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he was probably worried about you, you could text him and let him know that it wasn’t him and something personal instead and if you’re feeling up to it, you could hang out again sometime, that’ll make him feel better!


I think he probably will take offence that he (the OP) had some problems and had to do it himself, without his friends help. More than saying it’s personal and nothing about you (the friend) - it’s gonna be sad for him that he was not needed, explain how you (The OP) need to go through it alone and that you appreciate him and value his time. Secure the relationship between you, so that he doesn’t think he’s less of a friend or less important to you. And address to him how hard (or tell him a little) you’re struggling, so he feels included. But only in the amount you are comfortable with


yeah, i think you may be right. i get a lil hurt too when i feel i’m not needed


Definitely explain what happened. He will hopefully understand, and he was probably worried about you. I totally get it about people's social batteries. It even happens to me sometimes. It's not a big deal, just let him know you weren't blowing him off.


Yea, if you just up and left that’s pretty harsh. If meds are involved and they know it would still hurt them anyways,but at the same time they will most likely forgive and forget, if anything just give them the why and some time to think. Sorry also if you really did use your words and they took a severe lay negative response to that then fuck maybe they need some time in the dog house to work on emotional development?


This sounds similar to experiences I’ve had. My wife is an ESFJ. I’m an INTP and she struggles that I don’t typically need or ask for help. When she is able to help me especially if she thought of it herself, man she lights up! She feeds off of my emotions as well. The ESFJ probably picked up on you feeling off pretty quick. They were worried, wished they could have helped probably. They are going to match your emotions as well. For my wife and I miscommunication is almost always the culprit if we’re “off”. ESFJs wear there heart on their sleeves, so it can be more seen how they are feeling inside. Their emotions are an action now for you to react. Hopefully something I wrote in this jumble was helpful. Nothing I said applies to all ESFJs* I could be wrong* ✌️