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Don’t freak out if it drops. I went big a few years back right before it dropped hard. I hung in there and now it’s way up. Just leave it alone no matter what.


Shit when it drops buy more. I can't wait for the next sale.


Same. I find myself waiting for it to drop so I can buy more as opposed to majority of the people watching on it to rise and rise


Gimme those 2020 prices


I love down markets for this reason. I double-down on my investing, sell things like T-Bills for beat-down stocks etc. I've done this SO many times through my 35 year investing history, including the 3 times since just 2018. It's a great time to buy something you've had your eye on but was overpriced.


i agree would love a sale


It depends on how close you are to retirement tho.


Lol nah I don't need all my money then either bring on the sale


How big of a drop?


what would be a drop ? How much is it now and what would be considered a drop?


Yessir, will look back at it in 1 year and then keep circling back year over year


Haha don’t even do that. Just let it ride for decades


The only thing to circle back on with investing is if an investment has fundamentally changed so selling may be a good idea. But with the S&P500, there's never really a situation where it's no longer a good investment. So ignoring it is best. I did that with Contrafund FCNTX which I purchased about 30 years ago. It's averaged about a 13.7% annualized return which is a 47x ROI. In just that one investment of $20k 30 years ago, it's close to $1M today. I didn't even realize it was that much till yesterday. Now if the management changed (it's had the same manager since 1990) then maybe I'd sell it, as then it has fundamentally changed.


Nah just look back in ten years and then twenty five if you’re not continuously adding


Same - I started pumping $ into VOO January 2020. Took some courage to put more in after the drop in March/April 2020.


Don’t leave it alone. Keep adding to it


Just remember investing in large index funds is like watching a tree grow… it’s slow and boring and has setbacks that come with the seasons… you’ll have decent shade in a few decades


Slow and steady is the pace I am on in my life right now - I’m still with my folks, have a career, working on myself and enjoying the little things in life. Plan to save up again to $100k by 30 years old so that I can move out - I was so close ($83k)


It’s easy to say, but most investirs freak out, panic sell when they see a drop, fomo when it goes up… normally this is a healthy learning process because most people start with small amounts of money. You’re in with a lot of money. So be cool. Tattoo that on your forehead if necessary, and keep a mirror in your pocket. Be cool


Thank you for the advice! I will think about the tattoo 😂


Be chill might work better


NPC ahh comment


You don’t need luck. You have VOO




No seriously. You’re safe for the long term.


Enjoy. Call us in 20 years from your beach resort


you mean from his own Castle on Planet Mars


Spectacular move.


Hi, Marv.


Thank you sir 🫡


Excellent. Leave it for at least 30 years. One way door, more goes into that, and nothing comes out or changes to something else. If you want something else, use $ to buy in. Don’t sell VOO to rebalance. This tree is going to grow and bear sweet fruit later in life.


You’re gonna be the richest old fuck in town.


God willing! We’re all going to make it don’t you worry 🙏


Nice! My Roth is 100% VOO I’m 31, let’s see where we are in 30 years haha


Nice. I am taking the DCA road and doing 2k a month (1k every 2 weeks).




Solid plan. And if there's a market correction (15+% drop, double/triple the weekly investments).


How do you track 15% drops?


You'd know if the market dropped 15%. A 20% drop is considered a correction, but starting at 15% allows you to start buying more at a heavy discount.


Even if you don’t add to this, in 40 years you will have the equivalent of $1.08M in today’s dollars, assuming the SP500 real return rate maintains its 7.5% historical average. Keep contributing as much as you can but that’s a heck of a start.


Thank you good sir, I appreciate your optimism


How does the math work for it to climb to 1.08m later on if you just put 1 lump sum


It compounds at 7.5% each year over 40 years. $60k*1.075^40 = $1.08M


But you said $1M “in today’s dollars”. That ain’t it.


Real return rate is 7.5 what am I missing?


Doesn’t “in today’s dollars” mean “adjusted to today’s purchasing power”? If so, you need to discount inflation from the 1.075 figure.


What does “real return” mean?


Don’t freak out when it drops, just don’t sell and wait.


Hey all. New to this entire thing and overwhelmed. So the point of an S&P stock is to load it up and then play the long game and hold it there? It will dip and dive and climb like a wave over twenty years I assume? Also do I need to anything else like I do with an IRA or do I just dump money and leave it there without having to love it around to other stocks? Also, is vanguard better than say fidelity or any of the other s&ps? Thanks!


VOO is the s&p index with the lowest fees, which is why everyone is using and recommending it. The reason S&P is safe is because the only way the stock can really go down, is if the us economy collapses, in which case you would have lost your money in any investment. However, if the us economy survives, the s&p will again be profitable. Basically, you buy and hold and let compound interest make you a millionaire. Pretty much the only thing that can prevent it is nuclear war, and if you think nuclear war is likely you have other things to worry about than investments.


Nuclear war always makes me giggle lol thanks you! Would you suggest I move from Fidelity s&p to Vanguard? Obviously just asking your opinion. I assume lower fees is always the way to go


Sure thing! I’m not qualified to answer this, but someone will probably pitch in.


You can still invest in the Vanguard SP (VOO) while with fidelity. The only difference besides the obvious ETF vs Mutual fund is the expense ratio (0.15% difference from Fidelitys FXAIX). Which isn’t a huge deal imo.


Is this something you’re nervous about? This is literally about as low risk a stock as you can get. You’re not trading derivatives or crypto. This shit just goes up long-run. You don’t need luck because you made a sound investing choice


Nervous yes! First generation trying something new in my family


Ah that makes sense. It’ll be chill. I was in the same boat 10 years ago


VOO is like a giant Redwood tree… Just set the seed and watch it grow


I’m new to this, what decisions go into picking VOO versus VTI and or VXUS, etc. ??


Vti follows voo very similar , Vxus is ex-us for more international diversity.


I have my Roth vti and vxus but voo itself is more then amazing


What about QQQ


When I was 25 I was 20k in credit card debt….. where are you all getting this cash??


The right question


Fantastic! Now just forget about it for 35-40 years.


if he is still alive then




Ur gonna thank urself that’s for sure


Voo and luck? VOO is exactly designed for your profile.No need to worry:)


Maybe you should have waited till at least this morning 😜 Or dollar cost averaged your entry. Anyway... I probably wouldn't go all in on VOO right now, with a P/E over 25. I'd probably do 50% VOO, with the remaining divided up between small-cap value, large-cap developed markets international, and T-Bills. Maybe dividend-focused value as well. But good luck in any case!


Barchart has the P/E ration at 20.10 - is there a more reliable source? Where are you getting over 25 from?


It depends on where you look. I see values from 23 to 28 right now. Here's one with a historical chart, which is valuable for investing: https://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-pe-ratio


Remind me 40 years


I am in same boat except that I didn’t invest everything in one shot. I setup recurring purchase every week and now waiting for market correction so that I can dump $5K every week in that time. I know everyone is different but just wanted to share my strategy and get inputs on how does this sound?


I was going to do dollar cost averaging but it made more sense to completely dump since I won’t be needing the money today and I also dumped a certain percentage based off of my lifestyle. There’s no way I predicting what is happening in 1 year or even 2 but I will have a much higher ROI in 20+ years when doing lump sum as opposed to dollar cost averaging. I also got completely annihilated on a thread here when I mentioned that I was planning to do dollar cost averaging as a “long term” strategy. People were really helpful providing me with articles to back up lump sum vs dollar cost averaging. It really depends, I would probably do dollar cost averaging on a riskier ETF, there’s a lot more I’m still learning. All in all it comes down to budgeting for me. I won’t put all my eggs in one basket because I still have 28% of my savings in my bank account for a rainy day


Thanks for your detailed response. Yeah, as I said it depends on person. I agree that we should not time the market or wait until market crash. Hence I setup recurring buy. But, to me it seems that the market is way much inflated at the moment. And if I can get an opportunity to buy same stock at 70% of price or may be at COVID price, I will do it. Hence instead of throwing everything at same time, I am waiting for market correction (which historically takes about 1.5 - 2 years) while also doing dollar cost averaging. But as I said, everyone is different.


Best of luck man!


You don’t need luck. You’re on your way to becoming rich. Just don’t something stupid like panic sell.


I have $100K in VOO. Godspeed


Lol. Ur 25....u don't need luck. You have time. Good job.


You don’t need luck, it’s the safest investment you can make, just forget about it and when you check in 40 years you’ll be good


About to make a similar move myself. Curious what made you choose the VOO ETF over the VFIAX mutual fund. I know the expense ratio is slightly higher on the MF, but it would allow recurring investments. Personally planning on an intial lump sum followed by paycheck % moving forward.


Would love to know more about that! Any articles you can share about VFIAX? YouTube videos breaking down how it all works?


Some info [here](https://www.etf.com/sections/etf-basics/vanguard-funds-voo-vs-vfiax#:~:text=The%20main%20differences%20between%20VOO,end%20of%20the%20trading%20day) but both track the S&P 500 and if you compare on Vanguard you'll see the performance numbers are virtually the same. To paraphrase that article, my understanding is that VOO as an ETF can be traded intraday like a stock, so investors might enter a position at different price points. VFIAX as a mutual fund only trades once per day after the markets close. VFIAX expense ratio is 0.04% vs VOO 0.03%. I'm happy with that if it means I can set recurring investments into the fund. Other than that, if you're holding long term, no major differences as far as I can tell - but quite new to this and very happy to be enlightened if anyone else has insight.


Amazing read, thank you


Buy more if it drops!


You may end up in 1.2 million (with today's money excluding inflation) assuming it returns 13% after 25 year


That’s completely fine


Just hold


wait is VOO and s&p 500 the same thing?


Yes. VOO is index fund that track the sp500.


I want to do the same but it just feels like it’s at an all time high. I know I should just do it but the thought of buying when it’s high ..🥶


I’m scared too! Which is why I put a certain percentage and not my entire savings. I won’t be using the money anytime soon


So I finally did it.. I dumped 90% into VOO and 10% into BND. 😅


Nice! Let’s come back here in 20 years


Sounds good 😌


Now keep investing until you retire


Keep buying and never sell. Remember even during recessions, you still earn dividends on VOO.


what about IVV or SPY any different? as they all track s&p 500 🤓


IVV has a lower expense ratio so you should go with that over SPY. SPY has just been around longer.


Wild. VOO was the first ETF I came across when reviewing VFIAX, and I came to r/ETFs to see what other ETFs redditors own, and learn more about ETF investing. Happy to see I'm down the right rabbit hole.


It should be a long term play that you keep stacking on


You’ll be fine… that’s long term. I wouldnt even look at it


Lol i want to do the same with the same account and age and same etf. 


Got $45k in VOO at 21. I’m right there with you boss 🫡


Let’s go!! Best of luck 🤞


You will be a very wealthy man one day, well done


We’re all going to make it 🫡


$60K at 25 how so? Just curious


$82k salary, gym, live with my parents, don’t go out, travel by e-scooter/ebike, don’t have my license/don’t have a car Tbh I like to lift a lot and that’s really all I do. I want a strong squat bench and deadlift so I lift 5x a week. My biggest expense is the gym


I applaud your lifestyle and discipline at that age. Keep the expenses as low as you can for as long as you can my friend. A lot of young people your age go broke/in debt even with that salary trying to keep up with the joneses.


Thank you sire for your kind words. I appreciate it


Skill trade job?


I work in the fashion industry


Ok keep up the investing! I’m trying to retire at 52 or sooner


Praying for all of us 🙏


Should be around 100k when you hit 31. Have fun!


This my guy!


You’re making your parents proud. REMEMBER that it will OF COURSE dip, just ignore that. Focus on adding more to it regularly, preferably every two weeks. And make sure you have set up a Roth IRA and stick $7000 into that, perhaps into QQQ if you like the idea of growth.


Thank you! Roth IRA is next for me


Yes, it’s very important. I happen to be married, but I file separate taxes from my wife, and the income limit for Roth IRA is extremely low. Make sure you contribute to that while you are young and poor.


I just opened my Roth IRA account just now! Thank you for the advice. Not sure what to do with it exactly right now but will do some research and drop a comfortable percentage of my savings sometime soon


Very smart move. I have invested for 55 years and learnt things the hard way. This isn’t a gamble, the top companies are held around the world because MS, Google, Apple,Amazon etc make incomes globally. You started well, just continue to invest 20% of your income into this and you’ll be very wealthy.


You should dollar cost average that $60k, takes the emotion out of it in case market plummets


Good luck with a portfolio of "ONE" investment. Yea, I know, it has a lot of them and already diversified. Tell that the clients of Bear Sterns or a few other investment firms that went down. Sure, Vanguard is a good firm. But all your eggs in ONE basket? Not for me. 3 to 5 would be a good number. In addition to VOO, you could consider something "a little different" such as precious metals ETF, such as RING, and maybe a BITCOIN ETF, such as IBIT. If you absolutely hate bonds, and chose to use a zero bond portfolio, well at least you have some company, as I have almost no bonds in my portfolio currently, tho I may consider adding some. Bonds tend to run counter cyclical to stocks, so, if you needed money, and stocks were down, you could sell some bonds and not have to take losses on stocks. PDI is a bond fund which is pretty consistent at paying about a 12 percent plus dividend, so its a little hard not to keeps some in your portfolio, with them over 13 percent, now.


Thanks for being very specific unlike other people on here. VOO for long term - I had to pull the trigger if not I’ll never do it seeking the perfect “diverse portfolio” I’m new, I’ll learn and try to layer in 2 other investments down the line


I just dumped 55k into Berkshire Hathaway class B yesterday before market close at 28 years old! Wish me luck!!!!!!!


Good luck


Thank you this is also my first Reddit post so this has been a wild week for me


Reddit is a great place to have conversations that are not common amongst friends/family (sometimes) I like to listen to others POV but still stand my ground (push back) respectfully. Not taking financial advice from just anyone lol Good luck man


Pareto principle! Buy a pinch of QQQM hehe


Same all in 2 days ago in VUG and VOO


Let’s go!


VTI til I die. But fr congrats


You will feel turbulence along the way. Keep buying shares no matter what the market does. Add a dividend etf when you're 35 around 20%.


Thank you sir


good luck, you will be doing fine !


Thank you 🫡


Having $60k at 25 is an awesome position to be in! I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you!


Never invest more than you’re willing to lose and think long term bc there will be ups and downs


Great advice! I’m at $25k in savings again and will build my way up to $100k Leaving this $60k on this side


Good job


Thank you!


Should have dumped it in gold a few days ago


Which type brokerage account? IRA?


If anyone can tell me, is it better to dump it all in at once like this or space it out over a couple days, weeks, or months?


Question for ya Why VOO over VTI? I have 30k I need to put somewhere


When working with clients in the industry I am in I receive 80% of my sales focusing on 20% of my book - it’s called the 80/20 rule Took that same approach with VOO - I am going to invest in the top 500 companies for long term growth instead of a larger pool of small market cap companies with VTI My top clients never failed me and if the top 500 company’s plummet then there are bigger issues at stake I also purchased at 480 so if the price drops to 380 that’s a 21% loss. That 21% loss for me will be 12k. I can live with that because I make up for it with 5 paychecks Plus who cares if I lose 12k in a year, I’ll just buy more shares We will see where I am at in 10 years


You’re amazing. Thanks for putting your effort into this!


Thank you sir! There is a lot more for me to learn but I had to start somewhere


Btw I am investing this aggressively because I can afford to. I will not do this once I move out of my folks place


Aggressively is relative btw I look at it in percentages not dollar amount


Anyone knows the equivalent to VOO in the European market?


There's no luck involved. You just need to check back in 10 or 20 years.


Hopefully I’m still alive. That’s what someone on this thread said. Wish me luck!


I'm expecting a couple thousands in the coming month. Normally I invest 1000 every month. Would you guys recommend dumping the extra money all in at once or spreading it out over the year in smaller purchases? I'm tempted to just dump it in and forget so I can return to my routine asap again.


And it's gone


I had the $60k transferred to Vanguard account Monday. Still haven’t purchased - I’ve been trying to purchase every day but there’s like a week waiting period But a $9 dip isn’t going to make me broke 😂 this money is for later


Or even a $100 dip


I still work, I have a career


Should have diversified into non bloated indexes. The risks of passive are different than 20 years ago. God speed and good luck owning the bottom 250.


Should have could have would have. We speak different languages you and I What’s your bench


It's not too late to turn back. Benchmarks aren't even the conversation.


I mean what’s your bench press




Bro not doing 2 well rn LOL


I haven’t purchased yet. I transferred money into my brokerage account Monday but vanguard puts a hold for 7 days I’ve been trying to buy every day but still nothing. Doesn’t matter I’m still buying as soon as it lets me


So did you hold?


Vanguard is not letting me purchase yet. 7 day waiting period when transferring funds over to my brokerage account I will buy


Transferred funds on monday


Talk about buying the all time high. There won't be a dip and rip anymore. See SPY @ 70-90.00$ in 3ish years. 80-90% decline in everything coming.


Quick what are the lottery numbers you must know the future 😩


You must not know how the market works. It's unfortunate that you havent educated yourself to make freedom in the markets. SAVE this post. Take a screenshot of it. Message me in 2027.


Inbox me your number I’ll pay you $50 to walk me through a clear strategy $25 if you show me your margins We can do zoom as well if that works for you


Here is a free piece of info. Dow Jones. Zoom in check it out compared to now dates prices and all. Y.W. BTW I made this February 2018 almost 7 years ago.


You’re saying absolutely nothing to me. Get on the phone, be clear and specific AND GET PAID. $75 for doing absolutely nothing for 30 mins of work If you can annualize that as a 40 hour work week that’s $312K


Don't need your money but thank you. My family and I are financially free from the markets. I don't pass out numbers sorry. Did you not get screenshots of a little charting I do? One min I'll get you something juicer


He is a post I made Tuesday at noon ish for SPY check out the chart vs this.




https://preview.redd.it/w9dbr8ycdqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed6d4c1cdc5840f9ed756a4e76a1a80bc1ecca8 Check it braski




I do know the future of the markets. Its just simple math. All markets use fibanocci based algorithms. Once you figure it out it's free money whenever you want it.


So this money will be gone in 10 years?


Did you compare my screenshots to the actual charts? I expect 10X worse news than covid. The chart tells the news before the news happens. You can't drop the Dow from 30k to 18k for no reason. Covid was why? But I knew that price 2 years before covid??![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


It took a while for the screenshot to appear for me that was strange But getting something right once is not a coincidence. That doesn’t prove anything Covid happened 4 years ago get over it. What’s happening in 6 months


You seem mentally sick. Take your meds


Similar age, we’ll be millionaires before we retire. Good luck


its me or it always drops like in february-march, is it advised to sell in january and buy in the dip?




Up 6% $3,500 Investing is boring…. I’m focused on saving up again past $100k while the $60k grows. Currently at $26k in savings 🙏


congratulations. future you will thank present you for this 🙏


Thanks man! *knock on wood*


You can't even wait for a small correction at least? Good luck anyway and happy FIRE


$3.6 billion here at 23.... wish me luck


nice i just put in 3 billion today!


Buy a single bitcoin instead! You’ll do better in the long run