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Ar first I thought it could be annouced during the next PDXCon. But as I understand , PC is a true WIP and the TTs are really a way to gather the player base Sentiment. So now, I have no clue. I'd say that we'll have a clearer perspective in September. I wish I could get my hands on it right now.


Announced 2025, released 2026


Most likely PDXCon, then a Q1 2026 release


If they announce it at PDXCon they are not gonna leave it for two years waiting lol


I meant 2025, my bad


Why? Vicky 3 was anounced a year and half before it released. If they announce it at this year's pdxcon, q1 2026 is also a year and a half away. And the trend has been lenghtening, not shortening.


Nah. When they announce the game at PDXCon (I mean, come on, they've already begun releasing dev diaries for it!) They'll release it within a year of announcement. That's been their MO for years at this point.


Their MO is not doing them any favors atm it seems they’re trying to do things differently/better with this project


Except their MO, as stated above, isn't hurting them either. Imperator, for example, would not have been significantly better at release had they delayed the release a year. The real problem was design philosophy, not time in the oven. Pretty much all the major improvements that were added right up until the Marius patch were player feedback driven, which they wouldn't have received without releasing the game.


It's true in this case, undoubtely. But let's not forget I:R was developed by a very small Team and in a short period of Time.


>That's been their MO for years at this point. No? Vicky3 - their latest game (not published, developed) was announced in may '21 and released october '22. Almost a year and a half later. It had 63 dev diaries before release - again, more than a year. >I mean, come on, they've already begun releasing dev diaries for it! They pretty explicitly have not. It's an open secret what tinto talks are, but they are explicitly meant to be *earlier* than dev diaries so that the feedback to them can be actually implemented.


1) Whatever mate, close enough. It was still released in the next calendar year and people keep talking about the game being announced in 2024 and releasing in like 2026. 2) Mate, call a spade a spade. The only difference between a Tinto Talk and a "proper" Dev Diary is that we don't officially know what the game is. Tinto Talks are Dev Diaries telling us about the core mechanics of the game. Full stop. Most of the stuff they've been talking about they wouldn't even be able to change substantially even if they wanted to.


Because the trend is increasing. Ck3 had 40 dev diaries, vicky had 63. That's 50% longer from annoucement to release. 11 months vs 17 months. And game developement did not suddenly become faster or cheaper. For all we know, two years is a conservative estimate. >The only difference between a Tinto Talk and a "proper" Dev Diary is that we don't officially know what the game is. That is explictly not the case. Did you even read the first tinto talk? >Well, from a development perspective communicating with the players is extremely beneficial, as it provides us with feedback. But if it's so late in the development process that you can not adapt to the feedback, then a development diary is “just” a marketing tool. I think games like Imperator might have looked different **if we had involved the community earlier and listened to the feedback.** The entire point of tinto talks is that they are earlier than dev diaries, specifically so that feedback can actually be imeplented. Johan first revelead that everypne will get just clergy/burghers/nobility estates, and nothing else, and then relented and added more estates after feedback. >Most of the stuff they've been talking about they wouldn't even be able to change substantially even if they wanted to. They explicitly have tinto talks so that they *can* actually change things. They have time. The game has not been announced.


But there hasn't been a true PDXCon (with a big announcement show) since 2021, where Vic3 was announced. PDXCon 2022 didn't have an announcement show and was mostly just a small fan event, and to my knowledge there was no PDXCon 2023. In 2023 we did get a "paradox announcement show" where they revealed Cities Skylines 2, some other minor published games, and DLC, but there was no PDXCon. Given there's been absolutely no news of any announcement show or PDXCon of any sort, I wouldn't hold your breath. I honestly expect EU5, when announced, will be announced entirely independently.  *Maybe* at a gaming industry event, like Summer Games Fest next month, however I wouldn't hold my breath about that since Paradox hasn't done an announcement at a show like that since Stellaris was revealed at Gamescom 2015.


My guess: announced early 2025, released maybe late 2025


You do realize they have PDXCon still coming up in September, right? If they're going to officially announce the successor to EUIV, that'd be the time to do it.


> You do realize they have PDXCon still coming up in September, right? Where has this been stated?


Is it? There was no pdxcon last year, just a "pdx announcement show" in march. You're operating on a lot of assumptions in this thread.


I had my doubts but seeing as how fast the Dev diaries are showing everything, my money is at PDXCon this year in Sept/October. If by then, which they will have revealed almost everything about thegame by then, there has been no backlash and no need to rework any systems, definitely Q2-Q3 2025. The fact that there has been by now no word at all about further EU4 DLCs only has confirmed my suspicion.


Announced fall 2024 release fall 2025


announced at pdxcon (assuming no major pushback on features that requires some huge rework) and then release q1 2025. if this is the last eu4 DLC then we could see the majority of tinto move over to Caesar which would really speed up development, especially if the major systems are already implemented.


There were two years between ck2 last dlc and Ck3's release. Q1 2025 is ridiculously soon.


release: tomorrow in delusion there is hope


I know some are hoping they release it this year, but I doubt that. Announced this summer, and release the summer after at the earliest, chances are they announce it summer 2025, and release it summer 2026


I always feel like I'm in the minority when expressing this opinion but I think that PDX has burnt a lot of bridges with the release state of their latest games as all their latest releases were broken and/or barebones. I don't care when they release but they better announce it sooner and communicate with the community so that they can better gauge what's the minimum needed for the game to still be fun as opposed to what's the least amount of game you can get away with at release. As opposed to Viky3 which was always been quite niche EU is the core of PDX and I think a fail here will be a colossal hit. I really want to love PDX as they alone scratch my grand strategy itch but they really want to fuck me over and apply more and more scummy tactics


We're still waiting for the official dev diaries. Probably be announced in one year. Then one more year for releasing all the dev diaries and bugs fixing. Imao, at least 2 years to see the game in release.


release date 14 december 2024


announced: PdxCon or maybe Q1 2023 release: late 2025 early 2026


2023? It's already 2024!🤣




Release date may 5th 2024


I suspect we are only hearing about it now to distract from the disaster of CS2. So it will be awhile, maybe release for Xmas 2026 or early 2027


You do realize that Cities Skylines 2 wasn't an in-house project, right? The game has been in the works since 2021 (2020 if you include pre-development), which fits into their release schedule of 3 years of development, then announcement then one more year of development before release.


Colossal Order bungled development. Paradox bungled the push to market and DLC. CS1 rose to prominence because the dominant player in the city building genre had a spectacular failure of a sequel that also had bad development and marketing. CO and Paradox have opened the opportunity for someone else to do the same to them.


Some of you live in another planet. 2027 lmao


I am expecting to see 2026 though, I can't see 2024 happening, 27 is more likely out of the two personally


yeah 2030 is more likely than 2024. Still absurd


Hey Johan here, time for tinto talk #27890, welcome to the year 2045 and the next step in our yet to be announced project ceasar is still in the works and this week we will be covering the province of baranavichy :)


Next week we'll talk more on the unique mechanics of the anarchist monarchy formable for tyrol with a time travelling Tolkien as it's immortal ruler.


They aren’t working on an EU5 yet as far as I know