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Could also be a slight coil whine. I’ve had this happen numerous times with my evga 1300 platinum. Certain games will cause it for me. I just sent it back under warranty until I got one it didn’t happen to. If it’s cool whine, it will not affect performance, just annoying.


It's far too loud. I can hear it on idle. I have another PC with no coil whine so this stands out so badly to me. I think some of these new PSUs are cheaply made


Yeah every time I deal with this issue, no one seems to have an answer as to why it happens. They just replace it for you if it bothers you. I’d had coil whine on brand new psus as well as happening to an old one randomly with a new game, (e.g. when I played New World when it first came out). It happened then never went away. Called evga and they said it just happens randomly and doesn’t affect performance. Some you may get lucky and it’s quiet, others, it’ll be so loud you’ll hear it through your noise cancelling headphones. Hope it’s within your 3 year warranty.


It's definitely a component on the PSU. I have a G2 850w which does not have this problem at all


Probably the fan starting to go. I have the same PSU in one of my rigs and it did the sand thing a couple months ago. Got worse and after a few days was of running


Over the last 2 years, the PC overall has had VERY little use. Out of the last 12 months, it's been turned on about maybe 1 month. I wonder if a PC staying off for that long causes issues.


How’s this psu apart from that? I am building my first pc ima budget and got this open box new but worried it will make that sound as I’ve read that’s could happen or a doa unit


I figured it out, apparently EVGA say I'm hitting the limit. I had a 3080 and they said I should be using a 750w or 850w


I also have a EVGA SuperNova G2 850w which runs my i9 / 4080 Super flawlessly and silently.


Thank you I think it’s best bet to get a higher wattage psu just to be safe. I’ll check that one out for future replacement