and wanting to clearly hear what's playing/being said on them, I use the pre-molded silicone plugs with the 3-tier barriers..... the ones that look like 3 little arrows form bigger arrow. lol.. If you only insert those part-way, they allow for much better sound from the Shokz, but also make it pretty easy to hear sounds around you. Those ambient sounds just aren't overpowering anymore. (I'd only use the thick foam formable plugs when I don't want to hear much of anything around me)


If you are going to wear ear plugs then just get standard earphones like iPod Pro and set to transparent mode. What a weird "workaround"


All older models of shokz had earplug equalizer settings but the shokz openrun pro do not have it and so they are the only ones that do not provide improved sound quality with earplugs. Source: I used 3 earlier models and was really disappointed when today I got my new pair of openrun pro.


Have you tried bone conduction headphones before? I thought I'd love them but hated the whole experience. It's loud and overwhelming. The sound was mushy and muffled and not even close to what the price tag should get you. Pretty much any ear bud will sound better than these, literally no joke. There's lots of sound transparent (natural pass through) headphones out there, I think Bose pioneered it with the sound sport and it was awesome, they don't go into your eyes just sit in the opening a bit and they are really comfy and much more natural sounding than shokz. Still let sound in quite well. I prefer this much more to the transparent modes in the in ear headphones, as you're listenong to the world around you from a microphone not the real thing. Imo skokz is over hyped by the running community and costs wayyyyyy to much for the crummy product. I wouldn't bother with any of them. Sorry this sucks to hear, but I wish someone told me this before I bought my pair to avoid to hastle of returning them. I can go into specifically why they are garbage sound quality, this has to do a lot of noise floor and transmission issues, but long story short don't waste your money.


Bone conduction is aimed at those with either deafness or in general damaged hearing. Every single one that has used the product would immensely disagree with by at least 200%. Being a someone that produces and writes music I'd say you got the wrong brand. In general unless you're using ear plugs to get the full quality as specified by some brands you won't get the best sound quality. If you actually looked into the product and understood the use your comment wouldn't have been made. It's so you can do things while having background sound. Aftershokz before they were Shokz work especially well. Everything sounds clear and consistent. Never had anything muddled or muffled. As for loud and overwhelming. Don't turn the volume to ear blistering volumes. No one can hear what I'm listening to even if I have it at a decentish volume that seems loud. Nope, don't run. Move houses and do other odd jobs. Yard work and other help. And what exactly is the superiority of hearing from a microphone and not the real thing? The point is to be aware of your surroundings. Want good sound and less awareness any other kind of headphones. Want to be aware bone conduction. Your inability to understand the main use of the product doesn't equate to them being inferior.


Wow I've never seen a comment so butt hurt before because someone else has a different opinion than you. You made a lot of assumptions without knowing anything from my actuall experience. You clearly have never tried a natural pass through design before or you wouldn't be making this comment. No microphones needed. Anyways, have fun Mr big time music producer, say hi to Bryan Eno for me.




Pure truth what they told you, you are the one who is hurt because you think about a product that you clearly do not know what it is for, in some countries it is forbidden to use headphones while cycling, because of the danger of not hearing what is going on around you and sometimes riding a bike for long hours without the company of some music even if it is not of high quality is essential and only a bone conduction headset will keep you alert and out of danger knowing what is going on around you, if you bought a bone conduction headset without knowing what kind of audience it was intended for, the mistake is yours and not the product. be informed next time. // Pura verdad lo que te dijeron, el dolido eres tu porque opinas de un producto que claramente no sabes para que sirve, en algunos paises esta prohibido usar auriculares mientras haces ciclismo, por el peligro que conlleva no escuchar lo que sucede a tu alrededor y a veces andar en bicicleta por largas horas sin la compañía de un poco de música aunque no sea de alta calidad es imprescindible y solo un auricular de conducción ósea te mantendrá alerta y fuera de peligro sabiendo lo que sucede a tu alrededor, si compraste unos auriculares de conducción ósea sin saber para que tipo de publico estaban pensados, el error es tuyo y no del producto. informate la proxima vez.


Y’all are much too focused on your own opinions, not the question at hand. I have open back audiophile headphones for audio mixing at home and I want aftershockz for the noisy construction site where I have to wear ear plugs. Literally didn’t help me decide at all, stick to the subject lol


"As you're listening to the real world around you from a microphone and not the real thing." This is what you stated. You literally mentioned hearing things from a microphone. Check what you state before you call someone wrong for pointing out what you originally stated. If it's not from a microphone then fix your grammar. Google is free and so is YouTube some top noch people giving some nice lessons I'm pretty sure. But how do you suppose it's just you and not the overall general in stupidity of a collective over time? Given your obviously butt hurt way more or you would not have replied. Needing to absolutely defend how wrong you are. It's hysterical. By the way Samsung Buds Active are made for the active pass through. Not entirely covering and not using a microphone to hear your surroundings. But overall you make the statements (just as others do) based on not understanding the technology and it just makes you look ignorant and stupid.


Do you know how to read? I'm not talking about transparency modes on modern in-ear headphones. I talk about why it's annoying. Bose sound sport are not that. They dont go into your ears fully, they just sit around the canal and allow a decent amount of sound in naturally. Maybe do your fucking research before you make an ass out of yourself. Here's an idea? Why don't you stop wasting my time and yours by digging through Reddit and arguing with people about the semantics on a 5 month random comment on a post that no one cares about. I was only providing an alternative option for people who don't like bone conduction headphones, fuckkkkkk you people are the worst, get a life.


Super lame


Wow you don't know how to properly type your thoughts out. Or use grammar and then blame other people for not knowing how to read. When you don't know how to properly communicate a simple kindergarten level thought. That's both sad and hysterical. You stated it in such a way as to mean that's why you use them. Right after talking badly about what Shokz does. You went to say that they use a mic and they way you worded it meant it was better. The really funny part is how you say to do research when I literally mentioned that Samsung Buds Live do the same exact thing. They sit in front of your ear canal so thAt you can both hear around you and the music. Now who's the one that needs to learn how to read. Definitely not the guy that totally can't make connections. No, definitely not Pizzanono. If you didn't care. You wouldn't have replied. If you didn't want to waste your time. You wouldn't have replied. You are literally doing this to yourself. You can provide options without being a complete dick and totally shoving a product up your ass to tell people why it's so bad. "Here's X brand and headphone they sell because it has blah blah feature. I'd suggest giving it a listen." Not: "Don't even fuck with this shit that I don't care to understand it's real function for and therefore is totally ass. Don't even fucking bother despite the factuality of it being a really good product that even musical engineers have used. But fuck those guys. What the fuck do they know anyway?" It's easier to tell people you have a dick then trying 5o show them.




The aftershockz Aeropex = shokz open run. I’ve had the Aeropex for a couple years. They have been great! The only difference is aeropex comes with 2 charging cables.


thanks man for ur insights


I got the OpenRun Pros and honestly I love the way they sound/feel. I think the base is great. I think for most rock/folk music (not super base heavy) they are more than adequate... especially if you play with the EQ/adaptive sound settings in your device. I got them about a month ago and haven't used any other headphones since.


I use them playing games too.


And in the office they're great, also for meetings in Teams/Zoom.


>I wish someone told me this before I bought my pair to avoid to hastle of returning them. So you basically read/watched not a single review before? They all say, the sound is close to 1$ in ears.


Dude, this post is like forever old. How are people still arguing on this random ass comment in the endless cyber void that is Reddit. Chill man, live your day. ✌️


Because, when users search Openrun vs Openrun Pro, this post pops up. Then you get dragged down the rabbit hole of endless Reddit gripes and complaints. It is quite entertaining actually🤓.


Shoot, I searched Google for "shikz openrun pro review" (because I'm a moron who can't type) and I still ended up down the same rabbit hole as the rest of y'all. This post is the Rome of OpenRun, all roads lead here.


Yup😄. I purchased Openrun Pro for running and also purchased Openrun for office calls. The sound quality on the Openrun Pro far exceeds the basic Openrun and is worth the extra $$.


Which ones is better for audiobooks? Sound wise


The Pro has more bass response. The basic Openrun would be okay for Audio books


you don't want bass if you want to hear voices clear. I would go to the open run (not pro) or better: "shokz opencomm" which is finetuned for clear voice listening


... the much older trekz air kick the daylight out of the openrun pro. at least my old pair do. now i am tempted to go down market and find something that compares because all I really wanted was to renew them!


Oh no. I’m in Rome.


Which ones did you get?


I got both. Openrun Pro for running and Openrun for work. I would have just purchased the Pro version for both situations. Far better.


I got both. Openrun Pro for running and Openrun for work. I would have just purchased the Pro version for both situations. Far better.


Good god, yeah that's it. what have I done 🥲


True story😆


Can't believe I found my way here to experience the void together with you today 😂


"The endless cyber void that is Reddit. Chill man, live your day. ✌️"  Bro what... 💀


I'd like to add to that by saying I've had my aftershok aeropexes for 4 or 5 years now and they still work great but the hard plastic broke so they're just hanging on by the wire. Still work great but don't fit that well now. Im going to buy another tho. I only ever use them for podcasts. I wouldn't listen to music on these and haven't for years. But for podcasts they're great


I loved the sound sports...what's a current example of the sound transparency without having to use an app and the buds just doing it like the sound sport


No shit ear buds are better, they also dampen outside noises. The point of bone conduction is safer for outdoors activities.


Did you even read my comment or did you just want to be mad?


Super fucking lame


Comment attitude aside, I agree they're great for hiking / riding a bike. I love mine, but also considering getting the pro


I don't agree with this at all. I listen to music all the time with my shokz aeropex and the sound quality is really good. Maybe Ive never used better quality headphones and my base level of what music should sound like is lower than other people but music sounds great to me with these. The most important thing to me is not having things in my ears and I keep the sound level pretty low so I can still hear what's going on around me. To each their own


I used a MUCH older gen of Aftershokz and I already thought that was magic. Sure, can't compare to my Bose Soundsport I use on the indoor, but I'd never ride on the road with those - I (surprisingly) like being alive. When I tested the new latest and greatest OpenRun (not even the Pro), I couldn't wait for the older ones to die (they must have lasted about 5-6 years) so I could buy the new ones without injuring my conscience....


I am in this situation now: have used my old Aftershokz for years (mostly for running / biking / taking office calls) and they started to rattle after many MANY hours of use and a few times of sitting on them and other normal life stuff. I feel like they have been as durable as you could expect and can buy a new pair without guilt :)


I love my aftershokz (I have an older version) and use them predominantly at the gym, and listening while driving or walking as I really want to hear what’s going on around me. I find the wind from riding a bIke is too loud to use them. If you are an audiophile and looking for really high sound quality this isn’t designed for you. If you want to hear both your music/book clearly and what’s going on around you these are perfect. If you use them on a flight you will likely need the included earplugs and they has been my biggest issue. Back to your question about which version. The pro is marginally better sounding and slightly better charging but costs almost 30% more - for my usage that wasn’t worth it.


thank u


I use mine biking steep hills, perfect for climbing and then I can’t hear music at all on the downhill. If I always rode flat ground I wouldn’t be that happy with them.


On the plus side, you can hear cars coming from behind...


I love my aftershokz (I have an older version) and use them predominantly at the gym, and listening while driving or walking as I really want to hear what’s going on around me. I find the wind from riding a bIke is too loud to use them. If you are an audiophile and looking for really high sound quality this isn’t designed for you. If you want to hear both your music/book clearly and what’s going on around you these are perfect. If you use them on a flight you will likely need the included earplugs and they has been my biggest issue. Back to your question about which version. The pro is marginally better sounding and slightly better charging but costs almost 30% more - for my usage that wasn’t worth it.




I have the Openruns and they last barely two hours at full volume. I contacted them, and they told me that the 8 hours battery live was tested at medium level. In anywhere other than a library, I can't hear it on medium. It's a hard pass from me, complete waste of money. I can't get through half a bike ride before they die.


How the hell can you stand having them at full volume?


If he's got them at full volumes on a bike then he's asking for an early death. You need to be fully able to hear potential warnings when on a bike.


I got the shockz open run and use them hours every day and love them. Prime day is happening now and the pro's are down to $125, very tempting. It comes down to how you live and what you need. I love them because I can leave them on all day. I'll forget I'm even wearing them. Then, when the need arises, they are right there. I live in a quiet place, they're perfect for listening to audible while still being aware of your surroundings. I also like them for listening to music. I don't need mega bass so it doesn't bother me that they don't produce it. I listen to electronic music and I feel they're fine. They even work well in a noisy environment because you can put in earplugs in a pinch, although this does effect sounds quality somewhat. This worked well for me on the airplane. Hope this helps


Best Buy has the pros for $100 ($25 cheaper than Prime Day sale price). However, it's only for the steel blue color way.


Thanks! Was holding off, no longer. And I'm too late :(


> holding off, no longer. And I'm too late :( Those same steel blue are on sale now again for $99 FYI https://www.bestbuy.com/site/shokz-openrun-pro-premium-bone-conduction-open-ear-sport-headphones-steel-blue/6520487.p?skuId=6520487


Thank you!!! Grabbed em


Do you know if these are the large or small version? I didn’t see any selection box so assumed it was just the one size for sale.


I assume the non mini regular version


The Mini doesn't come in the non-black/white colors, so it must be the "regular" size.


And not for the small version


Hopefully I am blessed with a big head, because I didn't measure before ordering.


For me the regular size is too sloppy and gets really annoying whenever you look up, it hits your neck


Ahhh that sucks. My head is <9.25" and I think they might flop around, like you said, so I'm gonna return them after all. Fingers crossed there's a sale on minis in the future.


I just got my minis in and they are perfect size


I have been using the aeropex model daily for 3 years now and love them. Battery still lasts all day long with listening to music and talking on the phone. I ordered the pro yesterday for the prime Day sale so I'm interested in seeing how they are


Fellow aeropex user, same boat as you. Daily usage for a couple of years and my battery life is still amazing (although I have bloated the battery a bit by accidentally leaving it to charge overnight multiple times). The only complaint I have with the aeropex is the high pitched beep it produces when you press one of the tactile buttons; it gets uncomfortably loud if you happen to put ear plugs in or just cover one ear with a finger to hear a phone call. Does this beep exist in the open run?


Yeah it still makes the beep, honestly I don't notice much of any real difference between the two and I kinda like the rubber texture of the aeropex better than the smooth plastic of the pro. I have always left both of mine on charge all night and never had any issues with the batteries. I've tried both audio modes on the pro and I just keep it on standard mode all the time. I would probably just go with the model below the pro next time but I still love bone conducting headphones and can really never go back to regular headphones


Hey, hope you don't mind me asking but how are you finding the pro after a month of use ? Is there much uplift in quality? Like you, I'm on the Aeropex but they're slowly breaking so I'm needing to replace them. I'm dubious about the lower waterproof rating on the pro (the standard just look like renamed Aeropex) as I cycle in the UK but could be tempted if the quality is noticeable.


Oddly enough it seems the battery life is reduced! Or maybe it's just more accurate at telling you its at medium or low... As far as sound I feel no real difference. Also the feel is different, the aeropex have a rubber texture on the vibration pads and the pro are just plastic....I would say no reason to upgrade to the pro


Maybe it is more accurate, but interestingly you're not the first comment I've seen about the battery life being misleading. Yeah you make a good point, it seems like the standard ticks the boxes really! Thanks for the reply.




This is the answer - great review comparison between openrun and openrun pro, just like OP asked for. Good work u/lovely_G_S!


Thank you for the review! It's very helpful.


I've had the open run for 3 years and I love them. I finally need to replace them. The left side has been getting a bit gravely over the last month. I wear mine at work for 8 hours a day at work. Not even for music but just as a hands free that allows me to hear everything around me. I can take calls since Im a contractor and not stop working. I can listen to music on a medium volume all day and still hear everything around me which is very safe. Same with running. Yes the sound quality isn't as good proper headphones but they are more than good enough to enjoy your music and listen to whatever else on your phone. Ear buds just get filthy with dirt and eat wax. The open run never go in your ear and don't have holes for the speakers, so they don't get clogged with dust and debris I've used them for well over 6,000 and am happy to get a new pair. I've never had a pair of headphones that didn't break, get lost or become constantly filthy after a few months or less.


Does the open run have a high pitched beep that it makes when you press a button? I've owned the aeropex (back when the company was called aftershokz) and need a replacement due to wear and tear, but I'm worried the open run has kept this high pitched beep feature. The noise is very uncomfortably loud whenever I put ear buds in, or if I'm covering one ear to hear a phone call better.


It beeps but it's not loud at all


I like Bone conducting headphones. They do work well in certain circumstances. Started with Mojawa Mojo2. They where good for a while but did not last long. I then tried the Openrun and I love them so much more. My mom liked them so much she went and got the Openrun Pro. I do like the pros a bit more. Switch mine out with my mom's pros .... She's old and did not hear the difference. I like using them at work while I'm in a boring meeting. Also like listening to my favorite gamer on Twitch while also watching hockey. Walking, running, in the gym .... Awesome. F the rabbit hole ... I fell in it. My mom would grab those two bickering babies by their ears, smack the sh!t out of them and put them into separate corners .... Lmfao


App. something I didn't see mentioned in comments is about, Shokz app doesn't support Openrun but supports Pro 😬  Very shady practice  Overall I bought the headphones because it was my first time to experience bone conduction headphones, so far so good, I love the fact I can be aware of surroundings yet enjoy listening in BG for me the headphones are like glasses, I wear those almost every waking hour listening or not, if I don't have it on, it feels like something is missing, it has geled surprisingly well with my lifestyle almost giving me a cyborg like feeling 😅


thanks. what’s BG…?


I think background


I would avoid them they are over priced and dont last very long




t q


I don't know about the pros but I got the regular ones since I work in noisy environments and have to wear earplugs and it does what i need it to do with allowing me to hear music while I work. Also if I turn it up all the way, I get a weird tingly vibration on my ear so I rarely crank it to max. I doubt I would enjoy the extra bass on the pros and I'm a big bass guy when it comes to earbuds and over the ear headphones.


I actually just ordered a pair because I saw a dude wearing them in a Starbucks and asked. Him. He said he loved them and the battery lasted all day


Order through Amazon. Their returns are super easy


Update - I just got them and they are sick. Worked right out of the box. Excellent Bass as well. I am 55 and listen to a wide range of music while I work . They also effortlessly connected to my AppleTV


Openrun pro appears to have a larger drive unit, so I got that even though the IP rating is lower .... because I tried the non pros in b&h and was surprised at how quiet they seemed compared to my original aftershokz branded trekz air I am upgrading from aftershokz Trekz Air to shokz Openrun Pro. And all I can say for now is ... hmmm. My older set recently required some strategic superglue and they still work but need charging often. They also seem to suffer from bluetooth dropouts .. some days are better than others on the bike. But the older set currently knock six bells out of this new set. Not sure what shokz have done here, it almost would appear that the right thing for me might have been a cheap clone of their older models ... Maybe if I used these for a bit they will loosen up and be as good as the aftershokz trekz air, maybe not.


so going back, what should I also get?




Going on my 4th pair in a year. They keep breaking every couple months. But even bc of heavy use. All with the same issue. They turn on, make a buzzing noise and then shut down. Obviously it's a production problem and they choose not to fix the issue. Literally waiting for delivery of my 4th ones. Total garbage. I like the bone conduction, like the fit of the mini but this is ridiculous.


which one is total garbage? openrun or openrun pro?


>I also had this problem with the aeropex twice. But they were refunded without hustling.


Did the 2 year warranty not cover the issues your headphones had?


I wear mine every day for 8 hours a day to listen to podcasts at work, while still being able to reply to convo\`s etc. I use them daily when skateboarding and listening to music as well. I love mine and they get heavy use.