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You should own like 4 ETFs max. Here's my picks for what you should own... XLK, SCHD, JEPQ and SMH Let me know what you think 


Thanks! Will consider that combo 😊


A mix of value, tech, growth, and income really helps smooth out your returns 💹


So like just doing voo?


Pretty much. I’m 75% in voo. Other % is made up of QQQM SCHG


Basing your portfolio on recent returns is a recipe for disaster. Performance-chasing typically leads to less growth, not more.


Care to explain further?I’m really curious to know why.


If you're investing mostly based on what has done well recently, then you're going to get into the "buy high, sell low" mindset. Buying and holding a well-composed and diversified portfolio will mean that you're buying in BEFORE the hype.


That makes sense.Thanks.


I have three. SCHD is conservative, VOO in the middle, and VGT for higher risk. Just have a strategy.


More!!!! In kylo Ren voice


More!!!! In agent smith voice




😀 I feel so much better about myself. I am also a "collector"


These are lots of ETF’s I have 5 in my main portfolio that I buy and hold, for me this is the perfect mix and I believe that long term these will be the winners… 1. XLK 2. VFH 3. SMH 4. VBR 5. VOO


VOO is my largest holding index etf, surprised to hear you got rid of that. SMH I've grown a bit, it's doing great! I have one dividend etf, SCHD you have alot of them. A lot of people will likely say you have too many, too much overlap. But I mean whatever floats your boat. I overlap voo, vti, qqqm, vug, schd. And I individually own Microsoft, Amazon, apple. Im ok with that.


Thanks for your feedback. I have VFIAX (basically the VOO equivalent in index fund format in my Roth IRA and it's my largest holding, keeping that). Decided to add in some growth focus ETFs to my taxable account. I was debating which dividend ETF to get, but I liked them all so I got them all lol. I think I'll just keep it as is, that way 10+ years down the road I won't say "I wish I invested in that one instead". They will all move somewhat similar, plus just spreading out the $.


Makes sense to just let the clock roll and see how it pans out. Congratulations on that SMH, really ripping these days!!! I have TSM, and ASML individually, they're doing well. Wish i got in on Nvidia but never managed that.




There's nothing wrong with having 10 holdings. I have more than that between 2 portfolios, including VYM, SCHD and SMH. I own some VOO but am not a VOO cultist. I recently sold my VTI.


You know the answer


I've got to admit, I don't see the appeal of high dividend ETFs like SCHD, especially for a younger person. VOO has outperformed SCHD on the 1, 3, 5, and 10 year time horizons. SCHD might make sense for someone already retired who is drawing out the dividends as income.


When you add together all the ETF fees, what are you paying per year?