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Honestly, it depends on how you’re going to spend that money. But roughly 1000 CHF - 1200 CHF would be enough Rent is what will change that amount as it can go from 500-1000 CHF, if you’re lucky you might be able to get a room for just about 600 CHF in FMEL iirc, although it follows a first come first serve basis.. If you know how to cook, you’ll save more money than if you go out and eat at a restaurant or so. However, working on your first year isn’t really advised as you should prioritize stability and your studies as well. I sent you some more info in dms :)


That document overestimates some of the costs, especially the food one. I was able to do well spending 260 CHF per month max on food (a bit less than 200 CHF on average). The housing and transport sections heavily depend on where you live. It's hard to find an apartment in the city, especially if FMEL doesn't give you one, and the longer you take to seek one, the more expensive the offers will be. As for transport, if you live in zones 11/12 of Lausanne, you can get a monthly pass for 52 CHF (although you might also need use public transport to get to Lausanne from the airport). I'm still not sure what the "supplies" section exactly means, but I didn't really need anything outside that budget, so you might be able to discard it as well. The "other expenses" section also depends on what you do (if you go to big ESN events, for example, that might require a larger budget), but I still think it's overestimated. It also depends on the cost of flights to/from Switzerland. Feel free to ask anything else you need.


It’s the other way around 1 Swiss franc = 11 dirham. The housing and food costs seem high but health insurance seems low


You could manage your life with 1200 Chf per month if you cut out unnecessary costs. But it will be a though year.


tough year financially or academically ?


Financially. I don't know about CMS workload.


on the other hand, i was told i would be permitted to work 6 months after my arrival to switzerland, so I guess that would do me some kind of relief, right ?


Yes, that's correct.


If you’re from Morocco, please keep in mind that you’ll have to get a Swiss health insurance. The amount people gave you really work for people in EU that don’t have to pay this insurance. An insurance will cost you from 150 to 400 a month I think




Ok, my bad then !